A Microsecond in Time.


Time is a very strange thing. It has no rules, no regard for simple things such as direction. Time goes forwards, backwards, sideways and other ways that there are simply no words for. Most strangely of all, if time feels like it, it can just sit right down and stop.

This is one of those moments. The 10th Doctor is sitting in this swirling mist of colours, mouth hanging open, staring at a grinning man who is twirling a bow tie around his finger, seemingly oblivious to the fact that they are stuck somewhere in time. The Doctor just died and should be in the midst of regeneration but instead, he's gaping like a fish at some random with ridiculously long fingers and stupid hair.

"Who are you and what the hell is happening?" he finally manages to ask, snapping his jaw closed so that he doesn't look like an idiot.

"I'm you," the man says, that weird grin still plastered to his face. The Doctor raises one eyebrow and runs a hand through his perfectly tousled hair. The man sitting opposite him, lanky legs crossed, has this strange fringe thing dangling over his right eye and, to be quite frank, the Doctor thinks that it is absolutely ridiculous.

"So... you're me?" The man nods, still twirling his bow tie around.

"Yes. I'm your next personality... appearance... basically, I'm the next Doctor," he says. "I'm guessing that time deemed it important for us to meet, because this otherwise would be less than a microsecond in ordinary time." He grins again and the Doctor narrows his eyes.

"I don't like you," he says.

"Too bad." The man shrugs. "You don't really have much of a choice in the matter." The Doctor groans as pain stabs him in the side. The swirling mist seems to be spinning faster now and he realizes that time has decided that their meeting should be over with. The man continues to grin and waggles his fingers at the Doctor as he moves the opposite direction, towards a plume of blinding light.

"Can you at least not wear the bow tie?" the Doctor yells, using all of his strength to send the words across time.

"Bow ties are cool!"

And with that, time decides that it is ready to move on.
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I probably failed at writing this but it was one of those ideas that just eat your brain until you write it. :)
