Status: Active



This is something I thought would only happen in the movies. I’m sure everyone thought that. People are quick to joke about what would happen if a meteor hit earth or if earthquakes started happening all over the world. Sometimes, you even hear theories on alien invasions or zombie apocalypses, but those kinds of topics are never taken seriously. It’s usually just small talk between a few kids with wild imaginations. Truth is, humans don’t want to hear any of it. The ideas are purely fictional and used to entertain, in what we know as books and movies. No one wants to think about how chaotic things would be if any of those events were to actually happen. People may not admit it but the thought scares them, and if there is one thing humans are not good at, it’s definitely dealing with fear. So, what do we do when we want to mask our fears? We ignore them. We act like it’s not a big deal, like whatever the situation is could never happen. But what if we’re wrong? What if it did happen? Would we be ready? Of course, we wouldn’t. Just say you walked out of your home one afternoon to check the mail and you looked across the street to see your neighbor dead and some thing that looks like a human eating it. What would you do? Who knows? It’s impossible to be ready for something like that.

Well, that’s what I saw one day, and you know what? It scared the shit out of me. I’m sure you can imagine the looks I got from my parents when I told them what I saw. My mom basically told me that I was crazy, that is, until she watched the news. It was happening everywhere. America, Argentina, Italy, Japan, you name it. They said it was a virus. No one knew what it was or where it came from. All the government told us was to stay inside for as long as possible until help arrived. Oh yeah, and to not let them, the them being called ‘The Infected’, bite us. Seems easy enough, right? Well, it’s not so easy when you start running out of food. Or when you wait patiently for days for help to come and they never show up. Or when ‘The Infected’ starts raiding houses in your neighborhood. It’s definitely not easy when you have to fight ‘The Infected’ and lose your parents, best friend, and neighbors in the process. That was the day my life changed. That was the day we left our home in Austin, Texas to head to San Diego, California, where there was ‘supposedly’ a safe army base for people to take refuge.

I have no idea if this is true. I, personally, don’t believe it. The government said they’d help us and they didn’t so why should I believe them now? But regardless of what I think, my brothers believe it and they are all I have now. It is my responsibility to take care of them, including my brother’s best friend. I have to keep them safe, alive. I promised my parents and I promised Woodie’s parents. I can’t let them down. I won’t. I don’t care that its us five against who knows how many. I don’t care that we’re outnumbered. I’m not going down without one hell of a fight. I’ll show these fuckers who’s boss.
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New story.
I don't know where the idea for a zombie story came from but I went with it.
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