Universal War

Universal Council

“Luna you witch!!! Don’t you dare harm my mate!!!!” I screamed. Luna painted on a sorry face.
“Im so sorry my dear Shiva,” she mocked then let her grin crack the mock emotions from her face. “She is exposable” Luna looked at him, completely serious now.
I growled.
“You said she was here for company and to someday… ta...” I stopped I couldn’t continue I knew what my loves place was. What her purpose was…
Luna saw my pain and took advantage of it. She opened her mouth to strike against me but a clap of thunder shook the Earth and a mighty man appeared from the sky bringing in rays of light. The light struck my eyes and I raised a hand to shield them.
“Well hello there God” Luna said pleasantly straightening her dress. Making sure that it still clung to her body in the way it should. God didn’t give her the looks she wanted and calmly replied.
“Hello Luna, I see you have brought the one and his mate along to our meeting”. Luna smiled wickedly in response. Then a thought struck her and she whipped her head around letting her hair trail behind the movements in a golden stream.
“We are still missing one” She proclaimed just as Michael came out from behind a tree. His face was still beautiful, like an angel, like an angel that he used to be. God didn’t even look at him. I turned to retrieve my love who was limply laying on the ground Blood from her skull splattered the ground around her head. She was in human form now and had her eyes squinted shut as he body worked to repair itself from the damage the witch had done to her. I picked her up and pulled her to my chest, pressing my nose into her hair and pulling in her scent. I closed my eyes, found my moment of calm, then snapped them open. It was time for the council.
We sat in a circle all facing one another. God glared at Luna then proclaimed.
“You sent your followers after my worshipers on Sunday, our day of rest” Luna seemed unfazed.
“Your worshipers have publicly executed yet another demon in name of the church, IN YOUR NAME” She growled. Michael laughed.
“I think I should just kill you both and solve this problem once and for all” He stated. They both turned to glare at him. I reclined back into my chair with Manchee in my lap. She laid limply on my shoulder a faint trail of drool hung from her mouth. They bickered back and forth.
“Well now well now” God said raising his hands in surrender, “Humans are unpredictable so we should stop our bickering and work out solutions for the long term future”. Michael stuck his tongue out at him.
“We need to solve this now!” He said pounding his fists upon the table. Luna sat back, a dark look on her face as her fangs grew and her eyes glitted yellow.
“War.” She said and the men looked at her.
“What would war solve?!?” God begged for reason. Michael grin followed Lunas.
“I agree” God started to panic. Then realizing that the two were to bloodthirsty for reason agreed.
“I second the motion” He sighed. I felt I needed to intervene.
“War it is then” I said as Manchee started to stir.
“Hey you!!” Michael jumped up and hissed at me, “Who gets you?”
Luna jumped at his throat yelling that I was her’s, the others not knowing I was her kin would not let her have me, even if they did know they would make it as hard for her as possible. They all wanted my soul, they all NEEDED my worship.
“The winner of the war” I said as Manchee opened her eyes and looked at me sleepily. Lord how I wished to hold her for eternity, “Get my soul and eternal worship”.