

Jonathan made his way up to Eastyn’s apartment with a bouquet of flowers. He knocked three times and leaned against the doorframe. When she opened the door he quick pecked her on the lips and pushed the bouquet of flowers to her. Little did he know, it sent an eruption of butterflies in her stomach.

“All for me?” She said looking him and not the flowers.

“Oh you want this?” He pointed to his body. “Sorry, it’s reserved.” He said with a wink.

“You’re so full of shit.” She laughed. “So I need your help with something. You can’t say anything to Kaner though.”

“Should I be scared?” Jonathan took a seat on her couch. She followed him and took a seat right next to him.

“No, you should be proud. He wants to change.”

“Change what?” He asked squinting his eyes.

“His ways! His personality! He doesn’t want to be the party boy anymore!”

“No way…”


@JonyToews: My my my…what kind of situation do we have here!

@Eastyn_loveee: Why does everyone take things to twitter now?!

@JonyToews: Pssshh!!! Like who?! How rude! @Eastyn_loveee

Sharp_10: What situation? What am I missing?! @JonyToews

@JonyToews: Nothing…nothing Sharp_10


“Jonathan!” Eastyn snatched his phone from his hands.

“What?!” He smiled innocently.

“You can’t say ANYTHING to Patrick!”

“Why not?!”

“He’s already self conscious about it! You don’t need to make him feel more awkward about it! This is a big step for him!”

“Fine, I guess this is a really big thing for him.” Jonathan agreed. He wrapped his arms around Eastyn and pulled her into his chest. “He’s just jealous of us.”

“Probably.” She laughed, thinking of her talk with Kaner.

The following day, Eastyn met up with Patrick for lunch. He wanted to talk to her about the do’s and don’ts. “Pat!” She waved him over.

“Hey Ee.” He greeted her with a hug.

“I ordered you a coffee.”

“Thanks!” He took off his sunglasses. “I need to talk to you about someone.”

“Okay, go!”

“Well she’s beautiful first of all. She loves hockey and not in a ‘Oh my gosh. I love hockey, the players are so hot!’ type of way. More of a ‘Yeah I know that the Blackhawks almost beat the Canucks in the playoffs after Tazer scored the Game 7 tying goal to send the game into OT’ type of way. She’s got the most beautiful strawberry blonde hair.” Kaner stirred sugar into his coffee as he spoke. He never once made eye contact with Eastyn, causing her breath to catch.

“Patrick…” She said cautiously.

Holy shit is this really happening?! I have red hair. Strawberry blonde is red right? Sure it is. I love hockey. I could have told you that! Fucking Christ, Kaner is trying to tell me he likes me. But the other day he said he didn’t. What if that was a cover up?! What if he was just freaking out and said that?! Oh my god I need a drink. She thought in her head.

“I met her last night at a club. I decided that since I was going to be laying off the partying for awhile, I would spend one last night out…and then I met her.”

“PATRICK!” Eastyn grabbed a breadstick from the basket sitting in between them and hurled it at him. He ducked quickly and it hit the business man sitting at the next table over. “Oh my god I am so sorry.” He glared at her then looked away.

“What the hell was that for?!” Kaner hissed.

“You need to change up her description! That sounds a lot like me you prick!”

“Okay, Eastyn! I don’t like you like that! Her name is Gemma!”

“Well maybe mention her name first!” Eastyn sat back in her chair, recovering from her heart-attack.


@Eastyn_loveee: Fuck you @Kaner88

@JonnyToews: What’s going on?! @Eastyn_loveee

@Eastyn_loveee: Kaner just gave me a heart attack. NBD @JonnyToews

@Kaner88: Hahahaha! @Eastyn_loveee can’t throw worth crap!

@Eastyn_loveee: Imma fucking kill you. @Kaner88
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry I have not been updating! I am in California with my best friends so I have not had much time to write. I love these next few chapters!!!! Can't wait to post!

Peace. Love. Hockey.