‹ Prequel: Tripled Manic State

She Puts The Ho In Home Wrecker

Chapter 37

“Johnny… you really don’t have to do this…” Rebel said as she clung onto his arm.

“Course I do…” Knoxville replied kissing her on the forehead.

“Ange… grab your sister will you…” Knoxville said to Angel who was stood talking Ville and Bam.

“Yeah sure…” Angel replied as she walked over to them unattached Rebel from Knoxville and dragged her over to where she had been standing.

Knoxville stared at the ramp and grinned.

“Johnny… remember… don’t let go of the bike… or it will come crashing down on you…” Travis said as he walked over to him.

“Could it kill me?” Knoxville asked.

“Yes…” Travis replied “Now watch how it’s done.” he said as he signalled to the person on the motorbike.

They took off… went up the ramp at high speed and preformed a back flip… then landed on the other side of the ramp.

“Whoa… “Knoxville said as he started clapping his hands together like a seal.

The person on the bike drove over to them, stopped and took off their helmet.

“What… a woman… right… if a woman can do it I can do it!” Knoxville said with a look of determination in his eyes.

The woman just laughed on got off the bike and handed Knoxville the helmet, “Knock yourself out!”

Knoxville smirked at her and put the helmet on.

“Remember don’t let go!” Travis yelled as Knoxville got on the bike and sped off.

Knoxville flew up the ramp and into the air… and let go… he fell onto the ground… and the bike landed on top of him. Knoxville yelped with pain.

“Christ… medic!!” Travis yelled as he ran over to Knoxville.

Rebel had managed to get out of the grip her sister had on her and had already made it to Knoxville’s side, “Johnny… Johnny… speak to me!!” she screamed.

Knoxville didn’t reply… blood had started to seep through his trousers.

“Christ… will someone fucking help!?” Rebel yelled.

Bam, Ville and Angel had made it to where Knoxville was lying too…

A few second later the medics arrived… they lifted Knoxville onto a stretcher and carried him towards the ambulance.

“I have to go with him!” Rebel shouted.

The paramedic nodded at her and she climbed into the ambulance.

“Reb… we’ll meet you at the hospital!” Bam yelled as he ran towards his Lambo followed by Angel and Ville