The Princess And The Stones

Chapter 9

"I didn't know you had rich friends." Maria said with a laugh as Sonia stopped in front of the manor's gate.

"Neither did I. I never expected Talia to live in a place like this," Simon replied in disbelief, "she was always a little bit spoiled, but this is far more than I ever expected. Especially since she enjoyed  smaller, more cozy buildings. Said they kept you closer to the ones  you loved."

Just like Talia Thormas... The voice in Maria's head whispered. "What did your friend look like, Si?"

"She was a real pretty girl, long, black hair, dark skin, not quite as dark as that sprites, but quite a bit darker than yours. Actually, I think she might be Karalenian. She had those eyes, almost like yours and what's-her-name's, but hazel," he explained as he climbed off the horse, "or maybe they were green. Can't really remember for sure."

"And the accent too?"

"Of course, but it was thicker than yours," he laughed, "I tried to teach the girl Ishibian, but she couldn't even say the simple words right, we had to start speaking a common language."

"I think I know her... Actually, I'm sure I do." Fond memories of her friend filled Maria's mind. Talia had always been such a carefree young girl, with a limitless imagination and rather illogical ideas. Because of that, Maria found herself wonder how Talia and Simon could ever has been friends.

"Really?" Simon asked in shock, "how?"

Maria swallowed the anxiety that was building within her. "She's the duke's eldest child... I was engaged to her brother."

Out of all the questions Simon could have asked at that moment, only one seemed truly important enough. "Will he recognize you?"

"As long as I don't think about my past, he won't," she explained, "or if my glamour fades, but I doubt that will happen. I've gone three years, haven't I?"

"A mind reader?"

"Unfortunately. He'll only be able to hear current thoughts, so I might be able to survive the day here."

If her memory served correct, Oreon had discovered his talents as a mind reader when he was barely eleven years old. In the three years between then and Maria's disappearance, he frequently abused his abilities and took advantage of his friends thoughts... Especially his fiance's. At first, it wasn't on purpose, but after a while, he began to see he it could benefit himself.

"He might not even be here. We went to school abroad in the summer, learning stupid things like etiquette and such. There's a good chance he still attends school. He wouldn't even be eighteen yet."

“And what if he's not there? What if he figures it out?” Simon was growing more and more nervous. This former fiance of hers could easily have forced her back to Karelena City, back to the castle. Without even putting a thought in, this man could take the most important person in his life away.

“Then we'll have to hope he's as gullible as I remember him,” she sighed with doubt, “but it's not likely. Just don't fret Simon. I'll clear my mind, I'll act like an airhead, I'll do whatever it takes. He's never going to take me ho--" she stopped herself, a vacant stare in her eyes, "he's never going to take me back there.”

The two stared at each other in silence, unsure what to do. The moment ended when a guard came to the gate and pulled it open. He seemed to be struggling, so Maria hoped off the horse and began to push herself.

The scrawny guard waddled out from behind and bowed clumsily. “Thankya kindly M'lady. The Duke and his family eagerly awaiting you in the main hall. I suggest you hurry, I would not keep them waiting long.”

As Maria and Simon anxiously climbed the stairs to the Thormas's manor, the guard called for a young man named Rinku to take the horse to the stables.

At the door, they were greeted by a tall, bright eyed girl in a vibrant green gown. “Simon!” she cheered with joy as he became within arms reach of her. Almost instantly, she through her arms around him and clung on tightly, “Oh my friend, it's been years! How have you been?”

As he struggled to get away for air, Simon mumbled, “Quite well, and yourself?”

“Wonderful!” She chirped brightly as she released her monstrous grip. Standing back, Maria could finally get a decent look at what her friend had become. Her facial features hadn't changed, still round and delicate, with green eyes framed by the longest lashes in all of Karelena. The rest of the girl was unrecognizable. She'd grown almost a foot since Maria had last seen her, her bust had grown, her waist had shrunk, and her hips were completely concealed by the full gown she wore.

Talia's eyes finally met Maria, and feel filled the young runaway's body. Does she know? Maria asked herself, No, no, she wouldn't know, Talia's beautiful, but smart? Whitty? Sharp, or clever? Never, not Talia.

