

The next day was fairly routine for Eastyn. She went for her morning run then back home to shower, get breakfast and her morning coffee, and start on her weekly article. The sports reporter just sat on her couch and typed away. Suddenly her work IM chat popped up.

So do you have a date for tonight missy? ;)

Nikolai was her co-worker. He worked the football angle of the news company. He was her favorite coworker.

Kind of…

Kind of?

Kaner is coming here to get ready and so is Jon.

The hockey boys?!

Yeah, it’s the BLACKHAWKS and friends event, Nik. They are the Blackhawks. LOL

Okay, hunny, I am GAY not STUPID. I am just shocked at you.

Why is that so shocking? Does it look like I can’t get guys?

Not at all, but two girls? Please share. I want the shorter blonde one.

Sorry Nik, I don’t think Pat’s gay :/

This always happens…anyway just wanted to say hi before the event. See you in 3 hours!


@NikolaiJarek: Going to get ready for the #BlackhawksandFriends event! Who is attending tonight?

@Eastyn_loveee: Stuper stoked!!! Going to do hair and make-up before @Kaner88 and @JonnyToews get here.

@JonnyToews: Excited to be meeting all the fans tonight :) That’s right, Captain Serious just used a smiley face.

@Eastyn_loveee: RT@JonnyToews: Excited to be meeting all the fans tonight :) That’s right, Captain Serious just used a smiley face.

@Kaner88: Off to get ready! I love you guys, meet you all soon #bestfansintheleague

@Sharp_10: Bringing Wifey tonight, debuting her cute baby bump! @Eastyn_loveee she’s seriously considering Emersyn

@Eastyn_loveee: YES! MY LIFE IS COMPLETE! @Sharp_10


She glanced at the clock and shut off her computer. It was time to get ready. Eastyn always did her own hair and make-up for these occasions. Her best friend in college loved doing hair so she gave Eastyn a few pointers. Her make-up was a simple neutral look as was her hair,it was simple as well. Kaner got to the apartment first. He dragged in a garment bag with one hand and was texting with his free hand.

“Hey superstar, go change.” Eastyn instructed.

“Well hello to you, Eastyn!” He laughed. He looked up from his phone to see her all dressed up. “Wow, you look amazing.”

“You really think so? The dress isn’t too much?”

“No, it’s perfect.” Patrick said giving her arm a little touch. He then walked into the designated room and changed. Jonathan walked in while Kaner was changing. He already had his shirt, pants, and suspenders on. In his garment bag was his vest and jacket.

“That’s so cute! You should just wear that!” Eastyn gushed.

“No…” Jonathan’s face flushed. He would never get used to compliments from her. “You look great, Eastyn.”

“Thank you!” She twirled around for him. “Kaner is changing right now. I’ll help him get ready and then we can go, okay?”



@JonnyToews: Tonight will be perfect.

@Kaner88: The fuck are the point of cufflinks. Aren’t the buttons enough?

@Kaner88: Also, idc if it’s dark in there. I’m bringing my shades.

@Eastyn_loveee: My boys look so perfect! Let’s get the parrtyyy STARTEDD :D
♠ ♠ ♠
I would love to go to something like this!
Next chapter will be funny as hell :)

Two words. Drunk tweets.

Peace. Love. Hockey.