Status: Completed (:

Time Bomb

Starting Over.


It was finally Spring, the snow was slowly melting away and everyone was sick with spring fever. It was crazy, even I was sick with it. Half the time Alex and I couldn't keep our hands off each other. We never did the deed, but once he left it felt like we had. When we weren't in my apartment on the couch making out, we were usually at his house in the garage with the band practicing their new songs, occasionally changing or writing new lyrics to their songs.

Alex couldn't keep his eyes off of me, and it made my heart flutter. Jack didn't seem to notice, he always looked like he had something else on his mind, or someone else for that matter. Once we separated for lunch, I bombarded him with questions.

“Who's the girl?” I asked, shoving him playfully. He shoved back, and kept his mouth shut.

“C'mon, you can tell me. I promise I won't tell anyone.” As we walked he seemed like he was debating on whether to tell me or not.

“Please Jack? Please tell me?” I begged and pouted, and he sighed.

“You'll probably be mad.” I shook my head.

“Why would I be mad?”

“Because you know her,” I cocked an eyebrow.

“Oh? How do I know her?” We stopped halfway to the restaurant, and looked at each other with our arms crossed over our chests. We were almost identical. We had the same hair, the same eyes and we stood the same way. We might as well have been twins.

“It's Dia Roux, she used to baby sit with Karen and she would watch over you.” I grew wide eyed, and let out a surprised cough.

“Dia? You're with Dia? My old babysitter?” He nodded. Dia was twenty two, soon to be twenty three in a few weeks.

“Yeah, please don't be mad.” I shrugged and we continued walking.

“It doesn't matter to me, she was a babysitter, it's not like I dated her or anything.” We laughed and continued to playfully shove each other back and forth. But, now that Jack had a girlfriend I couldn't help but think if Alex wanted a girlfriend too, and if that meant we would become a couple.

I didn't know if I wanted that, considering it was a scary idea. Especially since in May they would be going on the Bamboozle Road Show tour, and that would leave me here by myself once again. Jack and I ate lunch, then I went back home, only to see a bouquet of tulips, my favorite flower on my computer desk. I smiled and looked at the card, frowning when I saw it was from my publisher, congratulating me on the new book, and giving me the date to the release party. I sighed, and sat down, and decided to work on the sequel.


It was mid July, and All Time Low was on tour once again, and that meant I was off doing stuff for the book. That included doing interviews, small book readings, and now I was getting ready to go to my book release party. People were so shocked that I was nineteen, almost twenty and that I had five books, three that belonged in a series and all of which were on the best sellers list. But, since I was nineteen I promised my mom I would take some college courses. And, that's where I met Morgan. He was amazing, and as sweet as can be.

I got in my best black dress, my highest pair of heels and finished my hair and make up before I let him drive me to the release party. Once we got there, of course there were a bunch of cameras and people, and I was rushed in through the back door. I was going to make a grand entrance, stepping through two large doors that lead to the staircase, that over looked the whole party.

“Are you nervous?” Morgan asked me. I shook my head.

“Yes you are,” He told me. I sighed, then nodded.

“Yeah, I kind of am.” He smiled and kissed my cheek.

“You ready?” I nodded, and on cue we walked through the doorway, and over looked the party. I smiled and looked around, staying close to Morgan. We slowly walked down the staircase, and separated temporarily so I could talk to a few critics, journalists and so people could take more pictures of me.

Once I excused myself from even more pictures, I went to go find Morgan, but ran into Jack.

“Jack! What are you doing here?” I asked him, hugging him tightly.

“We have a tour date here, thought I could show up to my baby sisters release party.” I smiled and he kissed my cheek.

“Where is everyone else?” I asked, and he shrugged.

“Around.” I laughed and Morgan came back with two glasses of punch, and kissed my cheek as well.

“Uhm, Jack this is Morgan, my boyfriend.” Morgan shook his hand and talked to him while I looked around nervously. I didn't want Alex to know I had a boyfriend, considering it might hurt his pride or something like that.

