


I jumped up from the bed, causing Johnny’s arm to fly from where it had been draped over me. Groggily, I glanced up at Sara, who now seemed to be in too much of a hurry to even realize she had woke us up. Groaning, I curled back into a ball with every intention of going back to sleep. Of course, that would just be a little too nice. A pillow hit the side of my head, making me shoot up in bed. “Whaaaat?!” I whined, rubbing my eyes to better take in the room around me. Jonny was sitting next to me, a smirk plastered on his face.

“Get up you lazy shit. We have breakfast,” Sara commanded, throwing some clothes my direction. I wasn’t sure if they were mine or hers, but I figured she wanted me to put them on, seeing as they matched. “The boys are coming too, and don’t forget your bathing suit.” Sara pointed from me to Jonny, then went back to rummaging through her pile of fabric.

Jonathan looked at me curiously. Thank goodness he had no idea what was going on either. “You should just listen to her,” I sighed, getting out of bed and stretching out slightly.

A laugh came from Johnny as he stood up. “Okay, okay. Where are we meeting you…exactly?” He glanced to Sara, who had finally picked out a brown cover up and was holding it against her while looking in the mirror.

“Kaner will tell you. Now out!” Sara said, turning on her heels and walking into the bathroom.

Jonny nodded and mouthed a word I couldn’t quite make out before walking over to me, giving me a swift peck on the forehead, and walking out. My eyes lingered on the door for quite some time after he left, and it wasn’t until Sara reappeared that I snapped out of my haze. “You know, I was quite happy just sleeping there,” I began, starting to strip off the clothes I had on before replacing them with my bathing suit and the clothes she had thrown at me. “Johnny was nice.”

“Well Patrick is wild,” Sara started, laughing to herself as she slid a pair of earrings through her ears. “We had a blast last night.”

“I would assume so, considering us getting lunch with them. Where are the others?”

“Already waiting for us,” Sara countered, “So finish getting read so we can go!”


Breakfast was set up in the most gorgeous setting I had ever seen. A table had been placed beneath a large palm tree with eight chairs pushed inside. Every sort of breakfast food to ever be made was spread across the glass; eggs, toast, bacon and sausage, fruit from everywhere on the map. As Sara and I approached the table, I couldn’t help but notice we were the last to arrive…or almost the last. Jonny was nowhere to be found. I turned my sights around the beach for any sign on him, but found nothing. Everyone seemed to know who I was looking for, because Patrick was the first to speak up.

“He said he’s on his way,” Patrick said through a mouthful of eggs, “Had to look presentable, you know.”

We took out seats, Sara next to Patrick and I next to the empty chair that I’m sure would be occupied by Jonny once he arrived. Everyone seemed to be in good spirits. Christine and Erin looked a lot more rested than I did. Hell, even Sara looked more rested than me. I’m sure that wouldn’t go over well. The innocent night I spent with Johnny would probably be turned into some sort of big scandal, but that just brought a smirk to myself. But, without Jonny by my side, I found my focus to be more on the group that was assembled around the table.

Corey’s eyes never left Erin, not once. His gaze held firm, even when someone else was talking. He looked at her with almost adoration. Sharpie was spewing off jokes left and right, keeping us all in stitched. I took quick notice of the fact that Sara did nothing but giggle every time Kaner spoke, something she usually didn’t do. Everyone was so happy. That alone made me happy. I liked seeing this sort of thing. It made me think that our vacation was worth it, even if it had just been one night in the Bahamas.

I’m not sure whose idea it was, but before I could say anything, half of our party was up and sprinting towards the ocean, shedding clothes as they ran. I laughed at the sight and before I knew it, it was just Christine and I sitting at the table. I was still shoveling food into my mouth when Christine asked the question I had been waiting for. “How was your night with Jonathan?”

I almost choked on my eggs at how forward she was. Then again, none of my friends really knew the meaning of the word subtle. I shrugged lightly, trying to play it off before telling her about the adventures of the night before. She seemed fascinated by it all, and even more shocked when I told her than Jonny hadn’t tried to make a move or anything. Overall, she just seemed happy for me. I finished my story and took a large gulp of orange juice before looking back at my place and asking about her night with Sharpie.

“Oh, we didn’t send the night together,” Christine said, smiling to herself. “The guys were friendly. We talked a lot, shared a kissed or too, then they walked us back to our room like true gentleman. Not what I would expect, but it was nice. A good change of pace.”

“You know it’s sad when that’s a change of pace,” I snorted, taking a bite of bacon.

Christine shrugged. “You know guys are douchebags these days. They weren’t what I expected.”

“Yeah…Me neither,” I felt myself focusing harder on the orange juice glass, my fingers running over its rim. My thoughts took over because I didn’t notice that Christine had left the table to join everyone else in the ocean while the seat next to me was now occupied. I nearly jumped out of my skin when I felt a hand on my leg. Gripping my chest, I looked to Jonny, who was laughing at me. He was dressed in a black t-shirt and red swim trunks, both of which complimented him rather well. “I didn’t hear you.” I said, my voice still shaky

“I know,” he chuckled. Jonny was munching on a piece of toast, his eyes now on the group that were frolicking in the ocean. “It’s nice how everything worked out…don’t you think?”

I nodded in agreement, watching him instead of the ocean. “What took you so long?” I asked, turning my entire body to face him now.

“Just had some things to take care of,” he answered, acting rather nonchalant about the whole thing. After a few moments of silence, he spoke again. “Want to go for a walk?” His deep eyes met mine, and I could see the smile on his lips spread across his whole face.

“Gladly!” I chimed, a little too excited. It didn’t take us long to both get up, link hands, and start on our way.