Status: Completed (:

Time Bomb

Home Coming

It had been a year since I had left Baltimore, and honestly I missed it. I missed seeing the snow on Christmas Morning, but what was better was waking up to a very hot, naked boyfriend. But, now it was New Years Eve, and I was getting ready to go on a date with said hot boyfriend. His name was Nikolai, and I seriously felt like I loved him. But I put that at the back of my head, thinking that we had been together for 8 months. We started dating June 1st, which made tonight our anniversary. I was excited, I had never dated someone for so long. But right then I was more focused trying to not stab my eye out with my mascara. I sighed, and smoothed out my red dress, and fiddled with the little belt that tied around my waist.

I slipped on my white lace shrug over my shoulders, adjusting it sightly before twirling in front of the mirror for a moment. I went over to my closet, and picked out a pair of Christian Louboutin Gresissimo Denim printed heels with a little knot on the toe. I slipped them on my feet, and smiled when I instantly grew three inches taller. I went back to my dresser with the mirror, and picked out a brown carved wooden bangle, and slipped it on my thin wrist. I looked at my hair for a moment, toyed with it until it was just right then placed a black headband with a giant bow on the side on the center on my head. I fiddled with the headband, trying to get it to sit right until I heard the doorbell ring. I sighed happily to myself and grabbed my brown bag and stuffed everything I needed into it then left my room, and walked down the stairs.

I went to the door and opened it up to see Nikolai, with a giant smile on his face. “Well someone looks gorgeous.”

“Well, someone looked handsome.” Nikolai was a typical Californian, tanned hot bod with sandy blonde hair, and stunning blue eyes. He long boarded everywhere and rarely used his mustang convertible, and when at the beach he would be catching some 'sick waves' as he put it.

“Ready to go Sophie?” I nodded and went outside, locking the door behind me.

“Definitely.” He held my hand and slipped something into it, with a smirk on his face.

“What's this?” I asked, opening up a little folded blind fold.

“Our destination is a surprise, put it on beautiful.” I sighed and carefully slipped the blindfold over my face, and took his head, letting him lead me and help me into the car. I buckled my seat belt successfully, without hurting myself and before I knew it we were on the road.

“Where are we going?” I asked, right as we stopped, assuming it was another stop light.

“You're about to find out.” I grumbled in frustration, and crossed my arms over my chest. He opened and closed doors and trunks, and left me in the car for a bit, making me bang my head against the head rest a few times as I waited.

“Don't hurt your pretty little head, don't want you to lose any of that genius you have up in there.” I giggled and he let me unbuckle my seat belt, then he helped me out of the car and lead me across a rocky path, that eventually lead to soft grass. He took off my blind fold carefully, making sure not to ruin my hair. I opened my eyes and gasped, he took me to the Hollywood hills, right behind the Hollywood sign. And by my feet was a picnic blanket, with blues and pinks in it spread across the grass with a small picnic basket half open, with an amazing aroma coming from it.

“What is all of this?”

“Our eight month/new years dinner.” He said with a smile. He eagerly led me to the picnic area, and helped me sit down on the blanket, then began taking out everything. There were two wine glasses, two plastic plates with a set of forks, knives and napkins, then a rack of ribs with various sauces. My mouth was watering at the sight of deliciousness before me.

He served me the food, and poured me a glass of wine. He smiled at me, and raised his own glass of wine, and I raised mine.

“A toast, to eight amazing months, and even more amazing months ahead of us.” I smiled and nodded, then we clinked our glasses together, then took a sip. We ate in silence, but I could tell that he was nervous. I wiped the corner of my mouth with the napkin, removing the savory barbeque sauce on my face before looking to Nikolai.

“What's wrong love?” I asked him, pushing my plate to the side. I was quite full, and I was a little tipsy to be honest. We had gone through half a bottle of wine, and it was starting to show.

“I have a few gifts for you,” He said, nearly stuttering. I nodded with a smile.

“Oh, you do?” He nodded, and rifled through the picnic basket. First he pulled out a little white box with a golden bow ontop, and handed it to me. I smiled and opened it, revealing a small necklace that read 'fantasy'. I took it out of the box and ran my fingers over the silver word, something that was close to my heart, considering I practically lived in a world of fantasy.

“You like it?” I nodded, and kissed his cheek.

“Of course, put it on for me?” He nodded, and wrapped his arms around my neck, and clasped the necklace together for me. I smiled and kissed his lips, then prompted him to carry on with the gift giving. He laughed nervously, then rifled through the picnic basket again, and got out a tiny black velvet box, making me cock an eyebrow.

“What's that?” I asked, and before I could realize what was happening he was on one knee, with the box open revealing an extravagant engagement ring. It was practically a rock.

“Sophie Leigh Barakat, will you marry me?” He asked me, and I couldn't reply. Completely speechless, I nodded in response and held out my left hand. He slipped the ring on my left ring finger, and kissed it softly. I wanted to cry, I felt like I needed to cry at this important moment in my life, but all I could do was give him an half-assed smile.

We hugged and kissed, but something didn't feel right. I nuzzled my face into the crook of his neck, and looked up into the stars slightly. You could see them perfectly from here. But, right when I was staring up into the stars I felt a weight on top of me, and saw Nikoali's face.

“What are you doing?” I asked with a giggle, he just kissed me. It was bland, and uninteresting yet I always kissed back. I loved him, that was enough right? He ran his hand up my dress, and started pulling down my underwear, he obviously knew what he wanted. He wanted me, naked under him. I had lost my virginity to him, and it was uneventful. I had learn to fake orgasms so well I almost thought my moans and light screaming were as real as his. Right when his belt came off, and I was ready to take my own clothes off, my phone rang. My manger to the rescue! She needed me in Baltimore, for a book release party. I didn't understand her logic. I had released even more books in LA than I had in Baltimore, but she thought it would be good if I did a book release in my home town, apparently there were more fans there. I groaned, and told Nikolai I needed to go home. He grew angry.

