Status: Updating frequently. :)


Time To Leave

“Aw, did you forgive him for being stupid?” Mikey asked me. I let out a small laugh and nodded. Gerard rolled his eyes at the same time that Frank emerged from the back and found us. He was all sweaty and he smelled gross.

“Hey guys!” he yelled and sat in the seat I occupied only moments ago. “Did you like the show?”

“Yeah!” Mikey gushed.

“You guys are great!” I said. Frank grinned at me comment.

“Let’s go grab dinner,” Gerard suggested. Ray agreed first and the rest of us followed suit.

“So what’s open at 9 :15 at night?” I asked as we exited the building.

“Mr. Rockstar, what do you want?” Gerard asked Frank. Frank blushed before answering.

“Rob’s Old Breakfast House,” was his reply. Mikey and Ray got in Ray’s care and Frank, Gerard, and I got in Gerard’s car. “Why does she get the front seat?” Frank complained from the back.

“Because she’s a girl,” Gerard replied, pulling out of the parking lot.

“But I just played a show,” Frank groaned, throwing his head against his headrest.

“Shut up and stop complaining, you pansy,” Gerard snapped.

“I glanced back at Frank and saw him frowning.

“Frank, you can sit in the front seat on the way home,” I told him.

“Thanks Ty!” he grinned. I nodded and the rest of the trip we were quiet. I looked over at Gerard and he was just watching the road. His black hair was a little messed up and some of it fell into his face. I told myself that I made the right choice, and I wished I had made it sooner.

After dinner/10PM snack, all of us went home (Frank getting to sit in the front seat), and Ray was staying the night. We all shuffled into the apartment and collapsed on the couched.

“Let’s have a movie marathon!” Mikey exclaimed.

“I’m too tired,” Frank groaned, sliding his head down to my shoulder.

“Why don’t you go to bed then?” I asked in a soft voice.

“Carry me,” he whined.

“Frank, I’m not carrying you,” I chuckled.

“I will Frankie,” Gerard said in a sweet voice. He got off the opposite couch and scooped Frank off and held him bridal style.

“Thank you, my prince,” Frank said and grabbed Gerard’s face and kissed him on the lips. Mikey and Ray wolf whistled, and I sat there, shocked.

I mean, I remember Gerard saying that they had a thing a long time ago, but I thought they were over it. that’s when it hit me, its payback. Gerard wanted me to feel what he felt when Oliver kissed me. Well nice try, I’m not jealous. I just put a smile on and laughed it off until they broke the kiss. Gerard carried him around the corner and to Frank’s room.

“It’d be so cute if they got back together,” Mikey sighed.

“How long were they a couple for?” I asked.

“Almost a year. It was kind of a shock when they broke up, but it was expected. I mean, the whole Tabitha thing,” Ray explained.

“Ah,” I said. Gerard came around the corner and announced that he was going to bed. They rest of us agreed and I followed Gerard into the master bedroom. I grabbed some pajamas and started to pull them on. Gerard stripped to his boxers and started to the door.

“Goodnight,” he said.

“Where are you going?” I asked.

“I’m going to sleep with Frank tonight,” he said. I gave him a confused look.

“Why?” I asked.

“I don’t know,” he shrugged.

“What about, you know, us?” I questioned.

“I don’t know,” he shrugged again.

“Fine. I’m going to hang out with Oliver tomorrow,” I threatened.

“You will not,” Gerard said, pointing his finger at me.

“They why are you going to sleep with Frank?”

“Why does it matter? We aren’t a couple!” he retorted. I was going to comment back, but closed my mouth. He was right.

“Fine. Goodnight,” I said and turned off the light. I found my way to the bed and got in. I must sat that it was very lonely in his queen sized bed. But this is what I got for not wanting to relationship from him right now. I had to murder my stepfather first. Then I could be all Gerard’s.

I couldn’t sleep. I just kept staring at the ceiling and the walls. It was really boring and at 1:20 in the morning, I heard movement in the other room, and then two pairs of feet coming into the bedroom.

