

“Hey so I’m on my way right now. Just passed the Michigan Ave. exit, be there in a few!” Gemma said cheerfully.

“Okay, I will see you soon darling!” Eastyn returned the cheerful tone. Once the girls hung up Eastyn called Kaner to set the plan into action. “Hey, she just passed the Michigan Avenue exit. She will be there shortly!”

“Okay, perfect. When she calls to meet you, tell her to go the Hagen Daaz ice cream store.” She could hear clanging of plates in the background as Kaner spoke.

“You okay?” Eastyn stifled a laugh.

“Yeah, just tell her to meet you across the way from the ice cream place.”

“Across the way? Like wait for you there?” Eastyn ruffled her eyebrows.

“No tell her to go across the way.”

“But that’s water?”

“No, there’s a yacht there today.” Patrick had a smile on his face.

“Patrick Kane! No you didn’t!!!” Eastyn slapped Jonathan’s arm who was right next to her. He flinched and looked at her confused.

“Yeah I did. Now just give her those instructions. I have to plate the cake. Thanks for helping me out, Ee. You’re the best.”

“No problem Patty Cakes. Tell me what she says!”

“Will do, see you.” Patrick hung up the phone and focused on the desserts in front of him. He heard a gasp as he set the last piece of mint of the plate. He quick covered the two plates and set them nicely into the fridge. Patrick walked by a mirror and straightened out his button up shirt. With a nervous sigh he started walking to the entrance of the yacht.

“Patrick fucking Kane.” She hissed.

“Save that for the screaming in bed tonight.” He joked nervously. She glared at him which made him retract immediately. “Sorry. Immature joke.”

“Whatever, I’m still getting over the fact that you got a yacht for tonight.”

“Well let’s put this thing to good use shall we?” Patrick nodded to Fred, the captain of the boat, to start their journey.

“What’s the occasion stud?” He could tell by the nickname she used that she was a little more comfortable.

“Well get to that later.” Patrick smiled as he pulled Gemma into his body and kissed her.


@JonnyToews: If any guys r having a movie date w/ ur girl, I suggest U pick out the movies otherwise ur stuck with The Notebook, The Last Song, and Dear John

@Eastyn_loveee: IT’S A THEMED MOVIE NIGHT! @JonnyToews

@Bseabs: What’s the theme? Male torture? @Eastyn_loveee

@JonnyToews: Amen @Bseabs

@Eastyn_loveee: No! It’s a Nicholas Sparks themed movie night! #guysdontunderstand #totalclassics @Bseabs @JonnyToews


@Eastyn_loveee: Fine, assholes @Bseabs @JonnyToews

@JonnyToews: Another note to you guys, don’t piss off ur girl, you’ll end up locked out on the balcony… #notcool

@Bseabs: Ouch, sorry buddy. @JonnyToews

@Eastyn_loveee: How’s that balcony? I know this couch is great. And this movie is pretty great too :) @JonnyToews


After letting Jonathan back into his condo, Eastyn quick checked her phone in case Patrick or Gemma had texted her. Nothing.

“They’re probably getting busy on that yacht he rented. Let them be, they’ll text you when they need to.” Jonathan pulled his girlfriend into his side. She quickly adjusted herself to fit into him.

“Mmm…” Eastyn sighed. An hour into The Notebook, she heard labored breathing coming from Jonathan. She looked up to see him teary eyed. “Jonathan!” She reached up and swiped her thumb under his left eye.

“Tell anyone about this and I will…”

“You will what?” Eastyn raised an eyebrow.

“Just don’t tell anyone.” Jonathan shook his head.

“No promises.” She winked playfully. Eastyn’s head made its way to Jonathan’s lap as the movie progressed. With one of his hands, Jonathan brushed through Eastyn’s fiery locks. With his other hand, he held on to hers and rubbed circles with his thumbs. “Jonathan?”

“What babe?”

“Would you still…” Eastyn stopped mid-sentence and shook her head. “Nevermind.”

“What?” Jonathan looked down to her.

“It’s nothing.”

“Okay. Well just for future reference, if you ever lose you’re memory just know that I will still love you no matter what.” Eastyn sat up at and stared at Jonathan. He literally just read her mind. “I love you.” He repeated.

“I love you back Jonathan.” She grabbed Jonathan’s face with both hands and crushed her lips to his causing him to fall back on the couch.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for the wait ladies and gentleman (if there are any!)

How did you guys like the little set up!? Was that not adorable?! Ahhhhh! Anyway I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! I know I did.

Peace. Love. Hockey.