Universal War

The Fates

Human tanks poured in from all sides. They were made from copper terror metal. They clinked and ground together as they slid onto the battle field. The sky which was dark, you can thank God for that, was spotted with bird winged battle ships as they flapped dragged themselves onto the battle field. I looked around. Manchee stood at my side in her wolf form. I was wearing my copper jacket. Another solider came up to me and handed me a metal horses reins. The horses sides were to hot to touch so they were covered in cheap leather, in an effort as to not burn the legs of its rider. Manchee bent forward and looked back at me. I placed my foot on her back for a boost to get onto my metal horse. When sitting on my horse I could really see the battle. The metal war machines chugged towards one another. The Christians wore the red war machines with crosses painted neatly on the sides. Men wearing red tunics shot burning arrows at waves of people wearing black and waves of wolf demons running at them in wolf form. Wolves fell to the ground with arrows penetrating their chests and their fur singeing. I couldn’t stop imagining Manchee with an arrow in her chest. Tears started to form In my eyes. I knew her destiny, I looked down at her. Her blue eyes staring back at me and her tail wagged happily. There was nothing she loved more than being by my side. She often had nightmares about not being able to protect me when the time was right, I always told her that i would be the one to protect her. But she wouldn’t have any of it, a bird flew by and her ears twitched just before she whipped her head around to see the bird flee the battle field for more air ships were coming. There wings flapped like birds themselves. I grimly looked out at the battle field, and I would fight heaven, the Goddess, and fallen angels to change it. A woman walked over to me. She wore bandages around her mouth but her deep emerald eyes seemed to speak for her. She walked over to me past a tense Manchee and handed me a blue cloak. I took the smooth silk inmy hand and nodded my head in thanks. Her eyes sparkled with gratitude then turned to Manchee, She held out a blue cloak as well. When Manchee opened her mouth the grab it she yanked it back and watcher her. Manchee started to fume but I clicked at her to be patient. Her eyes shot at me annoyed then back at the woman. She was struggling to be patient. There’s my good patient girl I cooed. The woman held out the robe once more this time and Manchee opened her mouth evens slower than last time, even making sure not to let her fangs show threateningly but again the woman yanked it away waggling her finger in front of Manchees nose. She peeled back her lips in anger.
“You stupid woman! Either give me the darn cloak or get away from my mate and I!!!” Manchee growled her neck fur bristling with furry. I could almost laugh well it was cute while it lasted. The woman turned to me her eyes sparkling with the answer. She wanted Manchee to use this on two legs for something.
“Manchee” I said and she turned to look at me her anger momentarily leaving at the sound of my voice, and then returned in a flash.
“What does this vile woman want with me?!?” She howled in frustration. Her temper flaring.
“Dear, change to two legs” I said and she fumed once more and shifted to her human form. She opened her eyes, though they were filled with fire form her anger, they still took my breath away. They were so beautiful.
“Alright woman” She howled holding out her hands. The woman looked at me, nothing but good will in her eyes and placed the cloak in Manchees clawed fingers. Manchee tried to pull it over he head and the woman shook her fingers once more. Manchee bared her fangs at the woman then stopped suddenly al her muscles tense. I took a step forward to stop whatever the woman was doing to her, but something told me that this woman would do no harm to her. Manchee and the woman stared at one another for what seemed like eterity as the bomb exploded I the distance as the air rang with the howls of the wounded and dying. While it was war out here Manchee and the woman were somewhere else entirely. Finally Manchee shook her head once more and took the cloak off. Her expression was cold as ice as she nodded a thank you to the woman. The woman scooted away and disappeared in the crowd of other blue cloaks.
“Where did they all come from?” I asked whipping my head back and forth to take in all the blue. Manchee turned to look up at me a ring of blue around her gray pupils and said.
“We are the fates Shiva”.