Status: Completed (:

Time Bomb

Oh, On A Wire, We Were Dancing Two Kids, No Consequences

The drive to the show was filled with silence, save the frequent buzzing from my iPhone, alerting me that Nikolai was trying to text me every five seconds. I sighed in relief once we made it to the bar. We found a place to park, and rushed through the back door. All the boys were in the 'dressing room' practicing and getting ready while the stage hands were setting up. Dia sat down next to me on the small couch, and looked around. We weren't exactly friends, but we dealt with eachother for Jack. But, I was pretty sure we could be good friends if we tried.

“So, where's that engagement ring I've been dying to see?” I asked her with a smile. She glanced over at me, and started beaming. She quickly showed me her left hand, and the ring was a rock, much like mine. Except, hers was a little bigger, and actually looked real. She was talking animatedly about it, when she suddenly stopped.

“Who gave you that giant rock?” I grew wide eyed, and looked down at my hand, and groaned.

“Oh, just Nikolai.” She smirked.

“Ohh, just Nikolai? Who's Nikolai?” I shook my head.

“Just my boyfriend, I mean-” I was ready to correct myself when Alex interrupted.

“You mean your fiance.” I bit my lip, and nodded. He seemed offended, offended because I didn't have the guts to tell him I was engaged. But everyone else seemed excited. Especially Jack, in his own way at least.

He kept telling me to be 'safe', and that Nikolai would have to meet him. But before he could say anymore, they were called for sound check. Dia and I decided to go to the bar and start drinking, and maybe talk a bit. We followed the boys out, and I watched as Dia kissed Jack on the lips, and saw how happy he looked. I couldn't help but smile at the sight of my brothers happiness.

“Ready to take a few shots?” Dia asked me, and I shrugged. I didn't particularly care what drinks we had, but if she wanted to take shots, I was going to take shots.

“Sure,” She told the bar tender six jager shooters, three for her and three for me.

“When Jack yells starts saying 'yeah buddy,' take a shot.” I laughed.

“We'll probably need more shots then.” She shrugged, and we heard 'yeah buddy,' and we quickly downed the first shot. Within the next hour, we heard him say it about sixteen more times, and we were a little more than tispy.

Eventually we stopped taking shots, deciding it was bad for our health and started on a glass of Patrone with coke and lime. We sipped them cautiously, talking randomly about Jack and the band, and our lives. I didn't once mention Nikolai, but he obviously wanted to be mentioned with how much he was texting me. My phone buzzed on the bar counter every few seconds, that it was giving me a headache.

But, it was show time. That's all that mattered, was watching my brother play, and gawking at Alex from a safe distance while he sang. He sang beautifully, and the song was perfect. It seemed to remind me of something I was too buzzed to remember.

Once the show was over, a DJ moved on stage and started playing music. Alex took Dia's place at the bar, and talked to me as he got himself a little buzzed too.

“So, why are you engaged if you don't even talk about the fiance?” He asked, slurring slightly.

“Because, I'm not even in love with the dude.” He cocked an eyebrow, and took another drink of his Jack Daniels.

“You're not in love with him?” I shook at him.

“Why?” I sighed.

“He's a bad kisser, he doesn't pick up his messes, he's an asshole when he doesn't get his way, and because of him I've learned to fake an orgasm too well for my liking.” He nearly choked on my last words, then I started laughing, but he remained serious.

“You've had sex with him?” I nodded.

“Did you lose your virginity to him?” He seemed distraught now, and I sighed.

“Don't worry, it was uneventful. Nothing amazing happened. He sucks in bed.” He then laughed, but it had a nervous tone to it.

“Oh c'mon, cheer up. Dance with me?” He looked over at my phone, seeing Nikolai was calling. I smiled, ignored the call and turned my phone on silent before putting it in my pocket.

“C'mon, let's dance.” He nodded, and set his drink down before taking my hand and leading me to the small cramped up dance floor. We practically gyrated on the dance floor, not caring if anyone saw. We were drunk, drunk people don't give a fuck.

I turned around and wrapped my arms around his neck, and all of a sudden he crashed his lips onto mine, then whispered “I love you,” and I swore I could have imploded right there. I repeated his words, and the kissing continued.

