Status: Being Worked On

Teach Me Wrong From Right

Something In Your Mouth

Chad's POV

“Music, touring, friends, girls, alcohol. What more could a man ask for?,” I said sighing and leaning back into one of the seats in our tour bus.

“Strippers.” My step brother Mike Kroeger smirked.

“Again? Remember last time you did terrible,” I mentioned and stood up and walked into the building, and to the room we were assigned to.

“Yeah, but I swear these girls are the finest in all the town, man!,” Mike said following.

I chuckled and just rolled my eyes at him and started to get ready for the concert. We were the third in line to play. First was a band called In This Moment, the second was Alter Bridge, which just finished performing not to long ago, then us, and after us Avenged Sevenfold.

“Just shut up about your strippers and get ready,” I chuckled and tossed him his clothing he was supposed to wear.

Before the concert, as always, I started with my voice warm ups and got the band riled up for the concert. “Are you ready for one of the most awesome nights of this tour!”

“Hell yeah!,” they all yelled back.

“I said, are you fucking ready for this god damn concert!”

“Fuck yeah!,” they yelled back again.

“Lets fucking do this!,” I said as we started walking toward stage.

The crowd was chanting “Nickelback! Nickelback!” as the lights dimmed and all of us started filtering onto the stage. I smirked, I fucking love what I do.

I grabbed one of my guitars and walked to my position by the microphone and smirked at all the crazy fans as the lights snapped on.

“How the hell you doing tonight, San Francisco!,” I yelled to the crowd. They screamed their response and I strummed my guitar which riled the crowd even more. “Good to fucking hear.”

Ryan Vikedal, the drummer, started drumming to one of our songs and the crowd screamed the approval.

I played along and smirked and then stopped. “You all know this song?” Yet again the crowd screamed at the top of their lungs and jumped up and down. I chuckled and started playing again.

“Got to meet the hottie
With the million dollar body.
They say its over budget,
But you pay her just to touch it,
Come on!”

I continued to sing and the crowd sang along. Moments like this are the reason I live. When we finished the last song, which was “Savin’ Me” the crowd seemed to be sad but excited about the next band.

“You guys excited to get your ears raped by Avenged fucking Sevenfold!?” The crowd seemed to scream Avenged Sevenfold.

“Well, wait twenty minutes and they’ll be here on this very stage, and thank you all for coming to see us and we’ll see you next time. Peace out!”

I walked off the stage with the biggest smirk on my face as always. I walked to the back room where all the fans with their backstage passes were going to be.

The room was filled with mostly chicks, and of the hot kind too. “Why, hello,” I smiled at a girl obviously in her teens and signed her Nickelback t-shirt. She giggled and we took a picture. After her I signed many more things and took tons of pictures with my most amazing fans.

“Time for our stripper par-taaaay!,” Mike said as the kids thinned out of the room.

“They better be awesome this time or your ass is grass,” he just smiled excitedly and walked out of the room and showed us to where the party was to be taking place.

“Well, after the guys from Avenged get here this place will be rockin!” I couldn’t help but laugh at my over eager step brother.

I grabbed a beer from the fridge and sat down onto one of the chairs and waited the hour for Avenged Sevenfold to be finished with their concert. Mike left and came back with the guys, by that time I was probably on my seventh beer or so.

I saluted them and ten minutes after the Avenged boys filtered in, so did the strippers. All right this time my brother did an amazing job. All were smoking hot, no wonder why they were called “the best.”

One though caught my eye although she was wearing a mask. I couldn’t put a name to her, hell I didn’t even know if I knew the girl. I just had this feeling that I did, but who she was beat the hell out of me. I just knew by the end of tonight I was going to find out. After all my brother did say that these were special strippers.
♠ ♠ ♠
Well the grammar is probably poor but that is all right considering this is a fun story and nothing to serious =)

HERE IS YOUR UPDATE! the next one will also be by me so you know ;P

Quote of the update: Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life. -Berthold Auerbach
Question of the update: Who is your favorite band? Nickelback or Avenged Sevenfold?

Comment answer the the Question of the Update.
Comment and say what you think the quote means.
Comment and say how much you love this story
Comment and say what you think will happen next!

~Love Kelszilla