Status: WIP

The Perfect Foundation

This is the road to ruin

Avary was confused and enamoured by Brendon. He clashed with his idea of an extreme sinner, despite the fact he knew deep down that everyone on earth was exactly the same - everyone was human, could be drawn to Christianity, accepted by Jesus. Avary looked at Brendon's multi-faceted smile and innocent-looking brown eyes and desperately wanted to save him, to show him the ways of The Lord, but a part of him knew the boy had gone too far, had seen to much pain and suffering to really believe in a higher power. It made him sad, it made something inside of him ache and his eyes sting but he knew this was his burden to bear. Hadn't he known that it wouldn't be easy? The beating he'd received from Jared was nothing compared to this...ridiculousness. Brendon, Ryan, Pete and Patrick. Lintu and Frank. Avary could see the tension between Frank and Jared, even when they just passed each other in the hall. His and Brendon's session the other day had hinged around sexual abuse and the repercussions of letting it slide. Brendon was clearly furious that Avary refused to tell him who had hit him and the anger and concern in his eyes was almost enough to make Avary cry, which wasn't something he succumbed to very often. Instead he made a joke about sex to cheer him up and was rewarded with Brendon's incapacitated laughter.
"I can't believe you said 'do me.'" He sighed happily, wiping his eyes, "You're such a Christian!"
"And proud of it." Quipped the blonde, smiling. Brendon's face fell as his eyes ran over the bruises across Avary's cheekbones and suddenly his fingers were there too, tracing the damage gently.
"Why would anyone do this to you?" Avary wanted to move away but didn't.
"Pain. And anger. And pain...we've all lost so much. You must understand..."
Brendon nodded reluctantly.
"I do. I've seen it. In a way I've wanted to do it, to lash out but...this is not justice, this is not retribution for what we have suffered. All we have is each other." He paused, Avary closed his eyes as Brendon's hand stroked his face.
"I'm jealous. That you have more than us."
Avary thought about saying 'Jesus is for everyone, not just for me' or 'God will forgive you' but he knew Brendon would balk from such phrases. He took a breath, finding the boy's simple affection soothing.
"Don't give up." Brendon smiled sadly, although Avary didn't see it.
"It's not about giving up. I just don't believe." Avary didn't say anything. He really wished with all his heart that Brendon and Jared and many others would just give it all a chance, then they could see how wonderful it all was, how they needn't feel lost and alone in such a terrible world.

Meanwhile in the kitchen....

The box of booze had been sat in the corner for two weeks, gathering dust and generally being a hindrance to everyone in the kitchen, although no one actually bothered to move it back to where it came from. Gerard was stood one Monday, nursing a strong cup of black coffee since they had ran out of powdered milk, staring out of the window at the garden deep in the throes of autumn when he decided now was the time to organise a 'fun' night, get everyone together and see where he was going wrong. Pete and Mikey wandered in some moments later, adorable with their little shared smiles and affection. Gerard was as jealous of their thing as he was nervous, but he managed to push it to the back of his mind most of the time. Brian and Steve had left, taking Lintu with them despite Patrick's mute protests. Spencer had agreed to take them to a safehouse in LA and return with supplies and everyone who knew him was worried about scavengers on the road, raiding parties and other such horrors that could take him unawares but that was the life they lived now. They couldn't afford the luxury of assurance.
"We need to get rid of this shit man." The red haired man gestured at the box and both boys stopped in their conversation to look at it.
"Sign me up!" Joked Pete, entwining his fingers loosely with Mikey's and smiling, pulling the younger Way towards him and pressing a kiss to his nose. Mikey went pink but didn't let go.
"What do you wanna do?" He asked, as he met Gerard's gaze. Gerard scratched his head and stared at the box for a moment before he made a face at his brother and said the last two words Mikey ever expected him to say to that question.
"Drink it?" Mikey looked at him in shock.
"Are you serious?"
"I think that's a good idea." Said Pete with complete sobriety.
"But wont that cause so many-."
"No, Gerard's right. It's always better to accept it than deny it. What's the point of life if the people that we're looking out for can't make their own choices." Mikey was flabbergasted.
"But-but isn't this a giant...recipe for disaster?" His eyes pleaded with Gerard's and for once he saw utter helplessness there. Pete put his hand on Mikey's elbow.
"If it's a disastrous night, at least it's gonna be a controlled one." Mikey looked between the two expectantly, then sighed when neither was forthcoming. He supposed they would get on this bandwagon come hell or high water. At least they were together.
"Tomorrow night?" He forced out, hardly believing he was condoning this.
Pete nodded and Gerard visibly relaxed, his hands gripping the edge of the kitchen counter to steady himself.
"I'll be sober." Pete stated.
"I don't mind Mikes."
Gerard opened his mouth to chime in, but both men gave him a look and he faltered.
"No. I'm not gonna watch you pull your hair out while everyone else gets wasted. You need to let your hair down, G. Figuratively speaking."
"I - I dunno whether I'm comfortable with that..."
"They won't burn the house down man." Gerard smiled.
"I guess you're right. Ok, so shall we like...plan what we're gonna do or...?"
"Speak to the boys. See what they wanna do. It might be fun to have some drinking games or something. Maybe we have any...chocolate or anything?"
There was a comfortable pause.
"I don't think so..."
"I'll sort it out."
"I'll go find Jon and make...a bulletin or something." Gerard left his coffee on the side, untouched, and headed to Jon's room - which was his alone now Spencer was gone.
♠ ♠ ♠
I hadn't updated in a while so here's two parts of two different chapters mashed into one. Enjoy! Also, sorry about the spelling change for Avary, I just preferred it that way.