Universal War

Golden Sea

My paws padded against the cobbled streets as I watched men dressed in their boring trousers and the woman dressed in their dresses or blouses with long skirts. They were headed towards the great church while I trotted against the current, towards the hay field. I watched the golden brown field of stalks. My fur blew back and forth with the wind, when the golden sea of stalks came alive and waves started to flow through it. With each new gust of wind a new wave rippled through making it shine with its golden brown luster. I jumped into the sea, It was darker underneath the large stalks, my glitted yellow as I slipped between the stalks as they moved. I was under the great sea of golden brown. My paws dragged across dirt rustling up the small animal life. A snake slid across my path. I closed my eyes, my ear perking up to catch everything. I hear the roar of the golden brown sea, I hear the almost silent sound of the snake disappearing again. I also hear my own heart. This is one of the few times I feel calm.
I feel safe under the waves,
I poke my head up into the sunlight and see a group of black hooded figures heading towards the town, towards the church.
But as soon as I surface again…
I leap into action ducking back underneath the stalks this time not taking time to enjoy the solitude, now wasn’t the time or place. My paws pounded the dirt as I raced towards them. I raised my head and released a howl and I felt the other close in behind me. Pushing down my strong front paws I flew from the ground and into the first hooded figure. He turned to look at me eyes wide.
“What are you doing?!?” He screamed as I leapt onto him digging my fangs into his arm he let out a yelp. His hood fell exposing his ears. He was a follower of Luna, the goddess of the moon, and the great wolf mother for all wolf demons. “We are also children of Luna!” He howled for the others to help him but Shiva had already materialized and pounced on two others. Shiva’s great leopard chest broad and his paws slashed. Slowly the black hoods started to disappear leaving only the one within my jaws. The last Black hooded one whimpered as Shiva walked over and looked over my shoulder down at him. I felt his shivers in my jaw, it bothered me so I let him go. A trail of blood filled spit connect my jaw to his arm still. The black hood watched it in horror, like he couldn’t believe it was real.
“Why are you doing this?” He stammered still staring at his arm and the spit trail, “Luna commanded us to take out that church on their day of worship.” The spit trail kept dangling, The black hood’s eyes flicked to me, to my jaws.
“I do not follow the great mother,” I stated. His expression changed.
“You must believe in God the one that abandoned us!” He hissed spitting at me. I stared blackly at him growing cold in my heart as Shiva changed forms back into his small black cat form. He started to walk away knowing my reaction.
“ No I do not, nor do I believe in the Fates,”
“Who do you follow?” He begged. I moved my jaws closer to his face breaking the spit tail. I let out an evil cackled I had fallen into insanity.
“O fight for all” His eyes bulged from his head as I clamped around his throat blood splirting from the sides.
Its time to fight for destiny…
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ill continue to add stories. Im losing the will to write, please leave me comments or visit me on Deviant art my name is SkippytheWolf my youtube is Cheshirewolf18