

“Hey Kaner?” Eastyn set her purse down. They had just returned back to her condo after dropping Gemma off.

“What up Ee?” He sat down on the couch making himself at home.

“Who was that you were talking to today?”

“Yeah.” Jonathan listened intently from the kitchen bar.

“Like I said, no one.” He didn’t even bother to look at either of them as he answered.

“You aren’t dating anyone else are you?” The redhead asked cautiously.

“What?!” Patrick nearly screamed. “No! Of course not! I really like Gemma!”

“Oh thank the LORD!” Eastyn threw her hands up. “Why was that encounter so sketchy then?”

“Promise to keep a secret?” Kaner turned off the T.V. and leaned towards Eastyn and Jonathan.

“You know me, man.” Jonathan nodded.

“Yeah, I know you it’s miss Twitter whore that I am worried about.” Kaner cocked his head towards Eastyn as he made his joke, Jonathan failed to stifle a laugh.

She placed a hand over her mouth and gasped, “Excuse me if I like to keep the fans updated!”

“Try not to update them on this!” Kaner laughed.

“Fine, what is it?”

“This past month with Gemma has been the best of my life. Jonathan, I am kinda pissed you never told me dating would be this amazing. You always have someone there you know? If I need anyone to talk to I always have her. She’s so much like me and believe it or not, she’s making me a better person.” Patrick rambled on and on about his new found love.

“Kaner! Get to it!” Eastyn snapped her fingers.

“Oh, right, well…I know she’s getting a little weary of where we stand right now so…this weekend I want to take her to Buffalo to meet my family. The girl I spoke to today is the travel agent. I forgot to fill out some information so I told her I’d come back tomorrow.”

“OH. MY. GOD!” Eastyn gasped again. “Patrick that’s so incredibly cute! How long are you staying? When are you leaving? When will you tell her! Oh my god!”

“Jesus Christ, you’re such a woman.” Jonathan laughed earning a smack from Eastyn.

“It’s cute Jonathan! I can’t believe I’m saying this but take some notes from Kaner!”


@JonnyToews: Oh no… @Eastyn_loveee just told me to take notes from @Kaner88 and it was NOT on how to pick up chicks.

@Soupy51: Woah! I get traded and THIS happens?! WTF @JonnyToews

@Eastyn_loveee: LOL!!!!!! @Soupy51

@Kaner88: What can I say fans, Kaner is a closet romantic ;)

@Eastyn_loveee: Don’t talk in third person. @Kaner88

@JonnyToews: Dude, major changes in the windy city @Soupy51

@Eastyn_loveee: Brian, come back :( @Soupy51

@Soupy51: I have a new home in Minnesota now darling, come interview me at the next game! @Eastyn_loveee

@JonnyToews: Since when do you say darling!? So many changes… @Soupy51


“Hey Gemma, you want to hang out at the pier tomorrow?” Eastyn said into her phone.

“Yeah, sounds like a good time. I have some work to do in the morning but I should be free after noon?”

Eastyn looked to Patrick for an answer before getting back to the phone call. He nodded his head in approval. “Just call me when you’re done.”

“Great, see you tomorrow!” Eastyn said cheerfully.

“Awesome, thanks so much Eastyn!” Patrick gave his friend a loose one armed hug.

“Just know I want full details tomorrow!”

“Like I ever hold out on you.” Patrick winked making Jonathan growl at his dirty joke.
♠ ♠ ♠
This story is coming to an end. I just have a few questions for you all.

1. What was your favorite thing about this story?
2. Do you have any complaints?
3. Would you be interested in a more serious Vancouver twitter story?

Peace. Love. Hockey.