Status: WIP

The Perfect Foundation

I dare You to Move.

Mikey was right, Gerard was still awake when he got back, even though it was the early hours of the morning.

“Gee, you should be asleep man...”

“I couldn’t. Not until you were back.”

“Well I’m back now.”

“What happened?”

“I saw Ryan.” Mikey didn’t say anymore. He wasn’t usually a man of many words but three was less than Gerard wanted to hear.

“And is he okay? Did you tell him I sent you?”

“Everything’s still on track, Gee, and Ryan is probably in the same state as when you saw him.”
“Okay. Great. Well not great, but you know what I mean-.”

Mikey gave his brother a quick pat on the shoulder.

“One thing at a time. Now get some sleep. Everything will still be there tomorrow.”

“Okay. But thank you.”

“Anytime bro.”

The next week rushed past in a blur of awkward radio calls, carefully considered but swift meetings with everyone Gerard and Mikey thought they could trust with the lives of the boys.

They agreed that 1. They would have to break them out all together, 2. It would have to be at night and 3. That they had one shot and they could NOT under any circumstances screw it up.

Gerard and Mikey talked things way into the nights and although they’d been through everything hundreds of times, Gerard couldn’t help but think of everything that could go wrong and laid in bed awake far too often worrying.

It reached the week before the break and everything was set and it was Gerard’s turn to go in; to check that everything was ready inside as well as out. He knew Mikey was concerned so he made himself sleep for most of the day so he was better rested for the visit.

He stood in front of the stage again, trying not to mentally run through everything for the millionth time in the past five minutes when the music started and he took a deep breath, clapping along with the rest of the scum bags as the performance began.

It wasn’t really any easier the second time round and he had to really convince himself that that the plan was going to work to stop himself crashing the party and telling all the clients where to stick it.

Ryan didn’t spot him immediately, but when he did a tiny smile spread across his lips before he could quell it. He managed however, and didn’t give him any unnecessary attention until Gerard did his customary smirk and held out his hand to pull him down from the stage. They headed to a caravan, putting on a show of customer and sex-worker until they are safely inside. They both physically collapsed on the couch before Gerard fixed a concerned gaze on Ryan.

“Are you alright?” Ryan leant back on the pillows and closed his eyes with a ghost of a smile.

“I will be.”

“I’m sorry it’s taken so long.”

“What is it gonna take for you to stop apologising?”

“All of you free?”

“You’re quite a character, Gerard Way.” Gerard didn’t really know what to say to that he shrugged awkwardly and fiddled with the hole in his jeans.

“I didn’t want to have to tell you this…but there’s gonna be a problem with the plan.”

“What do you mean?”

“One of us, Fiver, has been sent to solitary.”

“What’s solitary?” Gerard felt himself getting more freaked out by the second.

“It’s a pen on the outskirts of the camp. It’s on the map.” He looked exhausted and Gerard didn’t want to press him but he had to know more.

“How do we get in?”

“The boss has a key.”

“Great. I hope we can break the lock.”

“Probably, with the right equipment.”

“I’ll see what I can-.” Suddenly, there was loud footsteps outside and Gerard immediately shut up, his gaze connecting with Ryan’s as the boy hissed: “Blowjob. Now!”

The red-haired man shot to his feet and Ryan was on his knees in front of him almost instantly, although he clung to Gerard’s skinny hips because he knew if he didn’t he would collapse.

The footsteps got louder and it was clear whoever it was, was headed straight for them.

Ryan unzipped Gerard’s pants and desperately palmed him in an attempt to get him hard. The older man almost jerked away in shame, but steeled himself and tried to imagine that the whole thing was a kind of performance, some sort of nightmare superhero film where he is playing the villain.

He could do it if it was make-believe? Right?

He had a hard-on very quickly because of course the boy knew about this stuff and it wasn’t exactly difficult considering he hadn’t been touched in some months or even years.

As the door opened, Ryan had his pants down and to the person who had just entered everything appeared to be ‘normal.’ Gerard rounded on the newcomer with all the venom he could muster, his red hair haywire around his face and his Hazel eyes flashing dangerously as he snapped:

“Can I help you?” Following it with, “The damn thing ain’t gonna suck itself!” And the pose was so artistic, so over the top that it worked perfectly and the person at the door – an older boy with jet black hair and heavy makeup raised his eyebrows with a drawn out:

“Oh-kaaay…I was just making sure everything was alright in here, sir. Sorry to bother you.”

The boy made a swift exit and Gerard let go of Ryan’s hair, stepping away and pulling up his boxers. Ryan stayed on his knees, apparently too exhausted to move. Gerard offered him a hand up, but Ryan refused and painfully pulled himself back onto the couch one limb at a time.
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Some feedback would be great. Do you like my characterisation? Do you like the plot? The description? etc...