

After the game, Eastyn went to the ice for a few post-game interviews. She talked to Sharpy and Crawford before packing up and heading home.

You feel like celebrating the win tonight?

No thanks, I’m feeling a night in.

Are you sure? Is everything okay?

Yeah everything is fine. I just don’t feel up to par :)

Okay well maybe I should stay in with you.

No, Jonathan, you go have fun.

Okay well maybe we can do breakfast in the morning?

Yeah, sounds great.


@Kaner88: Tonight sucks.

@Sharp_10: Chin up trooper. @Kaner88

@Kaner88: Trying. @Sharp_10

@Sharp_10: Maybe go hang with @Eastyn_loveee That always cheers us up.

@Kaner88: Maybe I will. @Sharp_10


Eastyn scrambled to her feet as she heard a knock at her door. Her heartbeat began to pick up when she realized who was knocking.

“Hi Pat…” She said cautiously.

“Hey, can we finish our talk?” He asked, stepping into the apartment.

“I guess…” She said as if she had no other choice.

“So…like I was saying at the game…”

Oh god, here it comes. Thought Eastyn.

“I think I…I think I want to change.” Kaner said in a huff.

Eastyn let out the breath she was holding in. “Oh my god really?”

“Yeah…you okay?” Kaner raised an eyebrow as he watched Eastyn lean on the wall fanning herself with her hand.

“Yeah, I’m totally fine now. I thought you were going to say something totally different!” She laughed.

“Like what?”

“I thought you were going to say you liked me!”

“OH!” He gasped. “No. Eastyn, like I said, you are the perfect dream girl but Tazer’s got dibs. He’s my best friend, I couldn’t do that to him. I may be a partier but I am not a home wrecker.”

“Thank the lord! Well Pat, that’s a really good first step.”

“Really? Okay, good.” Kaner smiled proudly.

“There’s not much you can do now though. Just party a little less. No more one night stands. Treat girls with respect. Okay?”

“Sure sounds like a lot.” He rolled his eyes.

“It’ll be worth it when you find someone you might really like.”

“I guess so.” Kaner sighed. “Do you think I’ll ever find someone?”

“Of course, why wouldn’t you?”

“I don’t know. I just feel like girls just want to get with me because…well I’m Patrick fucking Kane.” He motioned to himself, making Eastyn laugh. “It was fine when I just needed a one night stand, but if I’m not allowed to do that anymore, how do I know if a girl really likes me?”

“You’ll just know Patrick. I have faith that you’ll find the perfect girl someday.”

“Thanks, E.” Kaner pulled Eastyn into a hug. “Don’t know what I’d do without you.”

“Love you too, Pat.” She laughed.


@Kaner88: Thank god for @Eastyn_loveee I’d be a wreck without her!

@Eastyn_loveee: Aww! I love helping @Kaner88

@JonnyToews: Who’s getting all sappy now?! @Kaner88

@Kaner88: Just jealous cause I’m talking about your girl :P @JonnyToews

@JonnyToews: Shut the fuck up @Kaner88

@Eastyn_loveee: Play nice boys, put the claws away! @JonnyToews @Kaner88

@JonnyToews: Hush! Hey is it alright if I just crash at your place tonight? @Eastyn_loveee

@Eastyn_loveee: I suppose…. :)

@JonnyToews: Be there in a few :) @Eastyn_loveee
♠ ♠ ♠
Not what you would expect right? Do you think Kaner can change?

Love you all!

Peace. Love. Hockey.