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The Story of Rage and Love


It had been two weeks since Brittany left, and Sam had returned to Colorado just five days ago. You were living all by yourself for the first time in your life. It wasn't quite as rewarding as you had imagined it would be for so many years. The days were silent, and moments you wished you could have been spending with Billie, were spent watching 'Friends' reruns on Channel 2. Billie Joe's absence was not in vain, he was busy recording the album. And you were busy wasting away in that same crappy apartment.
It had only been two weeks since the announcement was made that Bad Absolution were officially over, and whatever fans you had, were now smothered into obscurity. People would recognize you on the street every once and a while, but other then that, you were basically living a lonely life.
Your apartment was scattered and messy, and seeing how Sam was no longer living there, there was no one to clean up anything whatsoever. As you glanced to the clock beside your head, you realized something was missing. The place where you usually kept your ring was empty. You immediately sat up and looked around the clutter that consumed your life. It was no where to be found.
But before getting completely hysterical, you made to stand up and look for it, when you tripped very un-gracefully over some dirty clothes. As you lay there on the ground, you realized how much you truly hated living by yourself. You were staring under the bottom of a dusty couch, when you spotted your ring. You quickly grabbed it and shoved it on your finger, then stood up and stared around at your surroundings.
For some reason this place was no longer very fun to live in. You missed Billie Joe, and even found yourself missing Sam and Brittany.
But mopping never did anyone any good, so you grabbed your coat and decided to walk off your angst.
It had been raining, so when you stepped outside you marveled at the streets as they shined under the moonlight. It was not as cold as it should be after a rain-storm, and there were tons of people walking the streets. You walked aimlessly for a matter of time, until the water from the road had soaked in through your old shoes.
You decided that you'd probably do well to turn around and go home, when you noticed someone across the street staring into an antique shop. They were just standing there with their back turned to you, but just looking at them made you feel uneasy.
You started to cross at the light, when they turned around, and you immediately knew why you had been so uneasy.
Even from twenty feet away, Adam had a presence to him. You stood there in the middle of the street staring at what had to be Adam. It looked just like him. Tall, dark, and handsome as ever. Your mouth must have been so open that it was touching the road.
He must not have noticed you, and just started walking in the other direction.
As soon as he began walking, you began running after him. You had to prove to yourself that you weren't going crazy. As you ran you shoved person after person aside.
Finally you reached him when he stopped at a stoplight. There was a group of people standing between the two of you, but you pushed your way through.
"Adam?" You asked exasperated.
The man turned around and proved to you that you were indeed going crazy.
"Uh- Can I help you, Miss?" He asked, obviously very confused.
"Oh.. Uh, no. Sorry about that," You answered quietly, then turned around defeated. You could have sworn that it was Adam.
As you silently walked home, you wondered if you were absolutely insane.
When you got to the door of your apartment you decided that you were tired of being alone. The quietness that had surrounded you for weeks now, was slowly eating away at your brain. So you turned around, and decided that you needed to talk to someone who could bring the noise back into your life. You needed to see Billie Joe.
The guys were working in a studio up in Oakland, in one of the poorest areas of the city. Being that you were all alone, roaming the streets of Oakland in the middle of the night was probably not the smartest thing you could have been doing. But there was no room for logic in your mind at the moment. Boredom had consumed every intelligent thought you might have experienced, and you were looking for someone or something to make it go away.
It was only when you arrived at the door to the studio that you realized just how late it really was. It must have been well-past midnight, and there was little to none chance that the guys were even there still.
Just as you were about to turn around, you heard some music coming from inside. It was faint, but you could tell it was coming from the basement. Normally, you were not a nosy person. But at the moment your life was so drained of all excitement that you were desperate for someone to bring you back to life.
So you slowly opened the door, and approached the basement. As you got nearer, the music got louder, and you could tell there was a party going on.
But when you poked your head around the corner, there was no one there. Music was blazing from the speakers on all sides of the room, and beer bottles and cigarettes littered the ground that you walked on. But still, there was no one there.
You began walking up the stairs again, when the music got louder. And this time you were hearing voices. This was getting more then weird, you must have completely lost your mind. Before thinking too much into it, you ran back down the stairs, and saw a little more then you had hoped for.
Standing there was Mike, and he was not alone. He was with a girl who was wearing baggy jeans, and an over-sized sweat-shirt.
"Oh, I'm so sorry!" You said hurriedly, and quickly turned to leave.
But before you could get very far, Mike ran and caught you at the top of the stairs. He wrapped his arm around you, and said, "Where are you going?! We've missed you!"
You laughed quietly, and answered, "Heh.. Yeah, I've missed you guys also."
Mike smiled and forcefully pulled you down the stairs. When you guys reached the bottom, the girl was still standing there, obviously uncomfortable. She was the definition of a tom-boy.
Mike pulled you over to her, and said, "Sage, this is Danee. Danee, meet Sage. She's the girl I was telling you about."
"What were you telling her about me?" You asked suspiciously.
"Just that you're down a drummer and a bassist," He answered. "See, Danee here is a drummer herself, and she's looking for a band."
Danee shifted about nervously. You smiled at the thought of Mike's consideration, then turned to her and said, "Hey, it's nice to meet you."
She smiled just as big, and said, "Yeah, you too."