Status: In Progress

Careless Love

Tracey Húsavík; a beautiful middle aged woman marries way too early and way too fast. Benjamin; at first an unkempt and socially awkward computer salesman marries out of desperation and loneliness. In time, their love for each other develops in the upcoming years called, "Marriage." After knowing and dating for over 2 years they decide to marry. The couple were both lonely individually and afraid of dying alone. Years go on by, as well as her husbands Computer career. The once exciting new marriage bed becomes lifeless and dull for them, causing them to seek out new adventures. The problem is, whose adventure turns into the worst possible worst case scenario.

If you love stories about cheesy romance that come with a dirty soap-opera love affair with a little twist. This might be just right your alley.
  1. Present Day
    Present Time
  2. The Touch
    Tracey and Benjamin's first intimacy