Marrying to a Vampire Mafia

Chapter 18

The journey seemed to last forever. It was funny how I was getting used to all this crap.

First my parents sold me to this powerful mafia, so I can marry their son.

Next I found out that they are Vampires and that I can see the future in my dreams.

Then I ran off but Eric brings me back and I fell in love with him.

I get pregnant with Eric's child! AND were not even married yet!

Then some whack maniac comes up to our house, kidnaps me and Eric loses his memory...

I get back to home but Eric can't remember who I am...

I start feel lonely again and I start dreaming bad stuff again and I ran off again.

Eric gets his memory back while getting me back to home after I've passed out in a shady motel.

And then when finally everything feels right, I'M GETTING KIDNAPPED AGAIN!!! AND I'M PROBABLY GOING TO DIE THIS TIME!

This is just a nice story to tell the grandchildren. But wait. I might not live just that long! I cried and cried but nothing helped me in this situation. Finally the car stopped and we arrived to our destination. Or his destination. Mine is going back to home safely.

" Rico, please! I toughed that you and I were friends!" I pleaded and I tried to look into his eyes and see if there was regret in them but no. All I could see from his eyes was emptiness.

" Sure Kaitlin. Let's be friends! You're so stupid and naive! You really should not believe that there is good in everybody!" He laughed.

" Well who says that I'm believing? I know that there ain't any good left in your miserable heart." I said and he slapped me: " Oh, there is so much good in my heart! I haven't kill you yet, haven't I?"

" You sick bastard!" I whispered but he could still hear me. He wasn't a vampire without powers!

" Call me whatever you want. But I'm going to win!" He declared.

" I've so had it with this mafia bullshit! I can't take this anymore. Can you please stop the freaking nagging? You sound worse than my mother! And eventually you're going to lose anyways! Do you really think that nobody saw us leaving. Or that there wouldn't be anybody following us? After what I had just done? You vampires really amaze me with your stupidness!" I yelled in a hysteric mood. I didn't know what went into me but I suddenly had grew some courage.

" Then I should just kill you now before anybody gets here!" He said and pulled out a gun. I stared at him into his eyes. Emptiness.

" I'm really sorry for you! Nobody should have as empty eyes as you have!" I looked away.

" Any last wishes?" He asked before pulling the trigger.

" Say Eric that I left him food into the frig?"

After an hour we pulled into some old warehouse and he dragged me in there. It looked really scary in there and it was straight from some horror movie scene.

" Please stop this insanity Rico!" I begged. I don't know where I got the strenght to beg him. I've been trough so much misery lately and I'm surprised that I can still stand on my two feet.

" Blah, blah, shut the hell up and sit down!" He commanded and I sat down on a empty chair. His eyes looked evil and I couldn't believe that this was the same person I used to talk to for so many times. He pointed the gun at me and I let more tears come out. I hugged my belly, my unborn child that I would never see.

" SHOOT ME ALREADY AND LET ME OUT OF THIS EFFING MISERY!" I yelled at him and he started laughing. I once again changed my mind. Nobody is following us so I'm not going to kill you right away. I'm going to stick in the original plan and let Eric to kill your sorry ass.

" I can't take this anymore!" I said and then I passed out.

I woke up when somebody threw ice cold water against my face and then slapped my cheek with some flat metal object.

" Wakey wake up sweetie!" I heard Rico's voice. He had become even more vicious sounding and I felt chills running trough my back when he spoke to me.

" What's happening in here?" I asked and he smirked at me.

" This is the ultimate torturing chamber!" He laughed and I looked around and I checked my situation. I was chained to the chair and I was now in some smaller room which was filled with light.

He took out some needle and some medicine. I tried to struggle my way out off the chair. He was going to give me some weird medicine. I didn't like the idea at all. What if it was going to hurt my baby?

" What's that? Don't you even dare to put that into my veins!" I yelled but he just smiled.

" This is going to calm you down. AND YOU'RE GOING TO FEEL THE PAIN BETTER!" He yelled back at me. I was feeling really scared. My body was shaking like a leaf in the wind when he injected me. I could feel how the needle went trough my sensitive skin and how the drug moved in my veins. I closed my eyes.

I started to feel a bit light headed. I didn't feel like screaming anymore. The feeling was actually quite pleasant. I felt like I was flowing in the air. My breathing got better and my heart stopped beating so damn fast.

" What is happening?" I asked keeping my eyes closed. It was silent around me. I slowly opened my eyes and I noticed that the room was now filled with weird people. Were they here to hurt me too or help? Where Rico had gone? Everything seemed really blurry. Like two worlds were mixing together.

" Help me!" I begged tiredly and I tried to reach my hand towards the people. I notice that two very familiar looking people stepped closer looking relieved and very happy. Non of the faces belonged to Eric. Those two faces belonged to my mother and father who had sold me out to the vampire mafia.

" How could you sell me out ?" I asked tears in my eyes and my mother looked like she didn't understand.

" Shh honey. You don't have to speak yet. Let the medicine work first!" She said and I couldn't understand what was happening.

" Where is Rico? Did you catch him yet?" I asked and my father shook his head. A nurse looking woman came to stand next to me and she was chekin out some monitor.

I was starting to see the room more clearly. It was a hospital room and there were two nurses, a doctor and my parents in the room. I myself was lying on the bed and my hands were tied up. I was wearing a light blue gown.

" Can somebody please tell me what is happening around here? Where is Eric? Is he safe? Is he here?" I asked yelling at them. Tears flooded trough my cheeks.

" Honey calm down! We don't want to lose you again! These few months have been horrible for us! You have been in some psychosis and this is the first time in month when you even talk back to us!" Mom said and she looked really upset.

What the hell she was talking about? OH, I think that she means that after they found me I've been acting really weird.

" But where's Eric?" I asked and my father shook his head again: " Honey! There is no Eric! He is your imagination just like everything else has been! "

" I don't believe you! Good joke! HaHaHa! You tell me that these few months that I've been going trough have only happened in my imagination? How do you explain my pregnancy?" I asked and I looked down at my belly. It was gone.

" Honey calm down now. You have to rest! We know that it's going to be hard for you to accept the reality but we are here for you!" Mom said and put her arms around me. Reality? What was the effing reality?

Was this reality better than the one I had been living few minutes ago? Was this even the real reality? What if I woke up after next few months and the reality has changed again? Would it just be easier for me to die? I had just lost two loves of my life, Eric and the unborn baby. Even though their world had hurt me really badly at least I was happy in that reality.

Ain't happiness what we're all aiming for?
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Thank you for reading! It was my pleasure to write this! <3