“Are you a friend of Simon's?” The young woman asked innocently as she tucked a strand of ebony hair behind her pointed ears.

“I'm his--”

“Sister,” Simon interrupted, “Maria here found herself lost in Asiati years ago."
"And your parents took her in? How sweet.

A chilly breeze cut through the air.

"Oh foolish me, you must all be frozen, come in and warm by the fire. It's chilly for a summer morning isn't it?”

“Near icy,” Maria agreed. For the first time, she'd taken note of the chilly air around her, tiny goosebumps covering her arms.

Talia invited the two in, and began to lead them into a large living area.

“So, Talia, do you live here all the time?” Simon asked in awe, as he admired the magnificent house. Every detail was golden and shining, lavish carpets covered the floor, dark wooden stairs leading up to the second floor, no doubt less grand than the first. He walkout felt bad allowing Talia to come into his cottage all those years, with it being so quaint, and 

"No, not always. Since the days of my childhood have ended, I spend my summers here instead. We just arrived two days ago actually, right before the season changed. I'm sorry if our current home lacks that welcoming feeling our home in the city does." she explained. she gestured to the living room chairs and suggested for her guest to take a seat while they waited for her parents to return.

Maria took a seat near the fire in the smallest, cushioned chair. Next to her was a small book, bound with with a thick leather cover. In old Karelenian, the words Creyashe Anticu were embossed in gold.

"Crystal runes..." she read aloud in a soft voice. "Lady Talia, do you mind if I flip through this old story book while you and Simon catch up after all these years?" she asked, as she gently picked the book up and held it in her hands.

"Oh dear, be my guest! Make yourself right at home, what's ours is yours and Simon's for the duration of your visit." the young woman said brightly, as she took a seat opposite of Simon. "So, I must know, how is everyone in Asiati? Do they miss me? Do they remember me? Oh, are they well?"

With great care, Maria lifted the cover and gingerly ran her fingers across the first page, feeling the smooth, thick ink that had been so popular generations before. "Zephirim stone," she whispered, "Anica ah de sousarine. Crystal of the under water cavern..."

"Those runes," Maria had remembered her mother once saying, they do things us mortals shouldn't be able to do. Change the past, change the present, warp the future. They aren't toys, love, they're like fire, good and evil in every way shape and form.

"Well, this is the farm boys little sister is it?" a smooth voice cooed from behind her. "Young little thing, isn't she?"

Maria jumped up, startled by the suddenness of the voice behind her. She turned around to see the grey-eyed boy standing behind her.


"You scared me near to death! Haven't you ever been taught not to sneak up on a lady so?" she cried, her hand covering her pounding heart.

"I suppose you're too young to know not to speak to the duke's son in such a way."

"Maria," Simon warned, taking a short break away from his conversation, "behave yourself, we're guest here after all."

"Yes! We're guest! He shouldn't scare me like that!"

Simon clenched his fist. "Maria!"

"Fine, fine," she grumbled, curling into a ball on the chair, "I'll shut up. But I'm right!"

Oreon snickered to himself, before offering Maria his hand. "I suppose I'll be the adult and apologize. It was wrong of me to startle a lady so. Shall we go out for some fresh air, I believe it'd be best you weren't a distraction to your brother."

Reluctantly, Maria agreed and with Simon's encouragement, took the boys hand. Like he had as a young boy, he kept his grip tight, as if he were afraid to let her go. There was nothing painful about it, and where the circumstances different, she might have found great comfort in not having him let go, but instead, each second was more emotionally painful and difficult to endure than the last.

 She followed him out the door, and once that latch clicked shut, he whispered those six little words that made the blood drain from her body, her head spin and her hands shake like he earthquakes that rattled the Cavendalg ports.

"Did you miss me my princess?"
♠ ♠ ♠
Finally! Another chapter!

So I've been starting to rewrite this story for about the third time, because its my favourite and I want it to be perfect, so if you get a few updates and notice less chapters, it's probably because it's been merged or changed. I should have the whole thing reworked in the next few weeks, and possibly uploaded to mibba shortly after that:) feel free to comment, it'll make me more motivated for chapter ten, and enjoy the rest of your day/night :)