Status: One-Shot =]

Perfect Monster

Chapter One of One

Crack. Smack.

I bit my lip to hold in the screams as he lashed out at me with the belt, making my bare back turn black, blue, and bloody. My bound hands were balled up into fists, my nails digging into the soft flesh of my palms, drawing blood. His laughter filled my ears, filled my numbed mind.

"See what happens when you fight against me, Scar? You get beat." He smacked my back with his leather belt yet again. I couldn't hold back a small whimper and as it escaped through my lips, he laughed harshly. He paused, letting me let out the breath I was holding.

"Azriel, please, stop." I whispered just loud enough for him to hear. He had certainly lived up to his name. Azriel was the name of the angel of death, which I was certainly close to.

"Stop? Now why would I do that?" he laughed harshly again and walked away. I heard him drop his belt and then he walked back over, his boots thumping against the hard, cold, wooden floor. He pulled me up harshly by my arm and brought my face close to his. I could smell the harsh scent of alcohol on his breath and cringed away from it.

"What, Scar? Whatever could be the matter?" His hot, alcohol filled breath hit my face as he chuckled yet again. I turned my head as he tried to touch his lips to mine. He growled and threw me into a chair. He untied my hands and threw my shirt at me. I hurriedly put it on and he tied my wrists to the arms of the chairs. I tried to struggle, but he slapped me across the face, making blood fill my mouth.

"Don't try it, Scarlett." He sneered my name, as if I were a bug he had just found on his food. He walked up to me with something shiny in his hand. As he came closer to the lone light in the room right above me, I saw that it was a blade. I started struggling even more, knowing what was coming next. He smiled evilly at me and pressed the blade to my arm.

"Do you love me now?" He sneered, his eyes glistening with red hot rage. I looked deep into his eyes.

"I wish you were dead." That earned me another slap. He then returned to his cutting.

My stomach lurched, though it was not from fear. Something was stirring in from within, something Azriel didn't know about.

Azriel dug the blade into my arm, making me flinch. He stroked my arm, caressed it with the sharp blade. He kept carving into it until all that was left was a bloody pulp. He looked up at my face as a single tear rolled down my cheek. Just then, he cut too deep and I felt woozy. My vision started to go fuzzy and black around the edges. I felt my stomach stir again, the object inside kicking, trying to escape my now dying body.

Azriel grasped my hand, realizing what he did.

"No! No, Scar, I didn't mean to do that! Please, please don't leave me. I love you!" his voice
was frantic, seeing as he had snapped out of his alcoholic daze. I used to believe that he loved me, but then he started to drink and he started to beat me. He had drunkenly raped me more than once.

But I still loved him. I don't know why, but I did. I tried to hold on, but the black was crushing the life out of me, slowly pulling me down into nothing. At least I'll be away from him and the fright he gave me.

I'm suddenly looking down from above, watching him lean over my lifeless body. His body starts to shake as tears start to leak out of his eyes as he realizes that I'm gone. I feel bad at first, but then I remember what he did to me, so I leave him alone with my body and his unborn child that was residing within my stomach.

You, Azriel, were certainly the angel of death, for you killed two human beings in one. I hope you burn in Hell, where you belong.
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Yesh, well, I just had to get this out of my twisted little head ^_^ Well, feedback would be gladly appreciated!!!! This is also based on my poem, Perfect Monster =] Well, comment!! ^_^
