Status: Active <3

Something to Remember

Paper Walls

I frowned as I pressed my stomach against the white railing of the staircase. My upper body slouched over the open air. The wood beams and my legs were holding me up in my point of misery. I could see them standing at the bottom of the stairs.

She was chatting excitedly, gripping a camera tightly. He had his arms crossed and his chest puffed up. Both of them were taking this the stereotypical way. Trying to force me into the traditions as well, this explained everything. This is why I was standing at the top of the stairs ready to die.

The black and white floor length dress rubbed against my legs. A cut up the side of the bottom feathered out to show the many layers of changing fabric. The top was a simple side strap that wrapped over one shoulder and met in the back. Red strappy heels could barely be seen under the massive amounts of material I was wearing.

My light colored hair was pinned up and neatly curled. Flowers were placed in each bushel of curls. Silver eye shadow paired with black eyeliner coming to a point painted my face. I had the picture perfect look right now. Ruby red lips to go with the rosy cheeks and long lashes.

It didn’t matter how perfect I was. It didn’t matter how perfect this moment was supposed to be. I knew something was wrong. Something went wrong ten minutes ago when the guy I’d accepted as a date didn’t knock on my door. The guy that I had said yes to when there were plenty of other guys asking to take me.

My mood was quickly dropping. I felt as if I could wilt the flowers in my hair simply with my mood. It was ridiculous to expect anything else. I had been hopeful and excited. I was happy; I couldn’t wait to see him in his tux. Of course, he was letting me down. I should have expected it. Things just don’t work out as planned…ever.

A knock rapped against the door.

My head picked up in curiosity and a spark of excited joy. The older woman squealed in delight and floated to the door. Her hands hovered over the door knob and shot me a brilliant grin. She might have been more excited about this than I had ever been.

The wide white and frosted glass door opened gracefully. In a scene of poise and elegance a perfectly contrasting male stood with his hands behind his back formally. A radiant smile pulled at his perfect lips. Black hair was styled neatly and swooping to the side. The black tux stood out on the white shirt. His was a sight to behold.

The other male let the air in his chest depress and a cheeky smile broke on his gruff face. His bulky steps moved and he patted the younger boy on the back graciously. Everyone downstairs was smiling and in a blissful state of being.

I was in shock. I was stunned beyond words. I was confused about what was happening. I was a little upset that this wasn’t the boy I was expecting. I was delighted that this wasn’t the boy I was expecting.

So many mixed emotions ran through me that I didn’t have the mind to change the frown on my features. The well-groomed boy lost his giddy grin once his chocolate eyes found me. I was sure he was upset that I didn’t seem glad to see him.

The two parents fell back and stood next to each other. He took one step forward and tilted his head up to watch me watching him. In a less than elegant, but still undeniably charming and dashing fashion, he ran up the stairs in his suit.

“There’s just something about a well-dressed man,” I muttered tapping my chin and shaking my head gently.

His warm eyes lit up as did the smile he wore again. A knee placed to the ground and he took my hand gently. “Would you do me the honor of accompanying me to prom?”

“You’re a little late,” I responded not being able to hold back the grin. My cheeks flushed a deeper shade of red as he rose to his feet again.

“But better late than never?” He asked taking my other hand in his as well. Those puppy dog eyes were incontestable, nothing could be held against them.

I squeezed his hands just a bit before nodding lightly. “As always, nothing could please me more.”

A moment of pure harmony and understanding passed through us both in that time. Both looking into each other’s eyes; it was a perfect moment.

“I’m pleased to please you.”

Grey eyes opened and revealed themselves to the bright lights of the day.

The boy was always the same in my dreams. He was the elegant and charming dark haired boy. I’d never seen a person that could compare to the one in my dreams. I suppose that was why he was literally the boy of my dreams. I didn’t know if he always had the voice belonging to my ‘business partner’ Mr. Urie, or if that was a recent thing.

If he was nothing more than the perfect boy built in my mind, then giving him that voice was understandable. It just fit. He had a voice that I felt an odd amount of comfort in. It was just as dignified and controlled as the boy.

Shoving the thoughts from my head, I sat up from my bent over position. I ran a hand through my hair and listened to my joints crack. My computer groaned at having run all night with all of my programs up. Falling asleep at the computer desk was going to plague me for the rest of the day.

