‹ Prequel: Tripled Manic State

She Puts The Ho In Home Wrecker

Chapter 27



“Yeah...Ville....Is Reb there?”

“No – she’s with Knoxville visiting his parents.” Ville replied, un-pausing the game that he and Madison were playing and resting the phone between his shoulder and his head.

“So – they left you, alone, in the house?”

“No – I’m babysitting...Ha! Beat ya Madi!”

“Rematch!” Madison yelled. “You cheated!”

“Did not!” Ville replied. “And I was on the phone so – Ha!”

“Shut up – I’m going to get a drink and you’re not getting one!” Madison pouted, flouncing out of the living room.

“Sore loser!” Ville shouted after her, laughing as Cloud jumped on him.

“What’s the matter- you dying over there?”

“Yep – Cloud’s trying to kill me because Madi’s such a drama queen.”

“I HEARD THAT!!!” Madison yelled from the kitchen.

“Having fun, I see.” Angel laughed.

“Yeppo.” Madison said.

“Are you on the phone in the kitchen?”

“Yep.” Madison giggled. “Are you two together yet?”

“Madi!” Ville gasped, sliding off the sofa and narrowly missing hitting his head on the broken coffee table.

“What? It was a fair question!”

“Hardly.” Ville muttered dryly, holding the phone with one hand and using the other to keep Cloud from jumping on him again and licking his face to death.

“So...how’s the babysitting going Madi?” Angel asked.

“Good – Ville’s been on his best behaviour since he broke the coffee table.”

“That was an accident.” Ville laughed as his mobile rang.

“Ville, how’s everything going?”

“Good.” Ville replied, “Why’s ya ring?”

“Well....I was just ringing to say we’re on our way back – but we might stop off at Castle Bam and see Angel and the guys...so, I was wondering if you wanted anything or something....?” Knoxville said, Rebel laughing at him in the background.

“Um....not that I can think of.....why’d ya ring my mobile?”

“House phone was busy.”

“Yeah – sorry about that. Angel rang and now she’s discussing something with Madi.”


“Hang on – I’ll put her on.” Ville said, before picking up the house phone again. “Madison – your dad’s on my mobile...”

“Be right there.” She giggled, putting the phone down and walking into the living room. Ville handed her the phone and she walked off talking to Knoxville.

“You coming to visit sometime, Ville?”

“Is Jonna still there?”

“Last time I checked.”

“Then, no. I’ve got a few ideas for the next album and wanted to get them written down and finished.”

“Oh.....well, I’ll...um....see you then.” Angel said, putting the phone down.

“Dad says they’ll be back in about an hour.” Madison said as she walked back in and handed Ville his phone.

“Thanks sweetheart.”

“So – let’s finish the game.”