Status: WIP

The Perfect Foundation

Summer's on it's deathbed

"Mikes, can I talk to you for minute?" Mikey's heart flopped over uncomfortably in his chest. Gerard wanting to 'talk' was never a good sign. Shit, he must know about Pete. Fuck. The skinny man ran his hands over his eyes and steeled himself, following his brother into the bedroom.
"Wha - what's up?" Gerard turned to face him.
"It's - it's the rules thing. I don't know what to do about it." The older Way ran a hand through his bright red hair, creating a lop-sided Mohawk in it's wake.
Okay, thought Mikey, I can do this.
"Um...what don't you know what to do about it?"
Yeah cause THAT made sense.
"Well," Gerard absently fumbled with the drawings on the desk, his other hand in his pocket, "Jon told me that people are...falling for each other. I guess I should notice this stuff but I've been so busy trying to make everyone happy I never thought..."
He grasped at his hair so violently Mikey was concerned for a moment that he was going to rip it out by the roots.
"Gee -,"He began uselessly, putting his hand on the smaller man's shoulder, "You can't possibly know everything that's going to happen. You made the rules to protect them. They know that. You haven't done anything wrong in putting them there."
"I never thought they'd want anything like that. I thought being in a place like that..."
"They're still human, Gee-."
"I know they're still human!"
Hazel eyes blazed.
"I know," Mikey continued calmly, both hands on Gerard's shoulders now. He met his gaze firmly, "But they still have desires. And now, thanks to you, they can finally express them. They can choose what they want to do with them." He didn't know where all this wisdom was coming from but it seemed natural, now that he was thinking about the bigger picture. The boys were still sexual human beings, it made sense they would still be attracted to other people, even with what they'd experienced. You couldn't take away their past, but at least the future was definitely looking a lot brighter. You can't control everything. With giving them freedom came the danger of making mistakes, and that was ultimately part of being human - of growing up - which they had never had a chance to do.
"But - but how do you know it isn't all gonna go to shit?" His brother looked genuinely terrified.
"You've done as much as you can do. It's up to them now."
"Okay." Mikey dragged Gerard into a tight hug.
"Try not to worry about it?"
Gerard sighed.
"I'll try..."

Gerard gathered the house together later on that day and told them - with lots of awkward arm-waving - that touching was fine as long as it was mutual and he was sorry about the rules. Ryan raised an eyebrow at this and exchanged a look with Brendon.
"Gerard, why the hell are you apologising? Those rules are there to protect us." He looked around and the survivors nodded in agreement.
"I know, just...your free will and all..." He rubbed at his head bashfully.
"None of us are used to having free will. You were doing us a favour!" Piped up Brendon. Gerard looked at the boy's smiling face with his wide, honest brown eyes and allowed himself he tiniest of smiles in return.
"Thanks guys." He mumbled. There were choruses of 'no worries' and 'no, thank you!' then Jon suggested a round of monopoly and Pete asked for coffee orders and the room began to empty via sounds of laughing and happy conversation. The red- haired man felt somewhat overwhelmed. Someone came from behind and wrapped a long arm around his shoulders. Mikey.
"Good speech bro." He whispered into his ear and Gerard turned to him, his mouth tilting at the corners.

