Better off as Lovers

It's the Wrongs that make The Words come to Life


There was a knock on the door. Brendon opened it.
“Hey Pete what’s up?” Pete opened the TV and put on MTV. There was this girl on TV saying that Brendon, Pete, and Ryan were drunk.
“Oh my god there wasn’t even any beer!” Brendon said.
“If you wanna call coke a kinda beer that’s a different story” Ryan said.
“These people really needa stop making up lies!” Pete said. Brianna walked into the living room.
“Hey guys, what’s up?”
“Did you know me, Brendon, and Pete were drunk yesterday at the party?”
“No not really! MTV said that we were drunk and partying all night!”
“That’s horrible.”

“We should sue!” Jon said.
“Yeah I know” Spencer said.
“Don’t worry guys we all know that’s not true” Sopheap said.
“Well did you know in a Teen magazine they said Brendon and Ryan bought you two online?” “What!?!” Sopheap and Brianna said.
“Don’t worry we all know it’s not true” Pete said.
“Peter! You just said that so you could say what I just said to you” Sopheap said.
“Was it really in a magazine?” Brianna said.
“No I just made that up” Pete smiled.
“Pete!” Brianna gave him a little push.
“If people are stupid enough to believe them then it’s their lost” Sopheap said.
“True, well me and the boys are gonna be leaving today” Pete said.
“Bye man” Jon said. Pete said bye to all the guys and gave Brianna hug good bye.
“Every time in the mirror you’ll think of me right?” Sopheap said.
“How could I forget the girl that made me do girly stuff?” He gave Sopheap and hug.
“Bye hope to see you guys again” Pete walked out the door.

Brendon turned the TV off. Brianna and Ryan stayed in the hotel the whole day and spent their time together because the next day they would have to go home. Sopheap and Brendon did too.
“So Spencer you never told me who that someone new was” Jon said.
“Follow me” Spencer and Jon went to the elevator down to the first floor.
“Her” He pointed to the lady at the desk.
“Who’s that?”
“I think her name is Lily”
“Really, how come out of know where you like a girl that works here?”
“I don’t know I just saw her and was like wow”
“cool so go talk to her”
“Yeah right”
“Fine I’ll go talk to her”
“NO!” Spencer tried to pull him back but Jon kept going.
“Hi my name is Jon”
“Hi I’m Lily”
“How are you today?” Jon said.
“I’m good you”
“Fine hey do you wanna meet a real good friend of mine?”
“Sure” Jon went to get Spencer.
“This is Spencer”
“Hi nice to meet you”
“Well I’ll go let you two talk I gotta go” Jon left them alone.

I am a genius. I went into the hotel room. Finally I go to watch the O.C. with out Spencer yelling because Summer keeps avoiding calls from Seth. I wonder what’s gonna happen with Spencer and that Lily girl. She is pretty cute but I’ll let Spencer have her.

“Hi Spencer”
“Hey” Spencer said. There was a moment of silence.
“So do you wanna go out sometime?” Spencer said.
“Sure I’d love to”
“Great here’s my number” He wrote his number on a piece of paper.
“Ok, bye” Spencer went back to the hotel room.
“She said yes?” Jon said.
“Yep I’m taking her out on Friday!”
“What season are you watching?” Spencer asked.
“Season 4”
“Here we go again” Jon rolled his eyes.

Lily really liked Spencer. She didn’t know he was an international superstar though. Spencer never tells a girl he’s an international super star because he knows girls would act different to him. Lily lived in Vegas too and was attending college to be a lawyer.