Status: Updating frequently. :)


A Letter

“Thank you. Hey Gerard? If I’m living here now, why don’t you take your bed back and I’ll take the couch? Its really comfortable, and I wouldn’t mind.”

“No. You’re not sleeping there. If your comfortable with this, we could share the bed. I promise no funny business,” he suggested. I sighed.


That night, we all went to bed. Making sure every window was locked and the door was bolted. I changed into a pair of his boxers and an over sized tee and climbed into bed. A few moments later, Gerard emerged from his bathroom and got in the other side.

“Good night,” he said.

“Good night.”

“Sweet dreams,” he added. I smiled into my pillow that smelt like him.

“Sweet dreams Gerard,” I waited until I could hear his heavy breathing and I knew he was asleep before I silently got out of bed and walked to the living room. I found the blanket and pillows in a basket by one of the seats and I got comfortable on the bigger loveseat and fell asleep.


“What the hell?” I heard. I ignored it, trying to go back to sleep. “Tyler,” Gerard shook me.

“Go away,” I said, hiding under my blanket. I heard his knees crack and I figured he crouched down next to me.

“Why are you out here?”

“You snore,” I lied.

“Really?” he asked.


“Frank, do I snore?” he called.

“Sometimes,” Frank called from somewhere else. I pulled the covers back and I was looking into the beautiful eyes of Gerard Way.

“Morning beautiful,” he said, giving me a lopsided grin.

“Morning,” I grunted, “Why the fuck is it so bright?”

“The sun is out.”

“No shit,” I said, laughing. I sat up and stretched, my bones cracking in the process.

“Why are you out here?” he asked again.

“Because I wanted you to have your bed back,” I told him.

“Why cant we share? The couch is no way for anyone to sleep,” I sighed and stared at him.

“Alright, you win,” he smiled and stood up. I followed him and went to the bathroom. When I was done, I went to the kitchen and looked for food but found nothing. “Should I got shopping?”

“Yes!” Frank yelled, appearing in the kitchen. He was only wearing a pair of Batman boxers and I saw a few tattoos on his chest.

“Do you want to go with me?” I asked.

“Let me go shower!” he said and ran off. I laughed and followed him to his room.

“Don’t take all the water, I need one too,” I told him.

“Lets shower together,” he suggested as he searched his floor for clothes.

“Lets not?” I asked, cocking my head to one side. Mikey was sitting cross legged on his bed, watching us.

“We could go shopping faster, and we’d save water.”

“No Frank,” I laughed, “Go shower,” I walked out and into Gerard’s room. I stopped when I saw Gerard laying on top of the bedding, staring at the ceiling. His arms were opened and his legs were parted. He looked really peaceful and calm.

“Tyler,” he whispered.


“Why is there a gun in your drawer?” he never took his focus off of the ceiling and his voice was soft and flat. I heard Frank in the bathroom, starting his shower.

“You have no idea what its like on the streets. Survival of the fittest. You have to protect your turf. I have my gun to warn others not to fuck with me,” my voice was slightly shaking. I wasn’t particularly lying, but I used it for other reasons, “And don’t they say every household should have a gun?”

“Have you ever killed anyone?” he looked over at me.

“What if I said I had?” I countered.

“I have no idea,” he said, looking back at the ceiling. “I just don’t want to find out your some crazy killer I guess,” I tore my gaze away from him and to the floor. For once I was feeling guild, something I hadn’t felt for 2 years.

“Gerard, if I was some crazy killer, I’d never hurt you. Or Frank, or Mikey,” I said and left. I went to the living room and sat down.

I felt fucked. I had no idea what to do. He could kick me out, turn me in, or stop trusting me. I’d kill my stepfather, then what? Kill myself? Fuck, I had no idea. I heard footsteps and Gerard was standing in front of me.

“Tyler, I want the fucking truth. I’m really close to pulling the plug, something I really don’t want to do.”

“I’m not a killer, okay? I’ve never killed anyone,” I said.

“Then why didn’t you answer that earlier?”

“Because I figured what I said would clear that up. I wouldn’t have the heart to do that.”

“Then why do you want to find your stepfather?”

“Because I think he killed my mom!” I blurted out, “If he killed my mom then he killed those other seven women. And more because maybe the Revenge Killer is him. I have no idea. I need to find him to turn him in before he hurts others,” I said.

“Why cant you just five his name to the police?” he asked, he seemed to be more calm now.

“Because I don’t know his real name. Matthew Styven could just be the name he had in this city. If he killed other women before my mom with the same name, they’d have connected that already and he’d be behind bars,” I said Gerard sighed and related his shoulders, sitting on another couch. I got up and sat next to him, “IS something wrong? Or are you always like this?”

“I don’t know. I’m stressed and worried. Stressed over work and family things and worried about the serial killers. I’m scared to leave the house because I could be followed home and murdered,” he said. He sunk back in his seat and was looking down. I grabbed his hand and squeezed it.

“Gerard, trust me, stop worrying so much, okay? You’re going to give yourself and fucking heart attack. Just stop worrying and let it all go,” I told him. He squeezed my hand back.

“Thanks Ty,” he whispered. I nodded and stood up.

“Frank and I are going to go shopping if you want to come,” I said and left for the room I shared with Gerard. I grabbed some clothes and waited for frank to finish up before I leaped in the shower.

Gerard said he was going shopping with us, and Mikey didn’t want to be alone so we all went to the store since Frank did most of the cooking, he was the one doing the most looking. I pushed the care and the brothers argued over what snacks to get. I ended up spending $350 on food.

“That’s quite unfair, that’s more then rent,” I said as we unloaded everything to the car.

“Next time we’ll pay for our personal stuff,” Mikey offered. Frank agreed.

“Thanks,” I said as we got in the old car. When we got home, it took 3 trips to get all of the food into the apartment. As we were unpacking, Mikey went to get the mail and when he came back, he gave me a letter slowly. It had no address, or a return address, just my name written sloppily. I took it from him and went to the bathroom so I could open it.

Tyler, if you are trying to save the women I’m killing, why are you killing others? If you want to see this one saved, come by Monday at 3pm… Or she dies.
♠ ♠ ♠
I need YOUR help:
1. Do you think I should do a chapter in the police/FBI's P.O.V.? I've been watching WAY to much Bones and Criminal Minds (CM is my influence for this story).
2. I'm having a really hard time with this next part. Should Gerard ever find out about Tyler being the Revenge Serial Killer? Comment or send me your theories on how Gerard finds out about Tyler or what happens to her life if Gerard never finds off. Those would be sooo helpful, thank you!!
3. At one point I think that at one point Im going to hold a contest for someone to pick their favorite ending and I'll use that. I dont want to have a poll because I feel like that'd spoil the ending.

Comment/Subscribe <3
