Status: Active



Charlotte sat in the back of the van, wiping at the stream of tears falling from her eyes. The van was completely silent and the four of them sat in darkness.

“Charlie…” Austin said quietly.

She didn’t reply which made Kennedy and Tanner sigh.

“Charlie, come on. Stop crying.” Austin tried again.

Charlotte immediately sat up and turned on the light in the back of the van.

“Am I the only one who understands what happened a few hours ago?” Charlotte said, seriously.

She was met with silence.

“Do you guys realize what the fuck just happened?” She said, her voice rising every second.

“Yeah, we do.” Austin said.

“I’m not sure you do, Austin because if you did, you would understand why I’m crying. You would understand how big of a deal it is that we lost Toby. All of you are acting like it didn’t happen.” Charlotte spoke with anger.

“We know it’s a big deal Charlie.” Tanner began.

“Oh, don’t you even talk to me, Tanner. This is all your fault.” Charlotte said, quickly.

Tanner flinched at Charlotte’s tone and shrunk back into his seat. Austin looked on in shock as Kennedy leaned forward.

“CJ, stop.” Kennedy said, jumping in the conversation.

“No. It was Tanner’s job to watch Toby and he couldn’t even do that.”

“Charlotte, that’s enough.” Austin said loudly.

Austin immediately opened the van door, closing it roughly before walking to the back of the van and opening the door.

“Get out.” He said.

“No, I-“ Charlotte started, before she felt his hand grabbing her arm and pull her roughly out of the van, closing the door behind them. He pushed her away from the van before speaking.

“What the fuck is wrong with you?” Austin said, his jaw tight.

“Let go of me.” Charlotte said, trying to pull her arm from his grip.

“Tell me what your problem is first. Do you realize what you just said, Charlotte? You know how much Tanner loves Toby and you just blamed him for losing him and possibly being the reason he’s dead.” Austin said.

“You think…”

“That’s not the point Charlie. No, I don’t think Toby is dead but I’m just saying. What you just said to Tanner was wrong. Did you see his face…when you said it was his fault?” Austin said, softly.

Charlotte sighed and looked to the ground. “I didn’t mean to say that. I was just…Toby is gone, Austin. We have no idea where he is. He is all alone or even…”

“He’s not dead. Alright?” Austin said bringing Charlotte into a hug. “You can’t think like that.”

Charlotte wrapped her arms around her brother tightly and pushed her face into his neck, crying softly.

“Everything is going to be okay, sis. I know Toby is safe. I can feel it. We can’t lose faith though.” Austin said, rubbing her back.

“I know.”

“Let’s just go back to the van and call the cell phone. It should still be in his pocket. Maybe he’ll answer.”

Charlotte pulled away and nodded. “You do that. Can you send Tanner out here?”

Austin smiled and kissed her forehead before walking back to van. Charlotte watched as he climbed in the back and Tanner stepped out of the side door. Tanner closed the door and slowly walked over to Charlotte. He stood silently next to her looking down at the ground. Charlotte looked over at her young friend to see him avoiding her stare. She sighed loudly before grabbing Tanner and pulling him into a tight hug. Tanner stood there frozen for a few seconds before wrapping his arms around her as well.

“I’m so sorry Woodie. I really am. I didn’t mean what I said at all. I was just really upset.” Charlotte said.

“I didn’t mean to lose him Charlie. There were just so many zombies. I…I didn’t know what to do.” Tanner mumbled into her shoulder.

“It’s okay, Woodie.”

“I love Toby. W-what if…what is he’s-“ Tanner began.

“He’s not dead. He’s not…and I know you love him, Woodie. I’m sorry for what I said. Do you forgive me?” Charlotte said, with a small smile.

“Of course I do.” Tanner said with a small smile. “So what are we going to do?”

Charlotte sighed and shrugged her shoulders. “I don’t-“

“Charlie! Woodie! Come quick! Austin knows where Toby is!”


All of Bring Me the Horizon, along with Tom, sat on the couches staring at Matt. Matt looked down at the exhausted little boy and held him closer once he saw him shaking and holding him tight even in his sleep. The young boy hadn’t let go of him since they got on the bus.

“So…” Tom said softly, as he pointed to the kid.

“I was walkin’ down the alley and I found ‘im all alone. Said someone’s name but no one was around.” Matt explained.

“Well….” Jona started.

“I wasn’t gonna leave ‘im. He was scared.”

“I know that but what if someone is looking for him?” Jona said.

“They did a bad job of keepin’ up with ‘im.” Oli said.

“None of us know what ‘appened. We can’t assume the lad was left.” Lee said, looking over at the boy.

“Looks like you ‘ave another to look after now, Mattie. Kid seems attached to yeh.” Vegan said.

Matt simply shrugged as the room fell silent again. A loud ringing noise made Matt jump and the rest of the boys look up. He felt a vibration coming from the young boy’s pocket, and quickly pulled out a cell phone.

“Vegan, answer it for meh, mate.” Matt said, still holding the boy.

“ ‘Ello?” Vegan said.

Everyone watched Vegan silently as he held a conversation with someone on the phone.

“Names Matt. Wha’s yours.....Yeh we ‘ave ‘im… an alley behind a hotel…..should be…..yeh’re there now?.....we should be passin’ it soon……alrigh’ see yeh then.”

Vegan hung up the phone and looked at Matt. “Tha’ was the brother.”

“Where are they?” Lee asked.

“Said they’re at a gas station that we should be comin’ up on soon.” Vegan answered, standing up. “I’ll go tell Davie.”

“I’m goin’ to put ‘im in meh bunk.” Matt said standing up.

Matt walked slowly to the back of the bus, careful not to wake the small boy in his arms. When he got to his bunk he pulled open the curtain and pulled the boy away from him and attempted to lay him on the bed. Matt looked up when he heard a scared voice speak out.

“No!” The young boy said, grabbing on to Matt’s arm.

“It’s okay little one. Yeh’re safe.” Matt said, rubbing his arms.

“I want sissy.”

“Yeh will see yeh sister soon.” Matt said, patting his head softly.

“Promise?” the boy said looking up at Matt with sad eyes.

“I promise little one. Yeh should sleep.”

The boy fell back and pulled up the blanket. Matt began to close the curtain when he stopped and looked down at the kid. “My name is Matt. Wha’ is yours?”

“Toby Johnson….and I’m four years old.” Toby said holding up four fingers.

“Oh yeah?” Matt said smiling.

Toby nodded and then spoke, “How old are you?”

“Can yeh guess?” Matt said leaning forward.

Toby grabbed his chin and made a thoughtful face that made Matt chuckle.


“Ah, not quite. Twenty-four.” Matt said.

“I was close!” Toby said, giggling.

“Yeh were.” Matt said smiling. “But why don’t yeh take a nap and when yeh wake up yeh can see yeh sister.”

“Okay. You will be here too?” Toby said

“I’ll be right ‘ere.”

Toby nodded and then turned over to face the wall. Matt closed the curtain and turned to walk back out to the front lounge when he noticed Oli.

“Kid likes yeh.” Oli said leaning against the wall.

“I guess.” Matt said shrugging.

“I jus’ wan’ to give him back and be on our way. We don’t need anymore drama.”

Matt sighed and walked closer to his friend before resting his hand on his shoulder.

“Honestly Oli, the drama is only beginning mate.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for the long wait. I hope you guys like this update.