Status: Updating frequently. :)


Oliver; Stop Making Me Feel This Way!

During dinner, Frank insisted that we all eat at the table like a family. I hadn’t eaten at a table for dinner since I was 10, so I was a little apprehensive. Frank made a nice meal of Garden Burgers and mashed potatoes. There was a rather eerie silence at the table that made me uncomfortable.

“So what’s up with this?” Gerard asked Frank.

“I miss talking to you guys,” Frank admitted.

“Well then, talk,” Gerard chuckled. Frank swallowed his food and set his burger down.

“My band is having it’s first live gig tomorrow at that local auditorium that all the up and coming bands play at. You should all come. I have 4 tickets,” he said.

“We wouldn’t dream of missing it!” Mikey exclaimed. Frank gave a lopsided grin and took a bite.

“I have work tomorrow from 10 to 5, so I might be a little late,” Gerard said.

“Well, the concert doesn’t start until 8:30,” Frank said.

“Then I’ll be there,” Gerard told him.

“Are you coming Tyler?” Frank asked, looking at me.

“No,” I said, putting a fork full of food in my mouth.

“What! Why?” Frank nearly yelled. I looked up at him and his eyes looked sad, and his face showed disappointment. I was surprised because I knew he still didn’t trust me all the way that Gerard and Mikey did, and Gerard knew my secret. I wondered how much he hates himself, if he does at all, for letting a serial killer into his house.

“I’m just kidding sugar,” I said after I swallowed my food. “I’ll be there.”

“Great!” Frank exclaimed and went back to his food. We made small talk for the rest of dinner and when we were done, I helped Frank clean up as the Way brothers watched TV in the living room.

“So, are you really nervous for tomorrow?” I asked him as I washed dishes.

“I’d be lying if I said no. But I’m excited,” he told me.

“You’ll do great. Trust me,” I told him as I turned the water off. I dried my hands off and gave him a small hug.

“Tyler! Get in here!” Gerard yelled from the living room. I quickly let go of Frank and we both sprinted to the living room. Gerard pointed at the TV and we turned to it.

“…found a gun in their back yard yesterday afternoon after the car explosion on Arch Hollow Street. Police have taken it to find prints but none have come up in their database. Forensics have matched it to the murders of The Revenge Killer, which police and journalists have shortened to: RSK.”

“Yes James, some people are actually just calling him Risk now-”

I tuned them out. “Risk” and “RSK”? What the hell? I’m The Revenge Serial Killer. I refused to have a shortened name. I had a plan of what to do in my head, but it was a matter of if Gerard would let me do it.

That night when we were all getting ready for bed, I asked Gerard if he had any spray paint.

“Why do you need spray paint?” he asked as he pulled his shirt off.

“Because I refuse to be known as “Risk” or “RSK”!” I said in a hushed whisper so that Mikey and Frank wouldn’t hear.

“So you want to kill someone with spray paint?” he asked, completely confused. I giggled at how ridiculous that sounded.

“No. I’m just going to give a message to the press without killing anyone. I don’t have my gun, and the only person I have my eye on right now is my stepfather,” I said.

“I have some red paint. But you only get it if I can come too,” he told me after a minute of thinking. I sighed and agreed. He went to his closet and got a box of art supplies down. He pulled out a can of unused spray paint and handed it to me. I took it and he put his box back. When he didn’t come back out, I looked over and he was pulling on some black pants and a black shirt. “So where are you planning on doing this?”

“Where the car blew up. On the pavement,” was my reply. Gerard nodded and slipped some shoes on. I was already prepared, wearing all black as well.

“Lets go!” he said and led the way out of the room, and out of the apartment. It didn’t take us that long to get there. I stood at the spot where there were still burn marks that I reckoned where going to be there for a long time.

I stood there, looking at the ground. I knew what I wanted to say, but I didn’t know how I wanted to say it. I looked up at Gerard who took a cigarette out and lit it.

“Be my look out?” I asked. Gerard nodded and started to look around. I shook the can and aimed it at the ground. It took me about 5 minutes to write it out. I didn’t do anything fancy.

“‘I refuse to be known as “Risk” or “RSK”. My name is The Revenge Serial Killer, and that’s how you will refer to me, or I will kill James Damsley and Anna Goosem from BBN.’ That’s kind of harsh,” Gerard said.

“I didn’t know who else to threaten, and we always see them do reports on me. Should I add anything?” I asked.

“I don’t think so. It looks good,” Gerard said. We looked at my work once more and we started back to the apartment. We were quiet on the way back until we enter4ed the parking lot. “Do you have a plan yet?” he asked.

“No. Not yet, I’m still working on it. I don’t have my gun anymore, so we’re going to have to use knifes or something else. I know that he’s expecting me, so we’ll have to go in the middle of the night,” I explained.

“What if he’s expecting that?” Gerard asked.

“Well, we’ll just have to hope that he isn’t so that we can get in there,” I said. Gerard nodded as we made it to our door. We went in quietly so that we didn’t disturb the other guys, and we changed into our pajamas.

“Goodnight Tyler,” Gerard said.

“Goodnight Gerard,” I replied and turned out the lights.