I didn't say anything as he pulled me roughly towards the car like a dog unknowing of how to walk on a leash with its owner. He shoved me into the car, and slammed the door shut. I felt almost ashamed, telling him I had to go on my own, managers orders. I would be there for months. Prepping and doing multiple press releases. I was practically moving back home. I didn't want to know what it was like back home after a year of me being gone. I didn't want to know how everyone was, or how everyone was getting along. The TV and tabloids kept me in the loop.

Jack was engaged to Dia, they were planning a late spring or early summer wedding. Alex was single once again, and said he refused to get into girls again, saying he was done dating for good. My sister hit the big time with a ginormous case that was on every magazine stand known to mankind, and she was doing well, and she was expecting twins from what was going around. But tomorrow I would be on a plane to Baltimore, something I didn't want to do.

But, what my manager wants – much like Nikolai – the manager gets. But thankfully I wouldn't have to fake another orgasm tonight.

The plane ride home was short, but I was anxious. I hadn't seen Baltimore in over a year, although I was positive it hadn't changed completely while I was away, I wasn't sure what to expect. My manager sat next to me on the plane, talking to me while I paid more attention to the clouds in the sky.

“You'll be appearing at the mall tomorrow around 4pm,” her words went in one ear and out the other, and I wasn't sure if she knew if I was listening or not. But nonetheless, she kept talking. Thankfully, the plane ride ended quickly. I grabbed my carryon, which was just a small backpack and put in my headphones, and made my way out of the airplane and into the airport, trying to get to the baggage claim without someone asking for a picture.

No one asked for a picture, but someone did come up to me, look over to the side and start screaming before she went running away. And soon enough, a bunch of teenage girls did as well. I rolled my eyes and took out my headphones, and turned around to see the entire All Time Low crew coming out of another terminal.

“What the..” I hadn't known they would be here, let alone had been anywhere but here. And the look on their faces said they thought the same for me. My manager whispered into my ear that this was planned, and my face was filled with hatred for her. I sighed, and walked through the mob of prepubescent girls and walked up to Jack, trying to avoid Alex as much as possible.

“Hey bro,” I said to him, forcing a smile.

“Hey sis,” He said, not sounding pleased.

“Need some help getting to the baggage claim?” He sighed and wrapped his arm around me like old times, and we walked to the baggage claim, their security guard telling the girls they would have to wait for autographs and pictures. I looked over at Alex, and Alex looked over at me, and even though I almost hated him, my whole face changed. My heart raced, my palms became sweaty and I felt like a complete dope. He looked like he was about to drool all over himself as he stared at me. Typical. I grabbed my suitcases and Jack grabbed his, and we stopped to let the girls get photos and autographs, a few asking for mine as well.

After the chaos ended, we went outside and I waited for my taxi. Jack came up behind me and placed a hand on my shoulder and sighed.

“Want to stay with me tonight sis?” He asked. I looked up at him, and smiled softly.

“You would let me do that?” He nodded.

“Of course, you're my little sister. I'm not going to let you stay in a crappy hotel when you can stay with me.” My taxi pulled up, and was prompting me to hurry up. I sighed, looking at my brother, who was asking for a quick answer.

“Yeah, I'll stay with you.” He smiled wide and picked me up, twirling me around like old times, and I screamed loudly, letting out a laugh. It was like I hadn't moved to the other side of the country. I paid the taxi driver that was supposed to take me to the hotel, and told him to pick someone else up and take their my money out of their tab.

Days had passed by and staying with my brother was amazing. When I wasn't doing something for work, he would cook, clean and hang out with me like old times. But on Valentines Day, we All Time Low had a secret show going on in town and they were going to preview their new single, Time Bomb.

I was excited, and decided to dress casually since it was just at a bar. I slipped on a new thong and a clean bra, both in a disty flower print with cream lace trim. I fought to get into my distressed skinny jeans, and once they were up and buttoned, I pulled over a blue green Volcom sweater. I slipped into a pair of gray patent leather pumps, and went to the bathroom to do my make up. I did some simple plum eyeshadow and cat eye eyeliner, and slicked on some pinkish orange lip gloss onto my lips. I grabbed my phone and shoved it in my pocket, then went downstairs to see Jack and Dia making out.

I cleared my throat, and they quickly pulled apart.

“Oh, Sophie. I forgot you were here.” I rolled my eyes and went into the kitchen, and saw Jack and Dia trying to make out again. I grabbed the spray bottle full of water, usually used to spray water the plants on the back porch, but I used it to spray them to get them to stop mouth fucking eachother.

“Hey!” Jack yelled, glaring over at me. I glared back, and blew onto the sprayer of the spray bottle, and smirked.

“Stop making out and maybe I won't spray you.” He groaned and went to go change, saying I had gotten his clothes all wet. Dia didn't care, she had on a white tank with her hoodie hanging off the coffee table. She also wore a pair of dark skinny jeans, and white canvas toms. Her hair was slightly longer, and was cut differently than last time I had seen her.

“How are you?” She asked awkwardly, pulling her gray California Republic hoodie over her head, adjusting it slightly.

“Grossed out.” I put the water bottle down, and gagged a little at the mental image of my brother and his fiance making out. I knew this was going to be an interesting night.
♠ ♠ ♠
(: Finally an update!
Sophie 2
Dia Roux
Dia Roux set cred: Bdales