Status: Updating frequently. :)



When we got to the mall, after many minor accidents, he chained his bike to a bike rack outside and we walked it. He led me to the food court and I followed him up to a table with three guys. They all looked like Oliver. Hipsters. I had nothing against them at all, I thought it was cute.

“Hey guys, this is Tyler, the girl I told you about. Tyler, this is Adam,” Tall, lanky, blond hair and blue eyes. “Richard, or Rich,” Average, unnatural red hair and brown eyes. “And Tommy, my brother,” I could tell, they looked alike.

“We thought he was lying when he said you were a girl,” Rich admitted. I laughed.

“Yeah, it happens a lot.” I shrugged. Oliver pulled up a spare chair from another table and sat down. I took a seat on the chair that was already there next to Adam.

“So how did you guys meet?” Adam asked.

“She was sitting in front of Frank’s door and I showed up and she was locked out, so I let her in until someone came home,” Oliver summed it up.

“So your friends with Frank?” Tommy asked.

“More so with Gerard than any of them. We actually went to school together,” I added, still shaken up by that.

“Really? You said-”

“I know, but I just found out about an hour ago. I didn’t know. He was the loner kid, and I was popular,” I claimed. Oliver nodded.

“So you didn’t realize it was him?” Adam asked.

“I didn’t even know he existed in high school. I was really conceded and clueless back then,” I chuckled.

“So why are you living with them then?” Rich asked, I could tell that they were all confused.

“I was on the streets and Gerard found me,” I decided to leave out that Frank was there. I could tell that there was some bad history with them. We dropped the subject a few minutes later and they decided we should go see a movie, so we went to the theatre that was near the food court.

“Super 8,” Rich said.

“Green Hornet,” Tommy whined.

“No, no, no. Thor,” Oliver cut in.

“Super 8,” Rich said again.

“No, Green-”

“I want to see X-Men,” I said. They all looked at me and gave me a weird look.

“Really or are you just trying to get them to shut up?” Adam asked me.

“Both,” I laughed.

“Okay, we’ll see X-Men then,” Oliver said and started up to the ticket booth. Rich and Tommy followed but Adam pulled me behind.

“He really likes you. He usually doesn’t act like this,” he whispered.

“What do you mean?”

“Well, he’s usually not as persuasive, and he’s not this happy. Ever since the thing with Frank, he’s been a little down. I wouldn’t really call it depressed,” he told me.

“What did happen with him and Frank?” I asked.

“Frank fell for Gerard,” he grunted as Oliver walked back to us.

“Coming?” he asked with a smile. I smiled back and nodded. I walked over to him and we went in. “Do you want popcorn?”

“No, I don’t like popcorn,” I replied.

“Okay. Do you want anything else?” he asked.

“No, I’m fine. Thank you though.”

“Yeah,” he said and he bought himself a pop. I felt bad for Oliver. It seemed like he still wasn’t over Frank, and me being friends with Frank probably wasn’t helping that case. We got into the theatre and took our seats. I was sat between Oliver and Rich. Rich liked to talk in the middle of the movie, giving his opinion in a low whisper. It was easy to ignore, but it got annoying after a while.

After the movie was over and we left, Tommy suggested going and getting an early dinner. I was in because the only thing I had eaten was toast and some of Oliver’s drink. Adam suggested Applebee’s. I got back on Oliver’s bike and we all biked down the road to the nearest restaurant. I thought it was funny that none of them owned a car.

After our meal, Oliver and I left. I gave the guy’s hugs and promised I’d see them again, but I didn’t know if that was going to be able to happen or not. Oliver stopped riding when we were a block away and he said he wanted to push it so we could talk.

“So did you like my friends, and brother?” he asked.

“Yeah, they’re cool,” I told him. He smiled and we continued walking. “So, sorry if this is too personal, but are you gay or bisexual?”

“Bisexual. I’ve dated plenty of girls, but Frank was special,” he confessed.

“How so?”

“I’m not sure, he was so sweet and energetic, I just loved it. I knew it wasn’t going to last though. He was friends with Mikey, which, I’m sure you know is Gerard’s brother and they hung out a lot. Gerard got an apartment next to mine and soon, Gerard swooped up Frank and Frank broke up with me.”

“I’m so sorry. That must bite,” I tried sympathizing.

“It’s okay, I’m pretty much over it,” he said with a heavy sigh. “Are you doing anything tomorrow?” he asked as we entered the apartment complexes.

“Yeah, I’m spending the day with Gerard,” I blurted out, and regretted I did immediately because his face fell. “I’m sorry, I didn’t-”

“No, it’s fine. Thanks for spending the day with me though.”

“No problem, I had a lot of fun, maybe not tomorrow, but in the next few days we should hang out again,” I told him. We got to our apartments and waited awkwardly outside.

“I guess I will see you later,” he said, leaning hit bike against the door.

