Better off as Lovers

I wrote a goodbye note


“Thanks for all the help” Kendra said. She and Jon got back into the hotel room.
“No problem, where’s the rest of the crew?” Kendra looked around.
“She walked into where Spencer and Sarah were, they were making out.
“Sorry!” and the shut the door.
“Now what do we do?” Jon said looking at her.
“Hey maybe they’re downstairs or something. Jon and Kendra walked downstairs and finally found them. “There you are” Jon said pointing at them.
“Oh hi” Brendon said waving to them.
“You guys are too cute!” Kendra said.
“Oh god Kendra! It’s not like you don’t do anything with Tyler!” Sopheap said. Kendra blushed.

Tyler? Her boyfriend Tyler? I knew it was too good to be true, when I actually find a girl that I like she’s taken.
“We’re gonna get out anyways!” Sopheap said.
“Ok” I said. Kendra and I waited for them outside. At least Spencer and Sarah are doing well. Love sucks… Hmm…

Kendra dialed Tyler’s number to call him and see what’s up.
“Hey Hun how ya doing?”
“Nothing just being bored as usual. I’m stuck at home”
“I miss you!”
“I miss you too, well I Got to go”
“Kay bye!” And she hung up. Kendra didn’t know that Tyler was this girl Elizabeth. Kendra’s phone started ringing.
“Hi Kendra this is Heather! Oh my god! I Have to tell you something really really important”
“What? What?”
“Tyler got back with Elizabeth!”
“No way!”
“Uh huh, I have a video he only lives next door to me ya know! They’ve been making out since like forever!” “Well send it too me!”
“Okay I’m gonna hang up Kay byes!”
“Bye and thanks” She hung up. Her phone rang and it said new video. She watched the video. Tears were falling down on her cheeks.

Sopheap saw her crying.
“What’s wrong?!”
“Nothing it’s just Tyler”
“Let’s go up stairs and talk about it”
“Kay” Sopheap, Brianna, and Kendra went up to the room.
“Kay, so what happened?” Brianna said.
“Well I called Tyler then Heather called me and told me Tyler got back with Elizabeth”
“How do you know for sure” Sopheap said.
“Look” Kendra showed them the video.
“That bastard! How could he!” Sopheap gave Kendra a hug. Sarah walked in the room, Sopheap and Brianna explained everything to her. Sarah gave Kendra a hug.
“Hey at least you have Jon!” Brianna said.
“He really likes you, you should give him a chance”
“He really is nice but I think I needa get over Tyler first.”
“Yeah you should” And Brianna gave Kendra a hug.

“Hey why was Kendra crying earlier?” Jon asked Ryan.
“I dunno I think it’s boy troubles.”
“Really? How could anyone hurt her like that she’s so nice!”
“Yeah well this world’s not nice” Ryan said. Jon really ked Kendra but what could he do? Kendra felt much better.
“Thanks guys I love you guys!” Kendra said.
“We’ll be here with you anytime” They went to the living where the boys were. They finished watching the rest of season two and Kendra fell asleep in Jon’s arms.