Sequel: Stay With Him Tonight

Stay With Them Tonight

Allie and her family has just moved across town, closer to her best friend, Kelly.

Not long after she moves in, she is asked to go next door and babysit three boys, one of which is six and she has met. As for the other two, she knows nothing of them until she walks in the house and sees the first . . . who is most definitely not a kid. In fact, he's seventeen.

Allie meets both of the older boys in this manner, and they are both 17; they're fraternal brothers, who are nothing alike.

One of the fraternal brothers is nice, sweet, and fun to be around. He is suprisingly fine with the whole situation, and makes things less weird. The other she can't stand. He's rude, stupid, easily-angered, stupid, a playboy, and again, stupid. He makes things extremely uncomfortable, from the first minute she meets him. It doesn't help that he seems to absolutely love making her lose her sanity.


No stealing, copying, whatever. Do. Not. Do it.
Message me about whatever your little hearts desire, comment on the story, etc. :) Rated PG-13, so basically anyone can read it.
First in a just-recently decided TRILOGY, which has been dubbed by me The Stay Trilogy
Geniessen, du kartoffeln! (enjoy, you potatoes! [I LOVE potatoes])
  1. Chapter 1.
  2. Chapter 2.
  3. Chapter 3.
    Crap, Crap, Crap. (house plans for the Anderson and Luce families :)
  4. Chapter 4.
    Muddle Puddle Tweetle Poodle Beetle Noodle Bottle Paddle Battle
  5. Chapter 5.
    You Like Him?
  6. Chapter 6.
    Why Are You Staring?
  7. Chapter 7.
    First Day of School
  8. Chapter 8.
  9. Chapter 9.
    Double-date? (1/3 of a loose 3-parter.)
  10. Chapter 10.
    Triple Date? (2/3)
  11. Chapter 11.
    Quadruple Date!? (3/3)
  12. Chapter 12.
    Rachel is Skating on Thin Ice
  13. Chapter 13.
    Cass is Finally Here!
  14. Chapter 14.
    Interesting Dinner
  15. Chapter 15.
  16. Chapter 16.
    Just Like Always
  17. Chapter 17.
    I Don't Know if I can Tell You . . .
  18. Chapter 18.
    Who's Not Coming?
  19. Chapter 19.
    What's His Name?
  20. Chapter 20.
  21. Chapter 21.
    "It's Killing Me . . ."
  22. Chapter 22.
  23. Chapter 23.
  24. Chapter 24.
  25. Chapter 25.
    Cinderella Story
  26. Chapter 26.
    Kelly P.O.V.
  27. Chapter 27.
    Greg is Your Brother!?
  28. Chapter 28.
  29. Chapter 29.
  30. Chapter 30.
    Jason P.O.V. for most of it :3
  31. Chapter 31.
  32. Chapter 32.
    Allie & RYAN P.O.V. (Finally <3)
  33. Chapter 33.
    When Did You Start Liking Her?
  34. Chapter 34.
  35. Chapter 35.
    Who Do You Like?
  36. Chapter 36.
    Grechel. (;
  37. Chapter 37.
    Not Amused
  38. Chapter 38.
  39. Chapter 39.
    Lions and Tigers and Bears, Oh My!
  40. Chapter 40.
    Acting Normal
  41. Chapter 41.
    Seeing Stars
  42. Chapter 42.
    The End of the Beginning.
  43. Epilogue.
    Das Ende.