Status: :D

With All Our Hope

Hope: /hōp/
Verb: Want something to happen or be the case
Noun: A feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen.

Vampires have overrun the earth. Horribly ugly, strong, and fast creatures with a longing for blood. While vampires start to outnumber humans, people have started to give up hope. The vampires have recently started to get clever, taking humans while their at their weakest. Hope Andrews is the most recent victim.

Blake Andrews, a socially awkward young adult, stands no chance against vampires. With average intelligence, he has no real strong points. He's always been the outsider. Though when his younger sister, Hope Andrews, is kidnapped by a vampire, he decides to stand up and save her.

Jane Elliott, a mystery to everyone, is a fighter. Though soft spoken, she has an unnatural cling to life. But when she's bitten, she might not be able to cling on much longer.....
ALL of the characters, story line, and all the other stuff belongs to us. :D No stealers.

Augustana: Blake's pov

splatterpaint: Jane's pov

Plant Stumbler: Vampire's pov/ Hope's pov
  1. Prolouge