Status: Coming Soon!

I Don't Know You


The man stared at me, and I had to force myself to reach out and shake his hand. Of course he was a Bruin. And I had just said I covered all Bruins events. I began to panic inwardly. It took me two seconds before I realized I hadn't introduced myself.

"Kaylie," I replied awkwardly.

I glanced over my shoulder as silence filled the air. I was about to excuse myself when the man spoke again.

"Just finished my interview about an event coming up with Jennifer, then had to backtrack to use the bathroom," the man laughed. I assumed he felt the need to explain himself.

I nodded. "The charity event this Saturday?" I had heard about it on TV. But as soon as the words left my mouth and the man's eyes lit up, I mentally cursed myself.

"Are you going to be there? You said you cover all the Bruins events, right?"

"Um, I..." I felt myself become lightheaded. What was I supposed to say? "Yeah, I'll be there."

The man smiled and took a few steps backwards in the direction of the elevator. "I'll see you there, then."

I nodded weakly, attempting to smile back. When he turned his back to me, I quickly ran for the bathroom myself.


I had thought my possibilities over all night and all morning, my mind spinning with thoughts of how stupid I had been.

Two things could happen if I didn't go to the event. One, Milan would ask about me, I'd be humiliated, and so would he. Two, Milan wouldn't care and I would continue my life the way it was, praying he would never show up at the office and I would never see him again.

I preferred the second one.

There wasn't really any way I could get into the event, either. And so I was staying put. Even if I managed to find a way, going to the event was not a good idea. No matter how excited Milan had seemed when I had said I was going. I wouldn't go, he'd forget me, and I could move past this.

I forced a smile as a few people passed me by while I pushed the cart around the floors. I reached Jennifer's office, inwardly sighing when I realized I wouldn't be so lucky as not to see her today. She looked up as I knocked on the door, a smile immediately appearing on her face.

"Kaylie!" she beamed. "I've been looking for you."

My eyes widened questioningly. "Oh? Well, uh, here I am." I held my arms out on both sides of me.

Jennifer stood up in her chair, grabbing something off her desk. She held out her hand. "You, me, Bruins charity event Saturday."

I stared at her. A thousand things flew through my head, but none reached my mouth. "Um..."

"Come on," the woman in front of me pouted. "My boyfriend hates these things, and we need to have a girls' night! I mean, I'll have to do interviews and stuff but it will be fun! Maybe you can find a hot hockey player." She winked, and my thoughts drifted to Milan. "And don't you love hockey?"

I offered her an awkward smile, looking down at the press pass in her hand. Everything I had thought through so well in the past two days was thrown out the window as I said, "Okay."

Jennifer squealed, clapping her hands together excitedly. "Great! I'll pick you up at 7:00. I'm just gonna need your address..." I felt my throat catch. She began to look around for a piece of paper, but I stopped her.

"Um-" I tried to think of an excuse so that she didn't have to come anywhere near my house or neighborhood. "I don't have a dress," was the first thing I came up with. "Could I maybe..."

Jennifer's eyes lit up. "Oh, of course! I'll give you my address, and you can come over before! That way we can carpool and save gas, too!" She reached over to give me a hug, and I reluctantly squeezed her back. We pulled apart.
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Short but important, desolée...