“Tyler?” Ray whispered. Mikey giggled.

“What?” I asked.

“Can you, um, sleep in my bed?” Mikey asked.

“Why?” I asked, sitting up.

“Cause we want to, you know, do it,” he replied. I sighed and got up.

“Thank you Tyler!” they said and gave me a group hug.

“Yeah, you’re welcome,” I mumbled. I definitely wasn’t going to sleep in their room because Gerard and Frank were there. I went to the hall closet and grabbed a blanket and a pillow and went into the living room. I propped the pillow on the arm of the couch and then threw the blanket over the couch. I pulled it back then slipped underneath it. After I closed my eyes, I fell asleep instantly.

“Tyler?” I heard someone say. I opened my eyes and saw Gerard standing over me. :What are you doing out here?”

“Mikey and Ray wanted to have sex,” I mumbled.

“So? What does… Tyler, did you let them do it in my bed?” he asked.

“What’s the big deal? Just change the sheets,” I said, sitting up.

“No, Tyler, why would you let them-”

“What does it matter? Just drop it!” I said, my voice raising. Gerard gave me a hard look and stormed down the hall. I sprung up and followed him, only to find him face to face with his brother.

“What makes you think you can go and have sex in my bed?” Gerard asked, angrily.

“We’re sorry Gee, we just got really into it last night and we didn’t want to wake you and Frank up,” Mikey said, I could see how scared he was.

“What was wrong with the living room?”

“You’d rater we do it on the couch?” Mikey asked.

“No! I wish it didn’t happen at all.”

“Gerard, I’m sorry, I’ll clean your bed sheets right now, and I promise that it will never happen again,” Mikey reassured him.

“Fine. But next time you faggots want to do it-” Mikey attacked him. He stared to punch him and kick him, and Gerard fought back. I stepped in the middle, pushing them off of each other the best I could.

“Stop!” I yelled, holding Mikey back.

“How dare you call me a faggot when you were with Frank last night! You fucking hypocrite!” Mikey spat. Gerard opened his mouth, but I cut him off.

“Stop it! You two are brothers! If you want to blame anyone, blame me, I let them do it there,” I told Gerard. “And I know he doesn’t me it. He loves you Mikey. Please just hug and make up,” I said.

“Tyler, go away,” Gerard growled. I looked up at him to make sure he was serious, and he was. I let go of Mikey and went into the master bedroom.

I hoped into the shower to drown the morning away. I was in there long enough for the water to turn ice cold, and my fingers to turn into a raisin. I got out and dried off, and then changed into jeans and a band t-shirt of a band I had never heard of. I walked out to the living room and saw Mikey and Ray on one couch, and Frank on another.


“Work,” Frank said, answering my unasked question.

“Thanks for what you did Tyler. I really appreciate it,” Mikey said. He got off the couch and hugged me.

“You’re welcome Mikes,” I said, and I hugged him back. When we pulled away, I gave him a weak smile then walked back to Gerard’s room. I grabbed a giant trash bag and started to stuff my clothes in it. I tossed my toiletries in it as well. I didn’t own any other personal items other than clothes, my drivers license and my credit card and I trudged to the entrance of the living room.

“I’m going to go throw this stuff out,” I said.

“Okay,” Frank called back, their eyes all glued to the TV screen. I carried the bag over my sho9ulder as I left, and I started my long walk into town.

If Gerard wanted me gone, then I’m gone. I overstayed my welcome by 2 or so weeks. I knew it was too good to be true. I’d have to kill my step father by myself, if Gerard didn’t turn me in first.
♠ ♠ ♠
Updating again today? What is up with this? Haha. Hope you enjoyyyed it :) I really dont have a lot to say, but comments are amazing.
Oh, and I think that I might turn this into a book. my dad is always saying that i shouldnt post stories here and turn them into books, but i think that if i edit this a little, change the names of the MCR guys, and it might work. Do you guys think that'd work? I dont know.
Thanks again for reading, and,

Wyrd Rose
(You get your name here if you comment. Just FYI)