Status: Active! - getting over my writer's block!

Take My Breath Away?

Forever Is A Mighty Long Time

For the next three weeks, Brendon, Toni and myself all practically lived in my apartment eating take away and attempting to find me a job but it was useless everywhere that I applied for filled the vacancy before I even got my interview. It was such a dog eat dog world when it came to psychology.

“Baby,” Brendon whispered kissing my neck as his hands rested on my hips. “You don’t need to cook tonight.”

“Well how else are we going to eat?” I asked closing the freezer door and turning to face him.

“I’m gonna take you out,” he smiled at me. “I’ve got a surprise for you.”

“Is it a job?”

“No, but trust me you’ll like it.” He took my hand in his and led me to the bedroom where there was two bags on the bed. “I bought you something before. Get dressed our reservation is at half seven.”

I walked over to the bags and pulled out the dress and shoes that were occupying them, shaking my head and smiling. It was the little things like this that made me happy that I met Brendon.

It took me all of about half an hour to get ready as Brendon walked back into the room doing up his tie. I giggled at his failed attempt and pulled him towards me by it. “Would you like some help with that?” I asked pulling it apart as he smirked at me.

“Let’s see how good Spencer’s girlfriend fashion sense is?” he asked grabbing my hand and spinning me around.

“How do I look?” I giggled as he pulled me into him.

“Well put it this way if we didn’t have somewhere to be, I’d be throwing you onto that bed and tearing it off you.” To be honest you wouldn’t find me complaining about that. “But we have to get going.” And with that he pulled me out of the door.


“Hello Mr Urie,” a young blonde woman smiled at him as soon as we sat down. “Are you ready to order?”

“Erm not yet but can I get a jack and coke and a red wine please? Thanks.” The woman walked away as I opened up the menu and nearly had a heart attack.

“Brendon how expensive is this?” I asked looking from him to the menu and then back to him and his amused face.

“Don’t worry doll,” he smiled not looking up from the menu. “I’m paying and tonight I don’t care about the price just the woman in front of me.”

I felt myself blush. “Brendon you’re so cheesy,” I giggled shaking my head. The blonde came back and gave us our drinks then took our orders and the menus.

“How’s the album coming?” I asked him as his fingers once again found themselves laced in mine, an all too familiar feeling.

“To be honest we haven’t even been able to get a song recorded,” he told me. “Ryan and Jon were taken for granted too much.”

Over the last three weeks Brendon had been going between my apartment and a recording studio in downtown L.A. He’d been confiding in me about how he was worried that maybe Panic’s fifteen minutes of fame were over.

“I’m sure you’ll be fine,” I smiled at him squeezing his hand. He smiled back at me briefly but then looked away. “What’s up?”

“Nothing, why would anything be up?” he asked stumbling over his words. I could tell he was nervous about something but I decided to leave it instead changing the subject.

We talked about everything and anything as we ate, Brendon telling me stories from his childhood and the bands early days whilst I told him stories about my childhood and college.

“Right I think that’s us,” Brendon smiled as I finished my drink. “You ready?” I nodded my head and watched as he pulled out his wallet and threw an unreasonable amount of money on the table.

“I don’t even want to think how much that cost,” I told him as we walked out.

“I’ve told you don’t worry,” he stopped walking and spun me round to face him. “Tonight is about you and me trying to make you happy,” his fingers brushed my cheek and I could feel myself melting but instead I started crying.

“I don’t wanna go,” I fell into his open arms and heard him shushing me.

“Everything is gonna be okay,” he told me stroking my hair.

“It’s not Brendon,” I moved away from him and wiped my eyes. “I can’t get a job, I’m going to get deported.”

“Taylor,” he grabbed my hand. “Just follow me.”

I sighed and let him lead me away from the hustle and bustle of Main Street, him ignoring my questions and just mumbling a “you’ll find out soon.”

“Can I ask you a question?” Brendon started as we reached the pier and leant against the railings. “Do you believe in love at first sight?” He looked over at me and studied my face.

“Yeah I do.”

“Good, cause that makes this ten times easier,” he laughed nervously. “Taylor, I know we’ve not been together long, but I’ve fallen for you hard and with recent circumstances, I’ve come to realise that I can’t let you move to another country because that would basically mean letting you go and I want you forever and always, through everything the good and bad. So even if it is early days, marry me?”
♠ ♠ ♠
Infinite apologies I know it's been like years, and I am sooooo sorry to everyone whose stuck it out but I have had huge writers block! And I think it's official I might hate this story :/ But on the upside I have a new story which is original and I would love it if you would all try it out. It's called I Will Try To Fix You. I'm not gonna lie it is inspired my Goon which is a fab film with a proper fit lead in it <3 so yeah please give it a try and I will try and update this story as much as possible.
Muchas love :)