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You Were My Everything


Dear Jimmy,

I wanted to write you this letter in hopes you can actually hear these words. I want you to know how much I miss you, loved you, and will always care for you.

You were found dead nearly two years ago. Your memorial service was held a couple days later. I did not attend, as you may already know.

I want you to know why because I can't have you thinking I do not care about you like everyone else thinks. You, of all people, should know that is not true.

So, I'll start from the beginning.

Do you remember the day we met? I do. I remember it like it was yesterday, even though it was over 15 years ago. It was the first day of sophomore year. The sun was shining, birds chirping, an all-around beautiful morning in southern California...

The alarm clock on my nightstand blared loudly in my right ear. My hand smashed the top of it and I slowly opened my eyes.

6:15, the clock read in bright red numbers. I groaned loudly, which echoed throughout my small room and made it seem louder than it actually was. I rolled over, stretched slightly, and swung my legs over the bedside.

I rubbed my eyes tiredly and yawned while slowly raising to my feet. I walked as slow as I could to my bathroom and leaned over the side of the bathtub and turned the water on. I took my morning pee, grabbed a towel, undressed, and got in the shower.

I awoke like I did every morning, not knowing this would be the day to change my life forever. How was I to know I would lay my eyes on a tall boy with blue eyes? And how was I to know this certain boy would be my soul-mate?
♠ ♠ ♠
Do you like? It gets better, trust me. This story is finished, but being posted ONE chapter at a time. However, I will NOT post the next chapter until at LEAST 5 DIFFERENT people send me a comment telling me what they think. I know, it's a little harsh, but I LOVE feedback. :)
Oh, and please, don't subscribe without sending me a comment first. I like to know who likes the story. Thank you!!! :)