Blood Stained Fingertips

Because I Met him.

I cannot start at the end for I do not know the future.

But I can start at the beginning because I know the tale quite well.

My alarm clock beeped loud next to my ear. I groaned and slapped my hand against the snooze button.

I opened my eyes slowly and looked at the time. 8:20. "Shit! I'm late!" I quickly threw the covers off body.

The cold air caressed my body, sending chills down my spine.

I ran into my bathroom and turned on the shower, turning it up to burning degrees.

I brushed my teeth fast and stripped naked. I hoped into the shower, warming my body.

I washed quickly and made sure to wash my hair. I shut the water off and got out the shower, steam leaking out.

I walked into the room just as my door opened and my mother walked in, fully dressed in her business attire.

"Kiaonna what the hell are you taking so long for?!" She screamed. Her mood was bad, like usual.

"Woke up late." I mumbled.

"Well hurry up, I have to drive you to school and unlike you I don't want to be late."

I rolled my eyes.

"Sure mom."

She walked out the room slamming the door behind her. I threw on some black skinnies, a purple undershirt, my black high tops, and my black cardigan.

I went back into the bathroom and put on some black eyeliner and clear lip gloss. I tried combing through my hair, but it was a lost cause.

It was too curly and puffy to even flat iron. I sighed and grabbed my book bag. leaving my room preparing myself for another sucky day at high school.


" Have a nice day Kiaonna." My mom yelled through her window. No goodbye kiss, not even a goodbye hug."

She dropped me off at the curb and sped away. I shook my head and walked up the steps of Manieor High school.

I walked right into the office. "Good morning. Um can I get a late pass?"

"Sure." The sectary said. She quickly jotted down something.

"Write your name and then you can go." Her eyes shot behind me and she gasped.

I whipped my head around, and in front of me stood maybe the most gorgeous thing I have ever seen.

He had on black pants, with black boots, many chains sliding around his waist, a white shirt, that clearly underneath you could see he was built, a black leather jacket, and a single white gold bracelet on his wrist.

My eyes traveled upward landing on his plump lips, straight nose, wavy raven black hair and his piercing green eyes, that were looking at me.

I blushed and quickly turned away. He walked up to the sectary. She curled her hair around her finger.

Yup, she was definitely a slutbag. "Hey."

She giggled. I mean GIGGLED, I mean are you kidding me?!

"How can I help you?" She asked at least trying to be seductive. I rolled my eyes.

"The principle said to call down a student to show me my classes all day." his voice was deep and too sexy for my well being.

"Oh of course." Both heads turned to me. My eyes widened. Damn it! I should have just went to class.

He looked me up and down, taking in every inch of my shapely body. He smirked.

"How 'bout her?"

She shot me a glare.

"Well she could assist you, or I could." She purred in his ear.

"No, no. You should stay here. I'll use her." He smiled, and I would've sworn it was evil.


We walked quietly down the dead silent hallway. His elbow bumped with mine. We were too close for at least my comfort.


I jumped. His voice startled me. "What?" My throat tighted.

"Roran. Its my name. And yours is my love?"

I rubbed my arm nervously, "Kiaonna."

"Hmph. I like it."

His eyes captured mine. Piercing green staring into pale Grey. It looked as if he could see into my very soul.

And I couldn't tear my gaze away. He smiled and suddenly looked away. It was like a spell broken.

"You know your so beautiful, Love. And your smell is just ravishing. I'd love to have a try some day."

He winked at me. A full blown blush appeared on my face. I wasn't stupid, I knew he meant sex.

We continued to walk. Elbows bumping. A smile on my face.

And at that moment, only if I looked closer I could see the tiny little fang popping out the sides of his mouth.

If only I really thought about what he meant by tasting, I would have never wanted to know Roran so bad.

If only I woke up early, got to school on time, and went to class, i would have never found out his deadly secret.

But who am I kidding its because I'm Kiaonna. Its because I'm so goddamn nosy. Its because I was so lonely. Its because I met him.
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New story. Give it a try please.