

@Eastyn_loveee: Out to meet wonderful @JonnyToews and the team 4 lunch!

@Kaner88: You nvr tag anyone else in ur tweets but @JonnyToews

@Sharp_10: RT@Kaner88: You nvr tag anyone else in ur tweets but @JonnyToews

@Eastyn_loveee: Sorry! And the MAGNIFICENT @Kaner88 and @Sharp-_10 as well!

@JonnyToews: U guys are stealing my thunder @Kaner88 @Sharp_10

@Dman_Keith: @Soupy51 @Bseabs @Browzers and I always get forgotten.

@Eastyn_loveee: I LOVE YOU ALL OKAY?! RT@Dman_Keith: @Soupy51 @Bseabs @Browzers and I always get forgotten.

“Ee, over here!” Patrick Kane waved to the tall red head.

“Hey boys!” She waved happily.

“We were hungry so we ordered already.” Brent Seabrook confessed with a shameful look on his face.

“Such gentlemen…” Eastyn said sarcastically as she sat down between Shapry and Jonathan.

Jonathan leaned over and whispered in her ear, “I ordered for you. Half roast beef sandwich no tomatoes and a cup of chili.”

“Jonathan! You’re wonderful!” She placed a kiss on his cheek.

@Kaner88: “Jonathan ur wonderful!” @Eastyn_loveee #barf

@Eastyn_loveee: somebody’s #jealous @Kaner88
♠ ♠ ♠
Just a little chapter to give you all a taste of what this story will be like.

Please give a little feedback! How is this format? Okay?

Peace. Love. Hockey.