Sometime later, Ryan, Brendon, Jon and Spencer were enjoying a heated game of monopoly, Pete, Gerard, Brian, Steve and Mikey were in the kitchen with their coffee when there was a knock at the door. Everyone went silent. The boys near Gerard looked at him expectantly as his brow furrowed and he set his drink on the sideboard.
"Are you expecting someone?"
Asked Pete quietly.
"" The older Way said after a moment's thought. He looked worried, but headed to the door with Mikey shadowing him like a ghost.
Taking in a deep breath, he opened it up.
A small, dark-haired man canon-balled into him so enthusiastically that they were propelled into Mikey who, caught by surprise, toppled backwards onto the floor, taking the other two with him.
"Frank?! What the hell?" Gerard choked out after rolling off Mikey and prying the smaller man's arms off him.
"Hi!" The man grinned, bouncing to his feet, energy radiating from him like a heat from a blast-furnace. Mikey accepted his brother's hand up.
"Thanks for the uh...greeting."
"No worries!" By this point, Pete and Brian were peering cautiously around the door of the
kitchen. Brendon had also appeared in the hallway, hand clutching a wad of monopoly money, stalked protectively by Ryan. Jon was visible a few metres behind, leaning nonchalantly against the wall.
"Hey Iero."
"Jon!" Frank launched himself towards the doctor like a stone from a slingshot and the look of shock on Brendon's face would have been hilarious if they'd not revoked the 'no touching' rule a couple of hours before. Jon took Frank in his stride, returning the embrace while meeting Gerard's gaze meaningfully over the smaller man's shoulder. Gerard shrugged. He was as in the dark as everyone else about Frank's impromptu arrival. They hadn't seen him much since the break out. He'd been travelling the country with Ray trying to help people in similar situations to the boys.
"It's so great to see you guys!" Frank unwrapped himself from around Jon and beamed at everyone.
"You must be Brendon!" He rounded on the survivor, who held up the monopoly money as though he thought that might stop Frank from hugging him. It didn't - Frank threw his arms around him like they were long lost lovers and Brendon was forced to reciprocate or be dragged to the floor. Gerard and Jon were stood either side, matching looks of despair on their faces. Frank withdrew with a smile that nearly split his face.
"I never got to see you alive and well. How are you doing?"
Brendon looked as though he'd been round housed by a baseball bat. Behind Frank, Gerard opened his mouth - presumably to say something helpful like 'that's enough Frank' or 'shall we take things into the sitting room' - but nothing came out. The red-haired man just gawped at his childhood friend for a good few seconds before Brendon pulled himself together and smiled back at his attacker kindly.
"I'm doing much better, thank you. I can never thank you enough for helping us." Frank looked like he was about to molest him again so Gerard surreptitiously took his arm.
"I'm so glad I could help. I'm so glad you're ok!" Frank's earnestness was endearing but Gerard was confused as to what he was doing here.
"Frank, what...are you...?" He didn't mean to sound rude but Frank's face fell slightly.
"I have some kids with me, me n Ray saved them back in Richmond! It was really bad, they were like -."
"Wait, wait." Gerard pressed the air down with his hands as his blood pressure sky rocketed.
"You have more kids with you?"
Frank nodded several times too many.
"Yeah they're in the car, I -."
The dark-haired man stopped on his way to the door and spun to face Gerard, his eyes bright with apologies and desperation.
"There's only four." He almost whispered. The tension was like a thick blanket in the small space of the corridor.
Gerard shared a wordless glance with his friend, then motioned for him to go out, following suit with Mikey in tow. Left alone with the boys, Jon took charge.
"Go to your rooms, I'll find out what's going on. Don't worry." They all dispersed slowly, apart from Pete.
"Is it ok if I stick around?" His expression betrayed nothing apart from mild interest. Jon nodded once. They went to the door but it was already open and Gerard and Frank were walking towards them from a battered blue beetle. Behind them were Mikey, four boys and a dog. One of the boys, very slight with pale strawberry blonde hair was petting him intently.
"But you could have radioed through." Gerard was saying.
"I didn't want you to say no!"
"You can't just - turn up like this!
"I'm sorry Gee, I didn't know what else to do! They had nowhere to go, I couldn't just leave them in the middle of like - nowhere!"
"You could have found another safe house, you put everyone at risk by coming here!"
Frank was close to tears.
"I - I just - just didn't know what t-to d-do..."
Jon decided this was a good time to step in.
"Gerard, I think that's enough for now. How about you and Mikey sort out the sleeping arrangements and I'll see what the deal is with Frank."
Guilt washed over Gerard's face and he started to stutter out apologies, his hand going out to Frank's shaking shoulder.
Jon smiled wryly at the red-haired man to show he wasn't mad and took Frank to one side, settling him down the grass.
"Pete?" He tilted his head towards the stragglers.
"Sure." Pete smiled widely and lead the four boys and the dog into the house.
Jon watched them go, wondering how this turn of events was going to affect the house. The boys were doing well. He had to see the dangers of introducing four new kids so late in the day. Everyone was just getting used to each other, this would upset the careful balance they'd formed over the months. Poor Frank. The doctor put his arm around the smaller man as he cried unashamedly. He was just trying to do the right thing. Who knows how he'd made it through the apocalypse. You didn't have to be a psychiatrist to guess it had been someone else who'd kept him alive. And maybe died in the process. That was probably what drove him to rescue kids in the fairs.
"I'm s-s-sorry." Frank choked out around his sobs. Jon made 'sshhh' - ing noises and patted him.
"You were only trying to help them."
"B-b-but I sh-should have t-told Gee. H-he would have understood...right?"
Frank's huge, hopeful hazel eyes raised themselves to Jon's. Jon made a face.
"I dunno, Frankie. Gerard's become very protective of these kids. I think you did the right thing for your boys - bringing them here."
Frank's eyes filled again and he sniffed dramatically, wiping his nose on his arm. Jon decided to distract him with questions.
"What's the story with your boys then?"
"Erm..." Frank blew his nose on his shirt, smiling affectionately, "Well, me n Ray n some other guys picked up Jared and Patrick from an abusive household in Tennessee. These folks were like beating them up n shit. Erm...Avery was helping us out and Lintu we just found on the street. I dunno his story. He's only 19, though. Doesn't speak very good English."
Jon nodded.
"I see."
"And the dog?" Frank's face lit up.
"Lucy! Oh she's awesome, we picked her up on the way."
"Ok." They sat in silence for a while then Jon ruffled Frank's hair and offered him a hand up.
"Yeah, much. Thanks Jon, you're the best." He hugged him, red-eyed and smiling. They headed inside.

