Status: Updating frequently. :)


Was Lost But Is Now Found

When I finally got into town, I found a small sporting store and went looking for a heavy duty backpack and sleeping bag. I found a sleeping bag first, it was dark blue. The trash bag that I had was probably half full, and after a while of looking and help from an employee, I found one big enough, and it had a sleeping bag claps.

I ended up spending $75 on it all, and I left, bagging everything I owned into the bag by the side of the store. After that, I went back to my ally, and my spot looked untouched. I was going to settle there, but I realized that if Gerard or someone else came looking for me, they might come here. So I walked down the dark, smelly way, stepping over puddles and around piles of things that I had no name fore. When I got to the other side, I took a left, heading north. I found another ally way, half a mile or so away and figured id stay there for now.

I figured by the look of where the sun was, it was noon, and on queue, my stomach growled. I hadn’t eaten yet today. I was too worn out to go find food, so I just sat against the wall for a but and thought.

Sure now, I had money, and could go find a cheap place, but without a job, I couldn’t keep paying taxes. It almost seemed like an hour, I got up and walked out to the closet fast food chain and I grabbed a burger and fries. One thing is for sure, I really was going to miss Frank’s cooking.


That night, I piled into my new sleeping bag to sleep. It was warm out, but it wasn’t unbearable because there was a small breeze. I was just about to drift off when I heard yelling. I cringed and tried to hide farther into my sleeping bag without sweating my brains out.

The yelling got louder, and more annoying. Note to self: buy ear plugs tomorrow.

“Tyler!” I heard. I thought that I was imagining it, so I ignored it. “Tyler?” The voice sounded a lot like Gerard. I heard footsteps and they were getting closer. “Tyler Styven, I swear to God…” he said in an almost normal voice. Uh-oh, did he notice me? I suddenly felt pressure on me and I was being shaken. “Tyler, what the fuck do you think you’re doing out here?” Gerard asked, crouching over me. He looked a mess. His hair was in every direction and I noticed that his shoes weren’t even tied.

“I don’t know. When you yelled at me this morning to go away, something clicked. I’ve over stayed my welcome Gerard. It was time for me to go. There’s no room for me there anyways,” I said.

“We’ll move to a bigger place. I promise. That way Mikey and Frank can have their own rooms, and you and I can have one,” he said.

“Gerard, why would we share if you’re with Frank?” I asked, sitting up. Gerard looked at his feet then to his right, down the ally.

“I’m not with Frank. It was just to make you jealous,” he mumbled, not making eye contact. I smiled, surprising my giggles.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t hear that.”

“It was to make you jealous,” he said louder.

“Oh Gerard,” I shook my head, laughing.

“Did it work?”

“Hah! No, It only made me confused to be honest,” I said. Gerard let out a sigh.

“Oh. I just feel like you don’t care sometimes. That maybe my feelings are a joke to you,” he frowned. Did he really want to talk about feelings in the middle of a disgusting alleyway, and dark?

“They aren’t a joke,” I told him. “I know that they are there, and I respect them you just have to wait a-”

“If I’m helping,” he interrupted, “then why do I have to wait? I think you are just scared and don’t worry, its okay to be scared Tyler.”

“You-You’re still going to help me?” I asked.

“Of course,” he replied. I just stared into his eyes for a few seconds and I knew that my next move was right.

I placed my left hand on his cheek and pulled him closer. I think he got the idea and out lips locked into a very sweet, yet short kiss. It was I who pulled away.

“I am scared Gerard. I’, scared that I’ll get too close to you and something bad will happen when we go on our mission. He could hurt or kill you. I don’t want that.”

“I don’t want that either, but I’m willing to do it for you. If you still want to wait, fine, but will you at least come home?” he asked.

“Okay,” I agreed. He helped me up and I rolled my sleeping bag up. Gerard took it from me and I put my backpack on. He grabbed my hand and led the way.

“Do you know how worried Frank and Mikey have been?” he asked.

“No,” I said, feeling guilty about just leaving.

“They said you went out to take the trash, and when you didn’t come back, they went out looking for you. Through the entire apartment area, they even had others looking for you. They called me and told me and I told them to calm down, because I knew where you were,” he told me. I saw his old car a few feet away and he popped the trunk.

“But, I moved, I figured you couldn’t find me,” I stated. Gerard opened his trunk and we threw my things in there.

“Sweetie, you moved a block down,” he said as we got in his car. He started it and then pulled out onto the road.

“What would have happened if you didn’t find me?”

“I wasn’t thinking about that. I was just thinking about finding you. No matter what,” he said. I was starting to feel bad. Which was bad because he was softening me up. They all were. I was supposed to be a hardcore, heartless serial killer, but instead I was turning into a mushy, lovey girl. I was turning into a school girl.

I pushed the thoughts out of my head and enjoyed the quiet ride home. When Gerard parked, I got out and walked back to the trunk. I heard a door open and close, but I ignored it.

“Tyler?” I looked up and saw Oliver. I put my backpack on and awkwardly walked up to him. He pulled me into a tight hug. “I was so worried when I heard,” he whispered in my ear. Gerard cleared his throat. Oliver pulled back slowly, and kept an arm around my shoulders. “What?” Oliver shot.

“Well, I mean, I’d appreciate it if you could let go of my girlfriend,” Gerard said, glaring at Oliver.

“Girlfriend? Really?” he asked, amused.

“Yes, really,” I said, walking out of his grasps and walked over to Gerard.

“Every. Fucking. Time. What the hell is so great about him? Does he have a really long dick? Is he just amazing in bed? What is it Tyler?” he asked, angrily. I had no idea what to say or do, so I grabbed Gerard’s hand and dragged him to our apartment and walked in quickly. I was about to drop Gerard’s hand when he gave me a tight squeeze and kissed my cheek.

“Tyler!” I looked up and saw Frank and Mikey coming around the corner from the living room. Mikey hugged me first and then Frank gave me an even bigger hug.

“Don’t ever do anything like that again,” Frank said.

“I wont. I promise,” I said. “But I’m tired, so I’m going to head to bed,” I said.

“Okay, goodnight Ty,” Frank said.

“Goodnight Frank. You too Mikey,” I said and walked down the hall to Gerard’s room and set my bag against the wall. I kicked my shoes off and stripped my pants and shirt of and grabbed an oversized shirt of Gerard’s and put it on.

As I was getting in bed, Gerard came into the room and shut the door. He stripped to his boxers and turned the light off without even talking to me. He slid under the covers and immediately wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me closer to him.

“Thank you,” he said softly.

“You’re welcome,” I told him.

“Goodnight,” he said.

♠ ♠ ♠
I dont know what to say, sorry its short, I'll have more out in a day or so, hopefully.

Wyrd Rose
Crash Poison