Status: Active <3

Something to Remember

Wake Up

My mind flashed back to the trip to the therapist the other day. He suggested the sudden panic attack I had was my mind trying to tell me something. Perhaps something I wasn’t aware of was trying to push itself forward; be known.

Psychology was a bunch of bullshit.

“So Annalisa, I think you should wear this red halter, with the dark denim skirt and black tights…and those red hooker heels I didn’t know you owned.” Jimmy grinned as he put the outfit on the mannequin I had for art purposes.

I turned my dull eyes towards him in a rather bored manner as he pulled me from my thoughts. A sigh escaped the pale lips covering my pearly white teeth. “I’d rather wear the baby doll black dress and white boots.” I responded honestly not caring all that much.

“I’m taking you out drinking!” He stomped his feet like a child and pouted. “You have to dress like a slut! You need to get some sweet nookie more than anyone I’ve ever met!” The styled brunette flipped his hair as flamboyantly and indignantly as possible.

My feet tapped against the ground to their own beat. “I’m underage,” was my only commentary on the matter. I, of course, ignored the fact that James had used the most awkward word for sexual intercourse out there.

“You’re nineteen for crying out loud! Everyone has been drinking since they were at least sixteen!” He protested still flailing his arms about like it would somehow help his argument.
Jimmy had turned twenty-one two months ago. He said it was the best thing that has happened. Mostly because the insane gay bars don’t kick him out anymore. Not that he ever picks up partners there, he just likes to people watch there. That and he has a freakish curiosity of lesbians and constantly befriends them specifically. Aside from myself, none of his girl friends were straight.

“Perhaps I was, but that doesn’t change the fact that I don’t want to tonight.” I unconcernedly picked at the chipped nail polish on my hands. I would much rather remain aloof and not go gallivanting about town.

“Fine.” Jimmy ruffled his hair as he flopped down onto my bed. “Here is my compromise: I’m going to go get us a nice bottle of Vodka. You will throw a couple bags of kettle corn in the microwave and break out the sparkling cider and nice glasses. Got it?”

I groaned, but sat up and began to move towards the kitchen in my little house. The bright eyed boy grinned and patted me on the head like a puppy. He waved a goodbye and went to hop into his car.

What exactly he was trying to accomplish by getting me drunk was beyond me. I didn’t drink for fun usually. If I did drink it was before I went to sleep. When your mind was blocked by poison it was much harder to have nightmares. I risked the nightmares to see the elegant boy in my black and white dreams. If I stopped the terrors that plagued me, I also stopped the euphoric and what I imagined to be nostalgic peace.

I was pouring the still steaming sweet popcorn into glass bowls when I saw Jimmy’s headlights pull up the driveway. The market was only a couple minutes away from my blank basic house. The cold bottle of apple cider sat on the dark countertop. My short frame couldn’t reach the wine glasses Jimmy had bought me.

The darker haired boy let out a giggle as he entered the house and walked into the kitchen. “I told you, you’d need these.” He stated as he pressed against me to reach over my body and grab two glasses. “They are a necessity for fancy parties.”

“The definition of a ‘party’ requires more than two people.” I corrected and pushed him away so our bodies weren’t in contact any longer.

“Not fancy parties,” he responded and flicked my nose carefully not hitting the ring through one nostril. “Only the best are invited to fancy parties, thus we need no more than you and I.” He winked and moved to open the high class alcohol he’d bought.

It went without saying that our boss was a little generous. He especially liked Jimmy and I. The both of us were capable of doing a variety of things for the magazine. Jimmy had a side business; he was a fashion consultant and occasionally a designer. I obviously lent myself out to bands to do assorted things for them. I’d drawn out art for guitars, done album art, created logos, and as of recently: designed an entire line of merchandise.

The both of us were doing pretty well for people our age. Money wasn’t really an issue.
“Go turn on some movie Annalisa.” James told me casually as he mixed the drinks on the island.

I moved to the small system out in the living room. Not really caring what we watched I flipped on the TV and left it as I looked through the DVDs. Jimmy came out holding the drinks and passed one to me. I took it and sipped the sweet drink as he knelt to look at the selection.

“Chick flick! Chick flick!” He cheered setting his drink down and searching for a chick flick. After a few moments he dug a box out and smiled. “We will be watching Mean Girls.”

“You’re so gay.” I muttered and rolled my eyes. I sat gently down onto the couch to watch the ridiculous movie he picked out.

Jimmy giggled like a little girl and flung himself onto the couch before reaching for his drink. “You wouldn’t have it any other way.”

We both quieted down and watched the dramatic and completely bogus adventures of high school. I at least assumed they were bogus.

A piano woke me from my slumber on the grey couch. The guitar strumming after that made things even worse. I groaned not ready to wake up yet. I didn’t get much sleep last night, what with Jimmy occasionally kicking me in his sleep. That and the small amount of alcohol I drank stopped me from dreaming completely.

“Jimmy go get the phone!” I commanded and pulled the warm blanket further over my plain blond hair.

The skinny boy fell off the couch. His hurried footsteps tapped on the boring floor as he moved.

I only realized whose ringtone that was the split second before it stopped.

“Hello?” Jimmy answered the call in a groggy tone. It was a dead giveaway he had just woken up. “Umm Jimmy?” He replied to no one that I could hear.

I could imagine the male on the other end being very clearly confused. No one had ever answered my phone for me before. I was walking in to the kitchen to hastily retrieve the phone from James. I held my hand out for the device, but he only smiled and moved away from me.

“Oh! Brendon, it’s great to finally talk to you. You know, you really should see these designs in person.” James exclaimed waking up entirely. He smirked and continued to dodge my attempts at getting the phone.

Brendon’s excitable voice was barely audible. I could hear the change in his tone though. I could tell he’d just graciously accepted my “best friend’s” offer.

“Really? You’ll be in town tomorrow? That’s great!” He paused and nodded like he could be seen. “You’re a Vegas native correct?” Jimmy pressed his hand against my forehead to halt my reach. “Fantastic, Anna and I will meet you there tomorrow at ten.”

The brunette boy winked and tossed the phone in my direction. I pressed it up to my ear quickly. “Annalisa?”

“Yes?” I asked cautiously. I was a little shocked he was still on the line. I wiped that emotion from my tone and composed myself completely again.

“I can’t wait to meet you tomorrow.” I could hear the smile in Brendon’s voice. I cringed at that fact.

I ran a hand through my hair and sighed. “Right…tomorrow then.” That was enough of a goodbye for me and I hung up the phone.
♠ ♠ ♠
So my friend knocked my head against the door while we were goofing around.
I wasn't allowed to sleep, so I didn't go to school.
I got a couple hours of sleep now.
It's still a good thing this chapter was pre-written.
We're getting to the good part!
Tell me what you think!
Peace out darlings!
-Andi :]]
PS: I have the next chapter typed up as well...I wonder what it would take to get that posted today...hmm ;]]