In the kitchen, Pete was talking amicably to the four kids.
"Hey guys." Jon plastered the most welcoming smile on his face that he could manage.
There was a minuscule wave of greetings in return. "I'm Jon."
"Jon's a doctor, if you need medical help he's your man. Jon, this is Avery, Jared, Patrick and Lintu." Jon smiled at each boy as Pete pointed them out. Avery's face brightened, directly returning his gaze, blue eyes open and honest, his dirty blonde hair dragged over his face in one jagged wave. Next to him Jared was tall and skinny with dark, healthy-looking brown hair and the most striking blue eyes Jon had ever seen. His expression was less friendly than Avery's. Infact, he looked almost bored. Patrick was a tiny specimen of a man. So petite, Jon suspected he was suffering from severe malnutrition. He resisted the urge to do a check up in the middle of the kitchen. Lintu was also short, though it could be stunted growth rather than genes. His hair was black and his skin White in comparison. His eyes were on the green side of Hazel and looked warily back at Jon, not malicious but scared. Out of all of them he looked the worst. His clothes were thick with dirt and barely attached at the seams.
"Welcome to our safehouse." Jon flapped his hands about awkwardly. "Coffee?"
"On it." Pete smoothly set up the machine.
"Can I get you guys any drinks?" Clearly too nervous to say anything, they shook their heads.
Lintu nodded. Then Patrick. Then Avery piped up: "Do you have any fruit juice?"
"I think we have some concentrate somewhere..." The doctor fumbled around in the cupboards, produced some apple juice. As it turned out, everyone wanted some - apart from Jared, who took the coffee. Jon checked everyone was ok then made himself stay until Pete suggested he go see Mikey about the sleeping arrangements. Jon smiled gratefully.
"Make yourselves at home guys, I'll be upstairs if you need anything."

Mikey was just coming out of his room when he finally found him. He looked tense but calm when Jon asked how the doubling up was going.
"Gerard and I are gonna share, Ryan and Brendon, you and Spencer and Brian and Steve. So the only person with their own room is Pete. And the four kids."
"What about Frank?"
Mikey bit his lip.
"Oh yeah. Crap. Uh..."
Jon thought about it for a moment, going through the people in the house. Ah yes, Pete and Mikey could share.
"How about you n Pete share and Gerard shares with Frank?" The younger Way brother looked across at him, eyes wide. Jon could see him wondering how much he knew. He didn't know much, just that both men were attracted to each other and liked each other. It was probably a disaster putting them in a room together but Jon had to admit out of everyone, he trusted Mkkey and Pete to keep themselves out of trouble. Plus they weren't the problem - it was Gerard that would freak out.
"Is that alright?"
Mikey rubbed at his face with long fingered hands.
"Yeah that's fine. I'll go tell him." He headed back to his brother's room and Jon followed. In the small space the four boys were sat either on the floor or the bed. Gerard was stood in front of them, hair dishevelled, eyes large with worry as he turned to see Jon and Mikey come in. As Mikey told him the situation, Jon went over to the boys.
They nodded.
"Awesome. Gerard?" The red-haired man smiled tightly.
"Are you ok?"
"Ok, do you two want to help get the rooms ready?"
Gerard nodded. "Sure. What are you gonna do with the others?"
"I'll keep them occupied. I'll send Pete up in 5."
♠ ♠ ♠
Big update for anyone who is still reading!