Universal War

Meeting The Goddess

We stepped into the circle surrounded by trees. I stood with my chest puffed out in Shiva’s mighty shadow. I heard a faint howl in my ears; I whipped my head from side to side to try to hunt for the sound. Shiva watched my distress from the corner of his eyes.
“Luna has entered the council,” Shiva proclaimed and a woman appeared in a flash of moonlight. She stood her head to the moon, eyes closed. Her shapely form draped in a tight black dress. Her hair which fell along her back was a light, almost silvery blond. Shiva let out a grunt and she slowly turned her head and opened her eyes to show the colors of a blade as it shines in the sun. They glinted dangerous as she studied us.
“Well hello there boy,” she said through her wolfish grin. Shiva grunted once more. I heard his heart start to beat faster, either in fear or anger.
“Mother” he responded. Luna laughed and strutted closer to us, making sure to make her beauty shine, like she needed to try. She walked up to Shiva, placing a hand on his furry panther chest. A shudder passed through him, as he changed to human form. What is this witch doing?!? I lunged at her pinning her to the ground.
“Don’t you ever try to hurt my mate again!” I growled. Anger boiled in my blood, Luna laughed underneath me. Tackling her was way to easy.. my anger started to fade. I was blown off her. A blast of energy pounding my stomach and throwing me off of her. I heard Shiva’s growl as I thudded to the ground. The world spun as I watched Luna and Shiva’s exchange. Shiva turned to look at me then turned back to Luna his face contorted in anger the blackness danced around the edges of my conscious. I let out a whimper and I to slipped back onto two legs curling into a ball and letting the blackness consume me.