Girlfriends and Boyfriends Come and Go, but Best Friends Are Forever

turtles and bananas

There are many sick and wrong things in the world. For example, world hunger. We all talk about it but we don't do jack about it. Another example would be falling for your bestfriend. There are many reasons why falling for your bestfriend is just off limits. Reasons such as fear, fear of being turned down or ruining the friendship. Then there's that small problem that we all have to face when being in love with our bestfriend, the girlfriend.
The tall, beautiful, model like girlfriend that has all the boys wrapped around her finger while the girls stare in envy with their jaws on the ground, tempers flaring because their boyfriends are staring a little too hard at the beautiful girl who just happened to walk by.
I on the other had am not envious, I could honestly careless. You see, I'm used to Jason's player ways and at any second that tall, beautiful model like girlfriend will be history. I bet not one of those girls knows how much he loves his little sister, how much he loves the rain, the fights he has with his dad almost every night, or the fact that he constantly reminds me about the peanut butter incident.

"Hey Sam, whatcha doin?" I was jolted out of my thoughts. Jason was now seated on the sand next to me with water dripping down his arms and chest from his wet hair.

"Mmm, nothing just enjoying the peace and quiet." He was sitting so close to me, his arm brushing ever so lightly against mine.

"What are you thinking about? You seem to be thinking real hard about something." If he only knew that he was all I could think about these past few days. I was about to make up some lame excuse involving turtles and bananas but he cut me off.

"I broke up with Rosie." I laughed. "I was beginning to wonder when you were going to get rid of her. How long was it, two weeks? I swear that has got to be your longest relationship and that's saying something since you go through girls the same way you go through silly bands."

"Hey! In my defense those silly bands are really easy to tear but that's besides the point. You make sound so horrid and like a heartless player, that hurts." He put his right hand over his heart, pretending he was hurt.

I brushed the sand off my shorts while I got up to head home with Jason trailing behind. It was only about a mile from the beach to my house so it was such a long walk.

"So formal is coming up, you going?" I looked his way but instantly looked away afraid he would see the red in my cheeks. I swear, I probably look like a freaking tomatoe might as well sell me at the grocery store!

"Me? No, no I'm not. Why? Are you?"

"Mmm yeah I was actually wondering if.." Oh boy, he's going to ask me, I thought. Oh please, oh please let him ask me. I will do laundry for a whole entire month if he asks me!


"What?" Shoot! Did I space out? Did I miss his question? He must think I'm a total moron! Way to go Sammy.

"I wanted to know if you think Kiana would say yes if I asked her?" Oh..of course he wasn't going to ask me.

" yeah totally. Who wouldn't say yes?" I half smiled. We were already standing infront of my house when he hugged me and kissed me on the cheek. "Thanks Sam, see you tomorrow!" And with that, he walked away.
Ugh! I can't believe I actually thought he was going to ask me, he's my bestfriend for dinosaurs sake! FML.
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well i hoped you liked my sad but true story lemme know how yah like itc: