Come Undone


He was sat at that dark room, waiting for the other person that stood in that room to talk. Bert was never the one to start a conversation; he loved to be the end, not the start. Every time he started something, he was never able to finish it, and that pissed him; he liked to bury all that he had, forgetting about it and waiting for another thing to start. He was like a musical note; someone would start it, but it’d end on its own, fading away like butterflies in the snow. Yes, butterflies don’t even have something to do with snow, but Bert hadn’t nothing to do with this world, either, and yet he was still alive; not alive, but he survived, just so he could be pleased and would end with the only thing he regretted to let start.

Right now, Bert was sat at the corner of a shadowed room that held no light, surrounded by ghosts, waiting for the apocalypse to break in front of his eyes; once it had started, Bert would enjoy every single beautiful destruction that it would held, waiting for the perfect moment to end it all. Bert would end the apocalypse of words that would spill through the other person’s lips; he knew that the other person would beg for Bert’s ‘bright side’ [as if he had one] so that Bert wouldn’t end what he had built. He’d never succeed, though; Bert had to destroy it, so he would move on.

“Where… Where am I?” The voice finally swam through Bert’s ears, making him snap away from his insane fantasy of spider webs full of crashed dreamers; oh, how it would be beautiful! “Bert?” He said, his breath starting to fasten as he tried to move; he would have no such luck, since he was tightly tied to a chair, trapped in his own ego.

“Who’d you want me to be, Gee-bear? Your little Frank?” Bert finally spoke, his voice revealing how mad he was that he had been tossed aside to a little dog to take his place.

“Bert… please, let me go” Gerard begged, the apocalypse starting very calmly and slowly, as he tried to appeal to Bert’s non-existent goodness; Bert didn’t like to be begged at, and Gerard probably forgot that.

“Shut the fuck up, Gerard. Tell me, baby, what do you want me to be, today?” He asked, a smile already playing on his lips as he awaited the traitor’s answer; he wouldn’t be what he wanted him to be, but he’d be so much more than what he expected.

Gerard seemed to think over those words for a while, trying to find the perfect answer for that trick question that he knew held so many possible mistakes in it; he didn’t want to stay there forever, trapped with a person that he didn’t love. Gerard had to do something to get out of there, even if it meant lying.

“Bertie… I just want you to be mine again; I want you to be with me, right now” Gerard whispered, his before frightened voice becoming seductive and he was hoping his game had been pulled off well, so Bert would buy his lie.

Bert was expecting him to do that, though; he knew Gerard would try to play with his emotions so he would break free. Bert was already expecting that Gerard would believe he had bought his lie, and he knew exactly what to do; if Gerard wanted to play a game, they’d play the game in Bert’s way.

“Re-really?” Bert asked, faking an emotion he had never felt; he always knew what people were about to say, and he never gave himself a chance to get surprised. The only time he allowed someone to do that, that person broke his heart; now, he was slowly breaking that person’s mind, playing tricks on him as he breathed in relief for a while. “I mean… I thought you were happy with him” Bert continued, never moving from his spot; he would not give up his haven until he was forced to. “Is that what you want me to be?”

“Yes, Bert… I never meant to hurt you, you know? I just… I don’t even know what went through my mind; you’re certainly the only one for me” Gerard said, biting his lip as he lied, knowing Bert couldn’t see him; Bert knew he was doing it, though. Bert knew Gerard was lying with all that he had inside his mouth, trying to break away from the chains that had been imposed on his soul; Bert was already prepared for that, though.

“Oh, really, Gee-bear?” Bert asked, his voice sickly sweet, melting through his sentences as he thought of other things to say; he knew he had so much more to say, yet he couldn’t spill it all out at once. “You remember all the things you love to hate?” Bert whispered, making his voice sound purposely sexier. “Like, you’re the one who kills me… You could kill me with your druggy weapon, baby” he said, his voice losing his sweetness, started to show the hatred feeling he held towards the boy on the chair.

“I would never kill you” Gerard lied once again, his lie being visible in the dark that surrounded both men; Bert knew that Gerard would have killed him by then, if he had a chance. He’d take all those possibilities from him, soon.

“Oh, you would, baby” Bert said, this time getting up; he didn’t need any light to know where he had positioned the chair with the sick man that he had loved, once, so, he walked straightly there, unpacking the knife he had hidden on his jacket. “But that won’t happen” he continued, the knife tracing simple ways through his former lover’s body, stopping just above one of the ropes he had around his arms.

Bert put the knife between two of the strikes of rope that it was, and Gerard held his breath, thinking Bert had finally come to his senses; oh, how wrong he was!

Bert held the knife between those fragile tissues, penetrating it deeper and deeper onto Gerard’s right arm, until he heard the boy gasp; soon enough, he could hear blood slide on Gerard’s scream, which made Bert smile. He wanted nothing more than Gerard’s pain; it was the most pleasurable thing for him to get, ever.

“How do you like that, baby?” Bert whispered on his ear, biting it right next; it wasn’t a love bite, though, since it made Gerard scream in pain as he felt a tiny bit of his ear being torn apart from the rest of it on Bert’s mouth.

“BERT! Stop it, please!” Gerard begged again, tears already falling from his sinful eyes. “You’re insane!” He screamed, mad and afraid of how Bert would react to his outburst, but still pretty conscientious that what he had said was true.

Bert laughed; he always knew he was insane. He had never lied to himself on that; since he had tried to kill his own brother, he knew he was insane, and he wouldn’t give on his insaneness for anything in that world. His insaneness made him who he was, after all; he was unique because he was fucking insane.

“Let’s pretend that I’m not damaged in your head” he said, still laughing at the boy’s ignorance; he had just found out Bert was insane? “I opened up my failures to you when you refused to go insane, baby; how have you just found I was like that? Are you really that dumb?”

To say Gerard was scared was not good enough to describe the feelings inside of him. He knew what Bert wanted to do to him, and he didn’t want that to come, for sure; he would beg him until he knew he had no more chances to take, than to accept what was coming.

“Bert, please; you don’t really wanna do this” Gerard pleaded, his voice a covered thick layer of blood and tears in the blinding darkness. “Do you really want me dead?” He asked, trying to reason with Bert; that was the wrong question to make, though.

“Yes”; this was all that Bert said, before stabbing Gerard on the shoulder, making him cry out the most beautiful sound Bert had ever heard. “Do you really want me to be all yours, tonight?” Bert asked, playing a little bit more with Gerard’s hopes.

As Gerard heard those words leave that monster’s lips, his hopes flew high above the ceiling, getting free of those walls that separated them from the world; he was now smiling a bit through his face as he thought he had finally gotten Bert to not kill him while appealing to the side of him that would never resist him.

“Yes, baby; I want you all for me” Gerard whispered, licking his lips in the silence that followed, knowing Bert would hear it; Bert took that chance to have a final taste of the drug that he’d craved the most on his life.

Bert lowered his body so his head with be level-sized with Gerard’s head, crashing his lips against the other boy’s ones, in a raged motion that cut right through his lips, making them bleed; unsatisfied with only that, he parted his mouth a little more, allowing Gerard the entry of his tongue inside of Bert’s mouth. Gerard didn’t really want to do it, but he had to act so he would be released; Bert had other ideas on mind, though.

As Gerard worked hard on making that kiss believable, Bert had already prepared himself for the scream that would echo onto his throat as he bit Gerard’s tongue really hard, almost getting it out of his mouth; the yell that vibrated inside of his mouth made him smile, letting go of that piece of raw meat that he had been biting.

“Hate me now, Gerard” he said, licking his lips so he would taste every single drop of burning blood that lied there unforgotten. “I won’t be what you want me to be, tonight… I’ll be your loaded gun waiting to come undone” he continued, chuckling in the end, scaring Gerard even more; Gerard couldn’t talk, but his tears were still there, showing off his fear as they shone in the dark.

Bert got up again, going to the side of the chair where that motherfucking bastard sat against his will; if he thought what he had suffered so far was the worst he could ever feel, he would be very surprised as to the final act Bert would put on him.

“I’ll be the end that you deserve” Bert said, those being his final words towards a guy that didn’t even deserve his breath; Bert lightened a lighter, waving it in front of Gerard’s face so he could see his tears.

Bert smiled at Gerard’s hurt features; that was the face he wanted to remember forever. The face that would haunt him, and that he would smile at, never regretting all he had done to the man that had tried to break him; Bert could never be broken. He was like the cement that held a house together; only a fucking earthquake could take him down, and that earthquake hadn’t arrived yet.

When Bert was satisfied with Gerard’s memories that had already sunk on his brain, he moved the lighter onto his clothes and onto the rope that held Gerard together, igniting a fire there; he hadn’t put any gasoline, so it would be a slow process.

The fire started to spread, consuming Gerard’s screams and eating his soul alive, pleasing Bert as it did so; all Bert wanted was Gerard to know how he had felt when he left him, and now he was feeling so much worse. That was way more than Bert originally wanted, but he was fine with it; those flames were boiling on Gerard’s body, making Bert smile.

Fire never seized to please him.
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comment, please.

this is Ephedrine Ruby, signing off.