Status: Writting.

Once Upon A Time. . . .


Once upon a time . . .

Ha, Yeah right like our story really started like that. Well you can guess wrong, It all started at the concert my and one of my best friends went to when we were around the ages of 18 and 19. Well I guess I forgot the introductions. I’m Sarah, and my friends name is Daniella, but we call her Danneh. Well I guess I should continue, Out of the both of us I’m the oldest and she is the youngest but I guessed you figured that out by now. Anyway, we were obsessed with the band called “All Time Low”. Yeah I have to admit we were a bunch of diehards, But any other girl are age was also.

Well we were thinking about going to one of their concerts ever since we were 13 and 14 years old. We had won a contest and got backstage passes to meet the band. And to tell you we were some of the lucky ones. But I’ll let you read the story to find out what happens.

Have fun.
  1. November 21, 2009.
    The Meeting; Backstage; Jack's Dressing Room; The Tour Bus; LA Nokia Arena.