Letters To Someone

My Somebody

Dear N,

How is it that you can be so close to me in such a short amount of time? How is it even possible that I have all these feelings in my chest whenever I talk to you? I don't even know, and I don't know if I ever will, but I truthfully like it and never want these feelings to go away.

I've never felt like this around anyone before. I'm protective of you, I can get jealous, I can get lonely, but I also feel loved. Never ever have I been angry at you, but I have been sad and I have cried because of you. That doesn't mean that I don't love and cherish each and every moment we have spent together, because I do, so much.

I love how everyday, I sneakily check my Mibba while I am at work to see if you have messaged me. I pout and get sad when I have nothing, but when I see that Inbox (1) and it is from you, I feel giddy and want to do a dance. I don't think I've ever been that excited to see messages before.

Thank you for letting me help you with your problems. It makes me happy when you tell me that I help you feel better, than you can feel so down or angry at one point, but when I am there, you smile. My heart fills with joy and I am just happy all around. If I could, I would reach over and wipe your tears away when you cry. You need to always be happy, never anything but that.

You make me want to change myself for the better. You show me that I have so much potential, and you believe that I really can be that girl that I want to be, even if I don't believe it myself. Every time I hear "I love you" it only helps me more.

I never ever want to let you go. I always want you to be mine, you know? I'm a selfish person by heart, always have been, and it doesn't seem right to let anyone else but me have you, but I can't limit you to that. I will support whoever you want all the way, and I can only hope that you find that special person who loves you just as much as I love you. Because you can't pass what I feel for you.

I love you

Sincerely, Asher