In the morning, I woke up to complete silence. I looked at the digital clock on Gerard’s side and it said 10:30. That being said, Gerard was gone, and there was a note on his pillow. I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and sat up with the note in my hand.

Frank is with his band all day, practicing or something,
Mikey I think said he was going to hang out with Ray all day,
until tonight. And I’m at work until 5. I’ll come home and
pick you up about 5:30 for the concert. Its clear across town
and Frank wants us there early.

So I was alone all day. This could be fun. I sighed and took a shower. When I was done, I changed into black ripped jeans and a red shirt. I pulled my wet hair into a pony tail and put some of Gerard’s makeup on. I looked at my reflection and realized that I really needed a haircut. I hadn’t cut my hair since my mom died, and even back then, my hair was down to the middle of my back.

I sighed to myself and walked into the kitchen for food. Right as I was about to open the refrigerator, there was a knock at the door. I panicked for a minute, but then decided that I should go open it to see who it was.

I walked to the door and opened it halfway, but didn’t see anyone. I looked down and there was no short person, or anything. I glanced down the walkway and didn’t see anyone. I was about to slam the door shut when Oliver’s door opened.

“Hey,” he spoke.

“Hi,” I said, confused.

“That was me, by the way. I didn’t know who was home, and I didn’t want Frank or Gerard to answer it,” he said.

“So you knocked on my door, ran into your apartment and watched your peephole to see who answered it?” I asked.


“What if I told you Gerard was home?” I questioned.

“I don’t know, and I don’t care. I was just heading to the park and I wanted to know if you wanted to come with me,” he asked, shyly. Yes, shyly.

“Sure. Can I eat first? I just got up a bit ago. Come on in,” I beckoned him to me.

“But Gerard-”

“No ones home, I lied to see what you’d say,” I admitted. He gave me a fake glare and walked up to me.

“Oh stop with that look, you know you don’t mean it,” I told him. A giant smile erupted on his face and I led him into my apartment. I led him into the kitchen where I opened the fridge and grabbed some cheese and tomatoes. I reached into the bread cupboard and got a loaf of bread out. “Do you want something?” I asked.

“No,” he said, shaking his head. I nodded and put the bread in the toaster. I turned around to face Oliver, and he was really close. “Actually, I wouldn’t mind a piece of you,” he commented and his lips collided with mine. My back was up against the counter so there was no way of me getting free, especially when he pressed his body against mine.

I didn’t kiss him back, but then realized that he wasn’t going to stop unless I kissed back, and why was I fighting it? He was actually hot. I wasn’t going to lie, I was attracted to him. But the reason why this was wrong was because I wanted Gerard too!

I thought I heard a noise and Oliver did too, because he pulled away and looked at the entrance of the kitchen. He waited a moment then realized that is was nothing and went back to kissing me.

“Wait, wait,” I said, pushing his away.

“What?” he asked.

“Help me up,” I said. He didn’t complain as he grabbed my hips and set me on the counter. I was more eye level now and we leaned in and kissed each other again. I ran my fingers though his hair wrapped my legs around his waist to pull him closer.

There was a sudden popping noise that made us both jump. I looked over and it was the toaster. I started laughing, and Oliver followed. I indicated that I wanted to get off and Oliver helped me down and I started to make my sandwich. Oliver came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my neck and my jaw, and he nibbled on my earlobe, causing chills to go through my body.

“Are you going to let me eat, or am I going to have to declare you being my meal?” I asked.

“I kind of like the idea of me being a meal,” he hinted. I playfully hit his shoulder and went to the table and sat down. I ate my food quickly and when I was done, Oliver led me out so we could go to the park.


We had been at the park for about 2 hours now. There was a play set there, but it was full of kids so we couldn’t play without moms yelling at us to go away. So we were sitting at a tree where Oliver’s bike was chained.

“Tyler?” he asked.


“Do you think you’d want to go out on a date sometime?” he asked, looking over at me.

“Maybe. I don’t know,” I told him, truthfully.


“Oliver, its not that I don’t want to, I have a lot on my mind right now, and dating someone isn’t something I really need on my mind,” I stated.

“It’s Gerard, isn’t it?” he asked

“No, its not! I’m going through a lot right now, and it wouldn’t be far if I dated you while being so busy. I wouldn’t be able to give you the attention you needed,” I said.

“Okay. I get it. Just let me know when, okay?” he asked. I nodded. Oliver smiled and leaned down and kissed me.

Did this make me a whore? To be honest, I felt like Oliver was pushing himself at me, instead of giving me the space I needed. But then I thought back to what Adam said at the movies.

At this point, I really didn’t know what I wanted. At 5, I asked him if he could take me home. He didn’t want to, but did anyways. When we got back, he helped me off his bike and pulled me into another long kiss. I was about to break away when I heard his voice.

♠ ♠ ♠
I know, its been FOREVER since I updated, but i promise updates will be more frequent.
Okay, thats a lie, because I will be gone until the 18. But after that, i should start updating more. Im so excited for this!
Thanks for my loyal subscribers and readers. and Comments would be amazing <3

Wyrd Rose