Status: Completed.

Her Sad Mechanic Exercise


The bottle hung loosely from her thin fingers, her hand shook subtly as the snow began to fall. There in front of her was a house she spent her days in. The days where she laughed joyfully, days where she had loved and cared, the days he was still beside her.

But there the building stood, dark and unlit. No lights, not even solar ones for the walkway leading to the front door, were lit. It was just a dark shadow of a place. The scene struck at her core, causing her hand to mindlessly bring the bottle up to her lips. This wasn't the first time she had visited the home. She's been making her way since the funeral, it became a nightly routine. (More-so, early morning routine.) She took a swig of her personal, dull narcotic to numb the pain and was off on her way; Making the seemingly forever-journey to the front door. This would be the first time she would make her way into the house. Her feet tentatively made their way down the cracked pathway, each step bring a round of memories.

This is where she felt safest. Where the kind family who once lived there had welcomed her sorry-self with opened arms.

Another swig from the bottle.

This is where she was proposed to by her dear Joshua.

Her eyes glazed over with the mix of alcohol and memories as her steps brought her closer to what she knew was a empty house.


"Camie!" A husky voice sang from behind her.
She felt the smile broaden on her lips even before his arms wrapped around her waist. "Yes?"
The arms she knew would come had found themselves where they belonged, around her waist, tightly holding her to his body. Joshua's head bent and his lips found their way to her ear to whisper.
"I have a surprise for you." He murmured.
She answered with a shy giggle, "What?"
From the one hand that rested on her hip, came a modest ring. To be exact- an engagement ring. One that had a diamond set on a thin silver band.

"Sorry, I didn't splurge for a big, gaudy diamond. I know how much you love those." He joked His chuckle sent breath down her neck, skimming her hair, causing the small hairs that fell loose from Camille's pony tail to tickle her neck. "Will you marry me?" He asked after a long pause.

She felt the sentimental tears well in her eyes, "Do you even have to ask you dumb ass?" She croaked as the tears fell rapidly now as Joshua placed the ring on her finger.

He turned her around then, took her hand in his, and pulled her closer than he had ever done so before.


Camille's hand stretched out to grasp the creaky doorknob as the strong memory began to fade, and with a quick twist of the wrist, the front door opened with an eerie groan. She looked down the empty halls, her heart weighing down with chains.

Before entering the beloved home, she made sure to take another drink.

"Joshy, I'm back." She called numbly.
♠ ♠ ♠
The title of this story, is from Alfred's Tennyson's In Memoriam.
A part of a verse to be exact, the the dull narcotic phrase is from a part of that piece as well.

I highly suggest you read it. It's a great work by him.(:

Fun Fact; Tennyson is what inspired me to begin writing poetry back in 5th grade. Haha