Next thing I remembered we were in a room, my sweater was being pulled over my head and his shirt was coming off, jeans were falling to the ground and we were in the bed, tangled beneath the sheets and we were doing what I never thought we would ever get the chance to do.

We did the dirty.

The next morning I woke up with a killer headache, and the intense need to vomit last nights alcohol. I groaned and turned over to my side, and saw a bare back, I grew wide eyed, and remembered it was only Alex. I rubbed his back, and he stirred slightly. I sat up and decided to take a shower. I grabbed my clothes and padded toward his shower, and turned on the warm water. I stepped into the shower and stood under the pouring water for a few moments, letting the memories of last night flood my head. I couldn't help but smile. I knew I loved Alex, and now that he loved me too? I was over the moon.

I washed my hair and body quickly, then rinsed off and got out, drying off before redressing my self. I went to go see if Alex had woken up, he hadn't.
I sighed, and went over to him and poked his cheek.

“Alex, wakey, wakey.” He groaned and swatted my hand away.

“I'll make you breakfast.” He shook his head, and turned over.

“Not now, Melody.” I grew wide eyed.

“Who the hell is Melody?” I asked, standing up. My voice was loud, and filled with anger. He sat up and looked at me, then realized I wasn't Melody.

“Sophie, what are you doing here?”

“What do you think I'm doing here?” I asked with, placing my hands on my hips. He simply shrugged.

“I don't know, what are you doing here?” I glared at him.

“You obviously don't remember, so I guess I'll just leave.” I turned around and slowly made my way out of the room, tears threatening to fall. Last night he thought I was Melody, not Sophie. I don't even know who Melody is.

“Sophie?” I heard him call out, begging me to come back. But I refused to. I simply looked over my shoulder, sadness all over my face.

“I'll just leave, okay?” He sighed, and was ready to tell me something when I slammed the door shut. I walked down the stairs and went outside, it was usually a bit colder in the early hours of the morning, so I was shaking a bit due to the fact I had gotten used to the warm tropical weather.

I walked through the snowy side walks, and grabbed my cellphone and called for a taxi, and waited a block away from Alex's house. But soon enough, he came out shirtless and in boxers, begging for hypothermia as he tried finding me.

“Sophie! Come back, please?” I looked over at him, and shook my head.

“No, go back inside before you get sick.” He refused, and came up to me.

“Please, just let me explain.” I looked over at him.

“No, go inside.”

“Sophie, please?” I sighed.

“Hurry with the explaining, a taxi is on it's way for me.”

“I was still half asleep when I called you Melody.” I nodded.

“Who's Melody?”

“A girl in my dream.” I rolled my eyes.
“Uh huh, sure.”

“Why don't you believe me?” I glared at him.

“Why should I believe you? You were all over me one minute and then on tour you have a girl around your arm.” He grew angry at this.

“And you had a boy around your arm!” Before I knew it we were arguing, and then snow began falling.
Alex stopped yelling, and just looked at me while I kept yelling, getting snow flakes caught in my hair.

“Sophie?” I glared at him.

“What?!” He grabbed me around the waist, brought me close to him and kissed me. It wasn't like our drunken kiss, but I still felt like my heart exploded, leaving butterflies to flutter around in my stomach.
We kissed for the longest time underneath the falling snow, and then I heard someone honking their horn. We broke away, and looked over at the taxi driver waiting for me to get in. I sighed, gave him some money and told him to take it out of someone's tab.

Alex grabbed my hand and took me to his house, we stumbled through the house, clothes coming off as we made our way upstairs, and once again became tangled beneath the sheets. And for once in my pathetic sex life, I had an orgasm. A real, toe curling, mind boggling orgasm.

After the deed was done, we remained quiet, only our heavy breathing and racing heartbeats filling the silent room. Our sweaty bodies clung to each other, my head on his chest and his head ontop of my tangled hair, and we just lied there.

“I assume it was good,” I looked up at him.


“Last night you told me, you didn't get off with your fiance. I assume I fixed that problem.” I barely was able to hide my blush, but I just nodded.

“Yeah, you fixed that problem well.” I yawned and he looked at me.

“Tired?” I nodded, and closed my eyes.


“Go to sleep, I'll wake you up when you need to leave.” I nodded, and quickly fell asleep.

Who knew Alex Gaskarth would fufill my sexual needs.
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I like this (: Comments? :D