I saved all my projects and shut down the poor electronic. I found my phone sitting next to the screen. I pressed a button to check the time. The numbers lit up on the screen and flicked to the next one.

Perfect timing. I groaned and pushed to my feet. It was time to get ready for the day. I actually had to go into work today.

My feet dragged me around to grab clothing for the day and then off to the shower off of my room. I didn’t let the water run long. Just long enough to clean myself and be done. I went through the monotonous routine of drying and straightening my long blond hair. After throwing on a touch of make up and my wide necked, thin black sweatshirt and a pair of light denim shorts, I was pretty much ready.

I walked into my grey flip flops as I entered the kitchen. I grabbed the large black bag and threw it over my shoulder as I walked around the room unhappily. With an apple in my hand I was off to the building that held all of my coworkers.

The office was too bright. The entire building the held the business was too bright. The colors irritated my eyes and made things confusing. Murals lined a number of the walls and objects. I’d done quite a few of them myself.

I was very close to being top artist. For the time being, I was mainly a photographer that did photo shoots and occasionally concerts. Sometimes I worked on graphic designs, like logos and layouts. On the side I was for hire to do murals.

As of recently, a band was referred to me by a smaller little company I was sure they knew personally. The band liked some of my art and didn’t hesitate to call. I could now add fashion design to my list. I was obviously working on shirts, posters, and such things for the band’s upcoming tour.

I only shook my head as I thought about that. That project was taking much too long to complete.

My ringtone filled what space was left in the noisy building. I pulled out the shiny object and pressed it to my ear as I continued through the hallways. “Hello?”

“Good morning Annalisa,”

I wish I could have hid the smile that his voice just brought to my face. It reminded me of the cute dream I had. A highly idealistic and unrealistic dream; it was far too cliché for my taste.
“Afternoon Mr. Urie,” I replied as I entered the room where I did most of my work.

“Brendon,” He corrected with a faint chuckle. “Are you busy?” He questioned after a brief pause in his speech.

A cynical laugh passed my pink lips as I set my large bag on the table gently. “I work for you; I think I can make time.” I shook my head though he couldn’t see it.

He mumbled something that I assumed was to himself. He always spoke very clearly, it was impossible to not know what he was saying. Unless he was speaking in the madness he was prone to. The male made up words and used them occasionally.

“I don’t want you to think of it that way. If you’re busy then it can wait. I don’t want to impose.” He stated in a clear resonance.

I shook my head again as I fiddled with papers on my desk. “You’re employing me: it is my job to speak with you and understand what you want.” I sighed at his difficulty. He couldn’t just be a normal person and realize he was my boss right now.

A male in tight black pants and a plaid shirt walked into the room. He froze when he saw the phone pressed to my ear. He raised his plucked eyebrow with a smirk on his thin lips. Skinny fingers pointed to my phone, “Is that him?” He mouthed smirking again.

I nodded and rolled my eyes. He mouthed something dirty and fanned himself. After a little laugh he moved to sit on the edge of the table in the room next to me.

Brendon rambled on about not wanting to be a burden. He tried to get me to comprehend the significance of his point. Failing miserably he wanted me to not think of this as just something I have to do.

“M—Brendon,” I corrected myself quickly, not that I actually wanted to. I wanted to keep this as formal and on task as possible. I was finding it increasingly difficult to keep the male on the other end in line. “Just tell me what you think about the designs.”
♠ ♠ ♠
You. have. no. fucking. idea. how hard this is for me to write.
It's not that I'm not interested, it's that I don't have a clear vision of how Brendon acts.
I want to remain fairly true to people that appear in my stories.
With All Time Low, it's beyond easy. I've been a devoted All Time Hoe since 2006. Watched plenty of videos and been to many concerts. I know how they act.
Panic! ...not so much. Liked their music for a long time, didn't really get into it until a month or two ago.
I can honestly say I spend more time looking up dates, videos and information on them than I do writing.
I like to have my facts straight and timeline connected.
It makes things more believable.
Thanks so much to those of you that have left such nice comments already!
I get the craziest comments, it's fabulous.
Someone drunkenly commented on my Alex story last week.
Love you to bits!
-Andi :]]