“Where's Alex?” I asked, and he shrugged.

“Probably with his girl.” I looked at Jack with wide eyes.

“What girl?” He bit his lip.

“He didn't tell you?” I shook my head.

“He has a girlfriend.”


It was October, Halloween to be exact, and I had just gotten home from a book tour, filled with signings and meet and greets. It was so much fun, but I was still hurt over Alex having a girlfriend, and not telling me. But now that I had just turned twenty, I didn't care. I had gotten a text from Jack saying to meet up at some restaurant, but I really didn't want to leave the house. I called Morgan, and he refused to pick up his phone. I groaned, and changed out of my sweats and fixed my hair, then went out. It was getting cold again, and I was glad. I liked cold weather. I drove to the restaurant that Jack told me to go to, but the lights seemed to be out.

I got out of my car and went up to the door, and knocked on it. I shrugged, stupidly opening the door and suddenly the lights flashed back on and a swarm of people were inside, yelling “Suprise!”

I gasped and looked around. Everyone was there, including Alex and his girlfriend. I went and hugged Jack, then told him I was going to look for Morgan, but he stopped me.

“Morgan isn't coming.” I looked at him weirdly, then cocked an eyebrow.

“Why not?” He frowned.

“He's seeing someone else.” I took in a deep breathe, and let it out.

“Well, good for him.” Jack frowned.

“Sophie, it's okay.” I shook my head.

“No, I'm fine. Really.” He sighed and nodded.

“Okay.” I sat around the party, watching everyone else enjoying themselves and eating cake where as I was miserable and had barely touched my extra large piece of cake. Alex sat down next to me, and I scooted away.

“What's wrong?” He asked, his voice sounding a little bit slurred.

“Oh you know, my boyfriend is seeing someone else and didn't bother to tell me.” I told him.

“Not like you care,” He slapped his chest, covering his heart with his hand.

“That hurts.” I rolled my eyes.

“You're drunk, go away.” I stared down at my piece of cake, and Alex kept poking me.


“You what?” I asked him, but his girlfriend came to the rescue.

“Who the hell are you?” She asked me, glaring at me as she helped Alex up.

“I'm the birthday princess you skank.” Alex laughed, and I shook my head, stabbing my fork into my cake.


It was December 31st, and I was with my parents, celebrating New Years with them along with Jack and Karen. Dia was there too, considering Jack it was time to meet the family. She sat between me and Jack, something that was unusual. I always sat next to Jack, but she sat in between us. I sighed, watching TV mindlessly as Rose and Kendall slept on the floor.

“Who wants champagne? It's almost time.” I rolled my eyes and raised my hand, as did everyone else. I was handed a glass, and sipped it lightly.

“So, Dia. How did you know you liked Jack?” I asked, trying to make conversation with her.

“I worked as a Guitar Tech on the Kerrang! Relentless Tour for All Time Low, we remembered eachother and we just fell for eachother.” I almost wanted to gag, but decided it wasn't polite.

“Cool,” She nodded.

“Yeah,” We sat there awkwardly, then I looked down at her wrist and smiled.

“Cool tattoo,” It was a simple one, just a little tattoo that said “11:11” She smiled and nodded.

“Thanks,” We then began talking about tattoos, and piercings. Something we both had in common. We were quickly silenced as the countdown began, and once it was midnight, my parents kissed, Karen and Mark kissed, and Jack and Dia kissed. I sat there alone, and forever single.

I told my parents I was going to leave, then I kissed my niece and nephews cheeks goodbye, then went to my apartment. I began packing my bags, and looked at the plane ticket I held in my hand. I had to hurry, because I needed to be at the airport soon. I had nothing left for me here.

So what was I going to do? I was going to Los Angeles, and I was starting over.
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I don't like this very much, considering I rushed to get it done and I want to re write it. I might do that later, haha. Feedback?