“Yeah,” I said slowly and walked over and hugged him. Oliver pulled away and pecked me on the lips quickly. “Oliver?”

“Please do me a favor, and don’t let Gerard take you from me too,” he whispered and grabbed his bike. He unlocked his door and walked in without another word. I pursed my lips and walked over to my door and walked in. I kicked my shoes off and walked into the living room where I found Gerard, passed out on the couch.

He looked really peaceful. I walked down the hallway to Frank and Mikey’s room and they were no where to be seen. I walked back into the kitchen and made Gerard a ham and cheese sandwich. I walked back over to the couch and took a seat on the ground in front of him. His black hair was slightly hiding his face so I brushed it away and tucked it behind his ear. He stirred and reached his hand up to wipe his face.

“Gerard,” I whispered. His eyes slowly opened and when he saw me, he smiled.

“Hey,” he said.

“I made you a sandwich. I don’t know when you last ate, but…” I trailed off and offered him the plate. He took it from me and sat up.

“Thank you. I haven’t eaten since lunch. Take a seat,” he said and patted the seat next to him and he took a bite. “This is really good, thank you.”

“Don’t mention it,” I said. “Gerard?”


“Oliver pecked my lips and told me not to let you take me away from him also,” I said slowly. Gerard put his sandwich down and took a deep breath.


“He said that you took Frank from him,”

“I did no such thing. Frank chose me-”

“Gerard, I don’t really care about that, to be honest. I’m just saying. I don’t know why I brought it up, sorry,” I said and looked down.

“You feel guilty, don’t you?” he asked.


“You wouldn’t have told me if you didn’t feel guilty,” he told me with a small laugh.

“Maybe a little,” I sighed. Gerard placed his hand in mine and gave it a squeeze. We were quiet for a minute.

“Tyler, I don’t want to push you, but, its been bothering me all day…” Gerard said slowly. I bit my lip, I knew what was coming.

“You want to know my secret.” I said, I knew it was supposed to be a question, but it didn’t come out that way.

“Yes. I want to be with you, and if its this secret keeping you away, I want to help you fight it.”

“You want to help fight my demons?” I asked, looking up to his eyes. He gave me a slight nod. I sighed and put my head into my hands. “Gerard… I.. This is so big… When you found my gun…” I bit my lip. I could feel myself shaking, I couldn’t do this, but I felt I had to continue, I already said too much. “You said you didn’t want to find out that I was a killer…I…”

“Tyler… Are you, one of the serial killers? Please tell me this is a joke?” he begged. I felt tears threatening my eyes again. Gerard sounded hurt.

“Gerard… I’m the… The Revenge Serial Killer.”

“Why?” Gerard yelled, shooting off the couch. The plate with the half eaten sandwich went flying to the floor.

“I wanted revenge on my asshole stepfather!” I yelled. “He killed the only person I was ever truly close to! When he fled, I wanted to get back at that bastard. I never meant to kill all of those people, but when you have the urge to kill, its not like anything you ever can explain. You never want to stop until the one you’re after is dead. I never wanted to hurt them, I just couldn’t find my stepfather so I killed random people, just to satisfy it. That explosion that just happened, that was my stepfather’s new wife. I tried saving her, but he put a car bomb on her car, that I put her in! She has a daughter, and I didn’t want her to turn into what I’ve turned into; A monster. He’s given me 2 weeks to kill him, then he’s leaving and he’ll keep killing in another state, and I’ll keep running after him. I have to stop him, and by doing that, I have to kill him,” I stopped to give him a moment to take in what I said. I couldn’t believe that I was telling someone this.

“Tyler, I don’t even know what to say,” he confessed.

“I want you to help me. I cant do this myself. I didn’t even know he was capable of car bombs. I’m sure he can do a lot more things. Plus he’s expecting me, not two people. If you say no, I understand. I’ll leave and you’ll never see me again if you want. Please don’t call the police, at least until I kill him. If you want, after I kill him, you can call the police.”

“I wont call the police. I’ll help you in any way I can,” he whispered.

“You’re just doing this because you like me,” I scoffed.

“Yes, but I also want to help you. I want this all to stop, and I want to be with you,” he said, taking a step closer to me.

“Do you understand now, why I said what I said?” I asked, reaching out for hands and laced our fingers together.

“Yes, I get it. You’ve had a lot on your mind I bet,” he whispered. I nodded slowly. He let go of one of my hands and caressed my cheek. Instead of kissing me, like I thought he was going to, he pulled me into a hug. He smelled of sweat and his cologne that I didn’t know what it was, but it smelled great.

“We cant tell Frank and Mikey,” I whispered into his chest.

“I know,” he said and kissed the top of my head.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is mega long, and juicy. I think. I hope. Im still mad that i only have 2 subscribers and 6 comments. Maybe it will change after tonight.I think its because i post these so late.. Oh well.

Thanks for reading if you've gotten this far :)
