Status: COMPETED-- at least the clean version...

The Airi Told by Peppar

The Airi

Bishan, after a long days work in the town had to get home, but it was cold. Man I hate the cold fer like BEEPIN real, I wouldn’t wanna walk home in the friggin and the dark? But Bishan being a total bad BEEP walked home to help his little daughter ‘casue she was sick. Poor kid, when I get sick I sit and bed and BEEP ALL DAY. But nayways so he is like walking home when he hears the sound of jinglies, which he assumes are bangles. He is all like “ya im not scared and BEEP so it’s probably just a lady out here needing some help”. FAIL! He was wrong so just then the Airi appeared behind all good lookin and BEEP and was like “Im yer big sister! what did ya get yer wife? What did you get fer me?” So Bishan is like BEEEEPPPP so he hands over one of his wives scarves the the Airi greedily takes it and Bishan like totally legit runs fer his life. When he runs in, his wife is like what the BEEP were you running for? And Bishan was like being all tough and stuffs and was like sorry it was cold. His wife is all like what the BEEP ever. But his kids got into his bag like holy BEEP toys and they start playing when his wife pulls out the jinglies, and Bishan was all like oh noes! And snatches them and throws them in the fire. His wife is all like HRMPH! You are totally sleepin’ on the coach tonight, Bishan’s all like holy shiz.

Man that story could have been scarier like fer real. I could come up with a scarier story about yer mum like just sayin, true story.
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this was extremely fun to do. :) i will probably do it again except with the uncensored version of a childs tale