

One Month Later

@GemmaaStarr: Out to lunch with my Blackhawks babe :) @Eastyn_loveee

@Kaner88: Patrick Kane=the one and only Blackhawks babe @GemmaaStarr

@Eastyn_loveee: #jealous @Kaner88


“Okay, first hockey player crush. Go!” Gemma pointed her fork at Eastyn.

“Uhm, Zach Parise! Loved him since juniors. You?”

“Good choice, girl.” Gemma stabbed at her salad as she searched her brain for an answer. “OH! Henrik Lundqvist.” She nodded slowly with a smirk on her face.

“Oh damn! That’s a good one.” Eastyn fanned herself. “Okay…why in Chicago if you’re a Boston girl?”

“My mother moved here when my father retired and she recently got really sick so I am helping my father out.” She explained.

“Oh, I am sorry.”

“No, she should be fine.” She smiled. “How did you get into hockey?”

“I had an older brother that played. Weekend tournaments really got me into the sport.” Eastyn recalled her childhood, playing with all the kids her age in the various hotels they stayed at. “How about you?”

“My dad was really into it and we used to watch games together.”

“Cute! Okay…favorite player, non Bruin.”

“Oh! Toughy…non Bruin and not Patrick…”

“Yes, not Pat.” Eastyn laughed.

“I will have to say Patrick Marleau of the Sharks. I love his intensity.” She took a bit of her salad and sipped her iced coffee.

“Yes! I so agree. Okay, your…” Eastyn was about to speak until a pair of hands covered her eyes.

“Devinez qui?” (Guess who)

“Mon petit agneau?” Eastyn answered in one of the few French phrases she knew.

“You’ve been talking to my mother.” Jonathan accused.

“She called and you weren’t there! So we chatted a little. Plus I think it’s cute!!” Eastyn touched his forearm.

“What does it mean?” Gemma asked.

“My little lamb.” Jonathan answered in a huff.

“That is cute!” Gemma laughed. “Where’s Pat?”

“He was right behind me…” Jonathan turned around. “Oh there he is.” Jonathan pointed down the street. Patrick spotted the group and waved. He was about to cross the street to meet them but a tall brunette grabbed his arm. She was wearing a office like outfit. A tight pencil skirt, matching blazer, stiletto heels (not like she needed the height), and her long brown hair was pulled into a neat ponytail. The three watched as the scene across the street unfolded.

The brunette spoke first, speaking with her hands. Patrick nodded every so often and smiled before his lips started moving quickly. She smiled and gave him two thumbs up. Patrick smiled back and leaned into her for a hug.

“Do you guys know her?” Gemma asked sounding insecure.

“No…” Both of them shook their heads. It had been a whole month and Patrick had made no effort to make things official between him and Gemma and she was beginning to feel a little bit used.

“Hey guys!” Patrick jogged to the waiting party. He bent down and kissed Gemma quickly on the lips.

“Pat, who was that?” Eastyn asked the question everyone wanted to know the answer to.

“Oh her?” He pointed behind him. “Nothing, no one. Oh coffee!” He changed the subject suddenly, reaching for Gemma’s coffee.

“Go for it.” She handed him the cup while shooting Eastyn a weary look.


@GemmaaStarr: Hmmm :/

@Eastyn_loveee: Don’t stress about it hun, talk it out @GemmaaStarr

@GemmaaStarr: You think this whole thing is actually worth it? @Eastyn_loveee

@JonnyToews: Sorry to intrude, but yeah Gemma I think it is. @GemmaaStarr

@Kaner88: What? What don’t I know? @GemmaaStarr @JonnyToews @Eastyn_loveee

@JonnyToews: So how about this weather everyone?!

@Eastyn_loveee: Y’all cat or dog people?

@GemmaStarr: Bruins game is on!

@Kaner88: Love being ignored #joke
♠ ♠ ♠
You get to see a bit more of Eastyn and Gemma's personality in this chapter. Just a quick update since I have held out for so long. Remember to answer my note from last chapter!!!!

Peace. Love. Hockey.